Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'sni'

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category: to learn in school   other spells: 2   radicals:    keyword: number    nb of strokes: 2
translation: two, pair
ni, ji
二つ: hutatsu, huta
二つに分ける: hutatsuniwakeru: divide (a thing) in two [into two parts] <<<
二つ共: hutatsutomo: both, neither <<< , 両方
二つずつ: hutatsuzutsu: two at a time, by twos
二つと無い: hutatsutonai: only, unique, matchless <<<
二つ置きに: hutatsuokini: at every three, third place <<<
二たび: hutatabi: again <<<
二の次: ninotsugi: secondary, subordinate <<< , 二番
二の次にする: ninotsuginisuru: let (a matter) wait, put off, lay aside, postpone <<<
二の舞: ninomai: the same errors <<<
二の舞を演じる: ninomaioenjiru: commit the same errors (in), repeat a person's mistake [folly]
二の足: ninoashi: the second foot <<<
二の足を踏む: ninoashiohumu: hesitate (to do), recoil (from), hang back
二の腕: ninoude: upper arm <<<
Kanji words: 二月 , 二日 , 二重 , 二人 , 無二 , 二倍 , 二十四 , 二枚 , 二丁 , 二個 , 二階 , 二世 , 二格 , 二次 , 二番 , 二部 , 二回 , 二度 , 二股 , 二輪 , 十二 , 十二月 , 十二指腸 , 二十
Expressions: 二つ以上 , 二人称 , 二酸化炭素 , 二つに切断する , 三分の二 , 二割引

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: moral    nb of strokes: 4
translation: charity, humanity, mercy
jin, nin, ni
仁け: nasake: charity, humanity, mercy <<<
仁: hito: pers. <<<
Kanji words: 裕仁 , 仁義

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: kids    nb of strokes: 7
translation: child, kid, baby
ji, ni
児: ko: child, kid, infant, baby
児: kodomo: children, kids <<< 子供
Kanji words: 双生児 , 園児 , 幼児 , 乳児 , 小児 , 胎児 , 鹿児島 , 児童 , 孤児 , 育児
Expressions: 体外受精児 , 未熟児 , 幸運児 , 麒麟児 , 天才児 , 異常児 , 哺乳児 , 混血児 , 死産児 , 流行児 , 人工受精児 , 浮浪児 , 奇形児

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: transport    nb of strokes: 10
translation: lotus, load (bor.), baggage, burden
ka, ga
荷: ka: unit to count packages
荷: ni: load (n.), baggage, burden
荷う: ninau: carry (a load) on one's shoulders, load (v.), shoulder <<<
荷: hasu: lotus <<<
Kanji words: 茗荷 , 荷馬 , 荷物 , 集荷 , 荷造 , 薄荷 , 稲荷 , 荷札 , 入荷 , 出荷 , 荷台 , 荷車 , 重荷
Expressions: 重い荷 , 荷馬車

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: religion    nb of strokes: 5
translation: nun
ni, ji
尼: ama: nun, hussy (jp.), slattern, bitch
尼に成る: amaninaru: become a nun, take the veil <<<
Kanji words: 尼僧
Expressions: 修道尼

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 6
translation: two, pair, accompany (ext.)
ni, ji
弐つ: hutatsu: two <<<
弐う: sou: accompany <<<

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 6
translation: therefore, accordingly, but, however, namely
ji, ni
而して: shikashite: therefore, accordingly
而し: shikashi: but, however <<< ,
而: nanji: thou <<<
而: sunawachi: namely, that is (to say), or, videlicet (viz.), id est (ie.) <<< ,

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: grammar    nb of strokes: 8
translation: ah, to, at, on, in, as for, as to, than
於: aa: ah
於: ni: to (followed by an indirect object)
於: o: (followed by a direct object)
於: oite: at, on, in, as for, as to
於: yori: (more, less) than
Expressions: 究極に於いて

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 14
translation: thou, it is true
ni, ji
爾: nanji: thou (anc.) <<<
爾り: shikari: it is true <<<

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 4
translation: red, devotion, sincerity
丹: aka: red <<<
丹: magokoro: devotion, sincerity <<< 真心
丹: ni: pers.
Kanji words: 丹精 , 牡丹 , 丹念

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