Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of '小説家'

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pronunciation: shousetsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: literature   
translation: novel, romance, fiction
小説を書く: shousetsuokaku: write a novel <<<
小説にする: shousetsunisuru: fictionalize, novelize
小説的: shousetsuteki: fictitious, romantic <<<
小説の様な: shousetsunoyouna <<<
小説家: shousetsuka: novelist <<<
私小説: shishousetsu: novel depicting the author's private life <<<
剣豪小説: kengoushousetsu: story of master swordsman <<< 剣豪
風刺小説: huushishousetsu: satirical novel <<< 風刺
恋愛小説: rennaishousetsu: love story <<< 恋愛
探偵小説: tanteishousetsu: detective story <<< 探偵
少女小説: shoujoshousetsu: story of girls <<< 少女
怪奇小説: kaikishousetsu: mystery story, thriller <<< 怪奇
科学小説: kagakushousetsu: science fiction <<< 科学
官能小説: kannnoushousetsu: erotic novel <<< 官能
歴史小説: rekishishousetsu: historical novel <<< 歴史
連続小説: renzokushousetsu: serial story <<< 連続
喜劇小説: kigekishousetsu: comic novel <<< 喜劇
風俗小説: huuzokushousetsu: novel of popular manners <<< 風俗
大衆小説: taishuushousetsu: popular novel <<< 大衆
大河小説: taigashousetsu: saga novel, roman fleuve <<< 大河
空想科学小説: kuusoukagakushousetsu: science fiction novel <<< 空想
娯楽小説: gorakushousetsu: entertainment novel <<< 娯楽
通俗小説: tsuuzokushousetsu: popular [lowbrow] novel <<< 通俗
連載小説: rensaishousetsu: serial novel <<< 連載
海洋小説: kaiyoushousetsu: sea story <<< 海洋
心理小説: shinrishousetsu: psychological novel <<< 心理
実話小説: jitsuwashousetsu: non-fiction novel <<< 実話
冒険小説: boukenshousetsu: adventure novel <<< 冒険
モデル小説: moderushousetsu: roman à clef, novel based on a real event <<< モデル
ロマンス小説: romansushousetsu: romance novel <<< ロマンス
スパイ小説: supaishousetsu: spy story [novel] <<< スパイ
ユーモア小説: yuumoashousetsu: humorous novel <<< ユーモア
サスペンス小説: sasupensushousetsu: novel of suspense <<< サスペンス
ミステリー小説: misuteriishousetsu: mystery novel <<< ミステリー
スリラー小説: suriraashousetsu: crime novel [story] <<< スリラー

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