Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'sb'

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: shape    nb of strokes: 3
translation: ball, round, circle, ring
丸: maru: round (n.), circle, suffix of ship's name (jp.)
丸ごと: marugoto: wholly, entirely
丸で: marude: completely, entirely, utterly, altogether
丸で囲む: marudekakomu: encircle <<<
丸い: marui: round (a.), circular
丸く: maruku: round (adv.), in a circle
丸く成る: marukunaru: round (vi.), roll up into a ball <<<
丸まる: marumaru
丸くする: marukusuru: round, make round, round off, round up
丸める: marumeru: round (vt.), make round, make (a thing) into a ball, crumple (a piece of paper) into a ball, curl up, charm the pants off sb., twist sb. around [round] one's (little) finger
丸く治める: marukuosameru: settle (the affair) amicably, smooth over (a quarrel) <<<
丸: tama: ball, bullet, shell <<<
Kanji words: 丸太 , 睾丸 , 弾丸
Expressions: 丸括弧 , 丸暗記 , 丸暗記する

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: body    nb of strokes: 3
translation: mouth, lips, tongue, hole
kou, ku
口: kuchi: mouth, lips, hole, cork, stopper, plug, tap, speech, words, tongue
口にする: kuchinisuru: eat (a bit), tell sb. about sth.
口に合う: kuchiniau: suit one's taste [palate] <<<
口をする: kuchiosuru: cork (v.), plug up, stop
口を開ける: kuchioakeru: uncork, unstop, open, (begin to) speak <<<
口を切る: kuchiokiru: break the silence, break the ice <<<
口を利く: kuchiokiku: speak, mediate (between), recommend <<<
口を割る: kuchiowaru: tell, disclose (a secret) <<<
口を揃えて: kuchiosoroete: in chorus, with one accord <<<
口の重い: kuchinoomoi: taciturn, reticent, (a man) of few words <<<
口の軽い: kuchinokarui: talkative, loquacious <<< , 御喋り
口の堅い: kuchinokatai: closemouthed, tightlipped <<<
口の悪い: kuchinowarui: foul-tongued, sarcastic, slanderous <<<
口の達者な: kuchinotasshana: fluent, glib-tongued
口の上手い: kuchinoumai: honey-tongued, fair-spoken
口説く: kudoku: make advances to, curt (a woman), entreat, solicit, persuade <<<
口説き落とす: kudokiotosu: win a person's heart, win (a person) over, make a conquest of (a woman)
口汚い: kuchigitanai: foul-mouthed, foul-tongued, abusive <<<
口籠る: kuchigomoru: mumble, stammer, falter <<<
口遊む: kuchizusamu: hum, croon <<<
口喧しい: kuchiyakamashii: nagging, faultfinding, censorious, particular, strident <<<
口は災いの元: kuchiwawasawainomoto: Out of the mouth comes evil
口: ana: hole, opening, aperture <<<
Kanji words: 傷口 , 口輪 , 悪口 , 口数 , 口元 , 口付け , 口調 , 無口 , 河口 , 川口 , 南口 , 北口 , 口内 , 軽口 , 口座 , 口紅 , 入口 , 手口 , 窓口 , 口蹄疫 , 袖口 , 山口 , 甘口 , 辛口 , 先口 , 口移し , 口実 , 戸口 , 利口 , 火口 , 口頭 , 人口 , 蛇口 , 早口 , 口癖 , 口論 , 口車 , 口上 , 切口 , 出口
Expressions: 序の口 , 宵の口に , 改札口 , 非常口 , 下水口 , 排気口 , 楽屋口 , 通気口 , 支払口 , 無駄口 , 脱出口 , 口が達者 , 就職口 , 奉公口 , 乗車口 , 通風口 , 口約束 , 口約束する , 勝手口 , 口喧嘩 , 口喧嘩する , 噴火口 , 排水口
check also

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: body    nb of strokes: 4
translation: hair, feather, down, plumage, wool
毛: ke
毛の: keno: woolen, fur
毛のシャツ: kenoshatsu: woolen undershirt
毛の無い: kenonai: hairless, bald <<< , 禿
毛の長い: kenonagai: long-haired <<<
毛の生えた: kenohaeta: hairy <<<
毛が生える: kegahaeru: Hair grows (on) <<<
毛が伸びる: keganobiru <<<
毛が抜ける: keganukeru: Hair falls out <<<
毛を切る: keokiru: cut sb.'s hair, get a haircut, get [have] one's hair cut <<<
毛を染める: keosomeru: dye one's hair <<<
毛を抜く: keonuku: pluck (bird), tear one's hair <<<
毛を毟る: keomushiru <<<
毛程も: kehodomo: (not) a bit, (not) a fig <<<
Kanji words: 赤毛 , 三毛 , 毛穴 , 腋毛 , 毛髪 , 毛玉 , 体毛 , 睫毛 , 眉毛 , 脱毛 , 旋毛 , 毛糸 , 毛布 , 不毛 , 毛皮 , 羊毛 , 尨毛 , 巻毛 , 羽毛 , 刷毛 , 綿毛
Expressions: 羊の毛 , 猫の毛 , 解れ毛 , 毛のシャツ
check also

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 10
translation: consult, welcome, attend, assist
候う: ukagau: consult, hear <<<
候う: saburou: attend, assist
候つ: matsu: receive sb., welcome <<<
候: sourou: expression of politeness (anc.)
Kanji words: 兆候 , 候補 , 気候 , 症候 , 居候 , 天候 , 時候 , 斥候

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: war , sport    nb of strokes: 15
translation: foe, enemy, opponent, antagonist, adversary, rival, match
敵: teki: foe, enemy, opponent, antagonist, adversary, rival, match
敵にする: tekinisuru: make an enemy of sb.
敵に回す: tekinimawasu <<<
敵ではない: tekidehanai: be no match for (a person)
敵を破る: tekioyaburu: defeat the enemy <<<
敵: kataki: enemy, foe, rival
敵: ada: grudge, enmity <<<
Kanji words: 政敵 , 無敵 , 匹敵 , 不敵 , 宿敵 , 大敵 , 天敵 , 素敵
Expressions: 敵味方 , 敵味方に分かれる , 天下に敵なし , 民衆の敵 , 敵を撃破 , 敵を粉砕する , 仮想敵 , 商売敵
antonyms: 味方

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: body    nb of strokes: 8
translation: shoulder, back
肩: kata: shoulder (n.), back
肩にする: katanisuru: shoulder (v.), bear [carry] (a thing) on the shoulder
肩に担ぐ: katanikatsugu <<<
肩に掛ける: katanikakeru: hang a thing over one's shoulder <<<
肩が凝る: katagakoru: have stiff shoulders, feel stiff in one's shoulders <<<
肩を落す: kataootosu: lose heart, be disheartened [discouraged] (by) <<< , 落胆
肩を脱ぐ: kataonugu: bare [expose] one's shoulders <<<
肩を聳やかす: kataosobiyakasu: raise one's shoulders
肩を竦める: kataosukumeru: shrug one's shoulders <<<
肩を持つ: kataomotsu: back (v.), favor, support, take sides (with), stand by (a person) <<<
肩を怒らして: kataoikarashite: with one's shoulders squared <<<
肩を叩く: kataotataku: pat sb. on the back, clap sb. on the shoulder <<<
肩を並べる: kataonaraberu: stand shoulder to shoulder with, rank with, rival <<<
肩で息をする: katadeikiosuru: gasp for breath <<<
Kanji words: 肩幅 , 肩車 , 肩身 , 肩掛 , 肩凝

category: common usage   other spells: 戀   radicals:    keyword: love    nb of strokes: 10
translation: love, affection
恋: koi: love (n.), affection
恋う: kou: love (v.), like, prefer <<<
恋しい: koishii: dear, beloved
恋しがる: koishigaru: yearn
恋する: koisuru: love (v.), fall in love with, lose one's heart to
恋に陥る: koiniochiiru: fall in love, become fond of sb. <<<
恋に悩む: koininayamu: be lovesick <<<
恋の苦しみ: koinokurushimi: lovesickness <<<
恋に破れる: koiniyabureru: be disappointed [crossed, thwarted] in love <<<
Kanji words: 恋人 , 失恋 , 恋愛 , 恋心 , 初恋
Expressions: 叶わぬ恋 , 淡い恋 , 儚い恋 , 恋は盲目 , 恋の陶酔 , 恋の火遊び
synonyms: , ラブ

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