Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'ex'

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Direct access: 閣僚 , 軍人 , 芸者 , 工場 , 三国 , 修正 , 倉庫 , 退役 , 配当 , 波止場


pronunciation: kakuryou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics   
translation: cabinet member
閣僚に成る: kakuryouninaru: enter a ministry <<<
閣僚会議: kakuryoukaigi: cabinet council [meeting] <<< 会議
前閣僚: zenkakuryou: ex-minister <<<
関係閣僚: kankeikakuryou: ministers concerned <<< 関係
check also 大臣


pronunciation: gunjin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: war   
translation: soldier, serviceman
軍人らしい: gunjinrashii: soldierly
軍人らしく: gunjinrashiku: like a soldier
軍人上り: gunjinnagari: ex-serviceman <<<
軍人精神: gunjinseishin: military spirit <<< 精神
軍人生活: gunjinseikatsu: army life <<< 生活
軍人恩給: gunjinonkyuu: military annuity
退役軍人: taiekigunjin: ex-service man, veteran, retired officer <<< 退役
職業軍人: shokugyougunjin: career [professional] soldier <<< 職業
check also 兵士


pronunciation: geisha   kanji characters: ,    keyword: show , amusement   
translation: geisha
芸者上り: geishaagari: ex-geisha <<<
芸者屋: geishaya: geisha house <<<
check also Geisha


pronunciation: koujou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: industry   
translation: factory, plant, manufactory, workshop
工場長: koujouchou: factory manager <<<
工場主: koujounushi: factory owner <<<
工場渡し: koujouwatashi: ex factory <<<
工場管理: koujoukanri: factory management <<< 管理
工場用地: koujouyouchi: factory site
工場閉鎖: koujouheisa: lockout, closure of factory <<< 閉鎖
工場地帯: koujouchitai: factory district <<< 地帯
工場施設: koujoushisetsu: industrial equipment <<< 施設
工場労働者: koujouroudousha: factory worker
鉄工場: tekkoujou: ironworks <<<
機械工場: kikaikoujou: machine shop <<< 機械
煉瓦工場: rengakoujou: brickyard <<< 煉瓦
修繕工場: shuuzenkoujou: workshop, repair shop <<< 修繕
修理工場: shuurikoujou: workshop, repair shop, garage <<< 修理
花火工場: hanabikoujou: fireworks factory <<< 花火
鉄鋼工場: tekkoukoujou: steel company <<< 鉄鋼
整備工場: seibikoujou: repair shop <<< 整備
鋳造工場: chuuzoukoujou: foundry <<< 鋳造
缶詰工場: kanZumekoujou: cannery, packing plant <<< 缶詰
織物工場: orimonokoujou: textile factory <<< 織物
蹄鉄工場: teitetsukoujou: farriery <<< 蹄鉄
機織工場: hataorikoujou: weaving [textile] factory <<< 機織
鋳物工場: imonokoujou: foundry <<< 鋳物
組立工場: kumitatekoujou: assembly plant <<< 組立
食品工場: shokuhinkoujou: food processing plant <<< 食品
武器工場: bukikoujou: arsenal, armory, armoury <<< 武器
旋盤工場: senbankoujou: turnery <<< 旋盤
兵器工場: heikikoujou: arsenal <<< 兵器
セメント工場: sementokoujou: cement plant <<< セメント
チーズ工場: chiizukoujou: cheese dairy <<< チーズ
check also 工業


pronunciation: sangoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: geography , history   
translation: three countries (especially Japan, China and India)
三国一: sangokuichi: best of the world, peerless <<<
三国人: sangokujin: Asian foreigners from ex Japanese colonies <<<
三国志: sangokushi: Chinese historic novel on the Three Kingdoms <<<
三国時代: sangokujidai: period when China was divided three kingdoms <<< 時代
三国同盟: sangokudoumei: Triple Alliance <<< 同盟
三国協定: sangokukyoutei: Tripartite Agreement <<< 協定
三国干渉: sangokukanshou: Triple Intervention <<< 干渉
三国協商: sangokukyoushou: Triple Entente
第三国: daisangoku: a third nation <<<
バルト三国: barutosangoku: Baltic States <<< バルト


pronunciation: shuusei   kanji characters: ,   
translation: correction, modification, amendment, revision
修正の: shuuseino: rectified, corrected, corrective
修正する: shuuseisuru: correct, modify, amend, revise
修正案: shuuseian: (draft) amendment <<<
修正者: shuuseisha: corrector <<<
修正液: shuuseieki: corrective liquid, tipp-ex <<<
修正主義: shuuseishugi: revisionism <<< 主義
修正主義者: shuuseishugisha: revisionist <<<
修正予算: shuuseiyosan: revised budget <<< 予算
修正リボン: shuuseiribon: corrective ribbon <<< リボン
無修正: mushuusei: uncensored, unexpurgated <<<
軌道修正: kidoushuusei: course correction <<< 軌道
下方修正: kahoushuusei: downward revision [adjustment] <<< 下方
synonyms: 訂正


pronunciation: souko   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business , transport   
translation: warehouse (n.), storehouse
倉庫に入れる: soukoniireru: warehouse (v.), store <<<
倉庫渡し: soukowatashi: ex warehouse <<<
倉庫係: soukogakari: warehouse keeper <<<
倉庫業: soukogyou: warehousing <<<
倉庫会社: soukogaisha: warehouse company <<< 会社
倉庫業者: soukogyousha: warehouseman <<< 業者
倉庫証券: soukoshouken: warehouse bond [warrant], receipt for goods stored <<< 証券


pronunciation: taieki   kanji characters: 退 ,    keyword: job   
translation: retirement (from services)
退役する: taiekisuru: retire (from services)
退役軍人: taiekigunjin: ex-service man, veteran, retired officer <<< 軍人
synonyms: 引退


pronunciation: haitou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: finance   
translation: allotment, dividend
配当する: haitousuru: allot a share (to persons), pay a dividend
配当付き: haitoutsuki: dividend on, cum dividend <<<
配当落ち: haitouochi: dividend off, ex dividend <<<
配当金: haitoukin: dividend <<<
配当控除: haitoukoujo: deduction for dividends <<< 控除
利益配当: riekihaitou: dividend <<< 利益
半期配当: hankihaitou: semiannual dividend <<< 半期


pronunciation: hatoba   kanji characters: , ,    keyword: ship   
translation: wharf, pier, quay
波止場渡し: hatobawatashi: delivered ex quay <<<
synonyms: 桟橋 , 岸壁

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