Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of '聞き出す'

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: audio    nb of strokes: 14
translation: hear, listen
bun, mon
聞く: kiku: hear, be informed of, learn, listen to, give an ear to, obey, accede (to), grant, ask, inquire, make a reference to
聞こえる: kikoeru: hear, catch, be heard, be audible, sound, seem, be known, be famed
聞こえますか: kikoemasuka: Can you hear me?
聞こえなく成る: kikoenakunaru: die away, be out of hearing, become inaudible <<<
聞こえ: kikoe: fame, reputation, sonority
聞こえが良い: kikoegaii, kikoegayoi: sound well, be respectable, The connection is good <<<
聞こえが悪い: kikoegawarui: sound bad, be disreputable, The connection is bad <<<
聞こえよがしに: kikoeyogashini: (as if) wishing to be overheard, (purposely) in a person's hearing
聞きたがる: kikitagaru: be inquisitive, be curious to hear, have itching ears
聞き入る: kikiiru: listen attentively to, be all ears to, devour every word <<<
聞き入れる: kikiireru: comply with, assent to, accept, grant, take [follow] (a person's advice) <<< , 同意
聞き苦しい: kikigurushii: disagreeable to hear, offensive [harsh] to the ear, unpleasant, objectionable <<<
聞き直す: kikinaosu: ask [inquire] again <<<
聞き返す: kikikaesu <<<
聞き損なう: kikisokonau: fail to hear [catch] <<<
聞き違える: kikichigaeru: hear (a matter, a person) wrong <<<
聞き出す: kikidasu: find out, get wind of, pump information out of (a person) <<<
聞き流す: kikinagasu: take no notice of, pay no attention to, let (a question) by <<<
聞く所に因れば: kikutokoroniyoreba: from what I hear, I hear [am told] that
聞く所に因ると: kikutokoroniyoruto
Kanji words: 新聞
Expressions: 音に聞こえた , 道を聞く , 噂を聞く , 漏れ聞く , 頼みを聞く , 喉を聞かせる , 便りを聞く , 読み聞かす , 伝え聞く , 言い聞かせる , 足音が聞こえる , 言分を聞く , 異様に聞こえる , イヤフォーンで聞く , テープを聞く , ラジオを聞く

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