Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'if'

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Direct access: 奥歯 , 機会 , 心地 , 素面 , 実感 , 順調 , 不用 , 下手 , 申合せ


pronunciation: okuba   kanji characters: ,    keyword: body   
translation: back tooth, molar (tooth), grinder
奥歯に挟まる: okubanihasamaru: stick between the molars <<<
奥歯に物が挟まった言い方をする: okubanimonogahasamattaiikataosuru: talk as if one were concealing something, do not speak frankly
奥歯に物が挟まった様な話し方をする: okubanimonogahasamattayounahanashikataosuru


pronunciation: kikai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life   
translation: chance, occasion, opportunity
機会を捕らえる: kikaiotoraeru: seize an opportunity <<<
機会を待つ: kikaiomatsu: wait for an opportunity <<<
機会を失う: kikaioushinau: lose an opportunity <<<
機会を逸する: kikaioissuru <<<
機会を逃す: kikaionogasu <<<
機会を与える: kikaioataeru: give a chance <<<
機会が有れば: kikaigaareba: if there is a chance (to do) <<<
機会が有ったら: kikaigaattara
機会が有り次第: kikaigaarishidai: at the first [earliest] opportunity
機会主義: kikaishugi: opportunism, sense of usefulness <<< 主義
機会均等: kikaikintou: equal opportunity
check also , チャンス


pronunciation: kokochi   kanji characters: ,   
translation: feeling, sensation, mood
心地良い: kokochiyoi: pleasant, soft, agreeable <<<
居心地: igokochi: comfort, amenity <<<
居心地良い: igokochiyoi: comfortable, at home <<<
居心地悪い: igokochiwarui: uncomfortable, ill at home <<<
夢心地: yumegokochi: ecstasy <<<
夢心地の: yumegokochino: rapt
夢心地で: yumegokochide: as if in a dream, in an ecstasy
synonyms: 気持


pronunciation: shirahu   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 白面   keyword: drink   
translation: soberness
素面で: shirahude: in (all) soberness, when [if] not drunk


pronunciation: jikkan   kanji characters: ,   
translation: natural feeling, realization
実感する: jikkansuru: realize, feel natural
実感が出る: jikkangaderu: make one feel as if it were really, lend realism <<<
実感的: jikkanteki: realistic <<<


pronunciation: junchou   kanji characters: , 調   
translation: smoothness
順調な: junchouna: smooth, favorable
順調に: junchouni: smoothly, well, favorably
順調に成る: junchouninaru: take a favorable turn <<<
順調に行けば: junchouniikeba: if everything goes [comes out] well <<<
synonyms: 好調


pronunciation: huyou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: environment   
translation: uselessness, inutility
不用の: huyouno: useless, unnecessary, disused
不用の節は: huyounosetsuha: if (it is) not wanted, when (it is) out of use <<<
不用に成る: huyouninaru: fall into desuetude, become useless <<<
不用物: huyoubutsu: disused [discarded] article <<<
不用品: huyouhin <<<


pronunciation: heta   kanji characters: ,    keyword: art   
translation: unskilfulness, mediocrity
下手な: hetana: poor, unskillful, mediocre
下手をやる: hetaoyaru: make a mess of it
下手をすると: hetaosuruto: if you do not take enough care, if you are unlucky
下手に成る: hetaninaru: get out of practice <<<
下手糞: hetakuso: really bad! <<<
下手な考え休むに似たり: hetanakangaeyasumuninitari: it's hard to tell a poor thinker from a sleeping one, they to whom only bad ideas come might as well be asleep, inadequate ideas are worse than none at all
下手な鉄砲も数打てば当たる: hetanateppoumokazuutebaataru: even the unskilled can succeed by a fluke given enough tries, even a poor marksman will hit the target with enough shots
演技が下手: engigaheta: be a poor actor, perform badly <<< 演技
着付が下手: kitsukegaheta: dress oneself badly <<< 着付
check also 上手


pronunciation: moushiawa   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 申し合せ  
translation: arrangement, agreement, mutual consent
申合せて: moushiawasete: by arrangement [common consent]
申合せる: moushiawaseru: agree upon, consent
申合せた通り: moushiawasetatoori: according to our agreement [what we agreed] <<<
申合せた様に: moushiawasetayouni: as if agreed beforehand <<<
申合せた場所: moushiawasetabasho: appointed place <<< 場所
申合せた時間: moushiawasetajikan: appointed time <<< 時間
申合せ事項: moushiawasejikou: items arranged upon, prearranged items <<< 事項
check also 了解

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