Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: radical

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: astronomy , calendar    nb of strokes: 4
translation: moon, month
getsu, gatsu
月: tsuki
月が出る: tsukigaderu: The moon is up <<<
月が沈む: tsukigashizumu: The moon is sitting <<<
月が満ちる: tsukigamichiru: The moon waxes <<<
月が欠ける: tsukigakakeru: The moon wanes <<<
月の光: tsukinohikari: moonlight <<<
月の明り: tsukinoakari <<<
月の明りで: tsukinoakaride: by the moonlight <<<
月の石: tsukinoishi: lunar rock <<<
月の入り: tsukinoiri: moonset <<<
月の出: tsukinode: moonrise, rising of the moon <<<
Kanji words: 月間 , 月曜 , 二月 , 三月 , 六月 , 七月 , 八月 , 九月 , 十月 , 月食 , 月産 , 月末 , 四月 , 先月 , 臨月 , 月刊 , 月見 , 三日月 , 半月 , 満月 , 来月 , 残月 , 月収 , 月桂 , 月給 , 月光 , 月夜 , 一月 , 正月 , 月輪 , 毎月 , 閏月 , 水月 , 五月 , 月経 , 新月 , 十一月 , 十二月
Expressions: 月の裏側 , 断食月 , 月着陸 , 偶数月 , 奇数月 , 月二回 , 月に二度 , 月に一度 , 月ロケット

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: clothes    nb of strokes: 8
translation: obey, follow, clothes(bor.), dress, costume, take (a drug)
服を着る: hukuokiru: dress oneself, put on a dress <<<
服を脱ぐ: hukuonugu: put off one's dress <<<
服: kimono: clothes, dress, costume, kimono <<< 着物
服る: kiru: wear, put on <<<
服う: shitagau: obey, follow <<<
服む: nomu: take (a drug) <<<
Kanji words: 克服 , 征服 , 喪服 , 軍服 , 衣服 , 和服 , 洋服 , 感服 , 服装 , 夏服 , 冬服 , 服用 , 内服 , 服従 , 服務 , 制服
Expressions: 刑に服する , 罪に服する , 喪に服する , 現役に服する , 囚人服 , 防護服 , 宇宙服 , 通学服 , 襤褸服 , 気密服 , 運動服 , 既製服 , 男子服 , 仮装服 , 学生服 , 狩猟服 , 判決に服する , 戦闘服 , 作業服 , 潜水服 , 消防服 , 妊婦服 , 社交服 , 紳士服 , 事務服 , 乗馬服 , 子供服 , 飛行服 , 婦人服 , ゴルフ服 , セーラー服 , ベビー服

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: food    nb of strokes: 8
translation: oil, grease, fat
bou, hou
肪: abura: oil, grease <<<
肪える: koeru: fatten (vi.) <<<
Kanji words: 脂肪

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: farming    nb of strokes: 8
translation: manure, fertilize, fat
肥える: koeru: grow fat [stout, plump], put on [gain] flesh, grow fertile [rich]
肥やす: koyasu: manure (v.), fertilize, fatten
肥: koe: manure (n.), fertilizer
肥やし: koyashi
Kanji words: 肥料 , 肥大 , 肥満
Expressions: 懐を肥やす

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: body    nb of strokes: 9
translation: breast, chest, bust
胸: mune: breast, chest, bust, bosom, heart, mind
胸が一杯に成る: munegaippaininaru: feel like weeping, have a lump in one's throat
胸が空く: munegasuku: feel refreshed [satisfied] <<<
胸が焼ける: munegayakeru: have a heartburn, nauseate <<<
胸が悪く成る: munegawarukunaru: feel sick (at the stomach)
胸に抱く: muneniidaku: press against his [her] chest <<<
胸に浮かぶ: muneniukabu: flash across one's mind, occur to one <<<
胸に応える: munenikotaeru: go home to one's heart <<<
胸に秘める: munenihimeru: keep (a matter) to oneself <<<
胸を痛める: muneoitameru: trouble [worry] oneself (about), grieve [feel grief] (at, for, about) <<<
胸を打つ: muneoutsu: move, touch, impress <<<
胸を打たれる: muneoutareru: be moved, be touched, be impressed <<<
胸を撫で下ろす: muneonadeorosu: feel a weight off one's mind, feel relieved
胸を張る: muneoharu: throw out one's chest <<<
Kanji words: 胸焼 , 胸囲 , 度胸 , 胸水
synonyms: バスト
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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: organs    nb of strokes: 9
translation: lung
肺の: haino: pulmonary
Kanji words: 肺癌 , 肺炎
Expressions: 鉄の肺 , 肺結核

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: organs    nb of strokes: 10
translation: vein, nerve, sequence, succession
myaku, baku
脈: myaku: pulse (jp.), pulsation, hope
脈が速い: myakugahayai: One's pulse is quick <<<
脈が弱い: myakugayowai: One's pulse is feeble [weak] <<<
脈を取る: myakuotoru: feel a person's pulse <<<
脈を診る: myakuomiru <<<
脈が無い: myakuganai: be hopeless, There is no hope (left) <<<
脈: suji: vein, nerve <<<
Kanji words: 山脈 , 脈々 , 動脈 , 鉱脈 , 静脈 , 人脈

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: organs    nb of strokes: 11
translation: brain
nou, dou
脳: nou: brain, intelligence, head
脳の: nouno: cerebral
Kanji words: 首脳 , 脳裏 , 脳溢血 , 頭脳
Expressions: 脳貧血 , 脳血栓 , 脳卒中 , 薄荷脳 , 脳出血 , 脳細胞 , 脳腫瘍
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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: sport , war    nb of strokes: 12
translation: win, victory, triumph
勝つ: katsu: win (v.), triumph
勝ち誇る: kachihokoru: be triumphant (over), be elated [overjoyed] with victory <<<
勝ち誇って: kachihokotte: triumphantly, in triumph <<<
勝ち得る: kachieru: win, gain, secure <<<
勝ち取る: kachitoru <<<
勝ち越す: kachikosu: have (x) wins against (a person), lead (a person) by (x scores) <<<
勝ち抜く: kachinuku: win straight victories <<<
勝ち残る: kachinokoru: win one's way to the finals <<<
勝って兜の緒を締めよ: kattekabutonoooshimeyo: do not let your guard down after a victory, tighten the strings of your helmet after winning
勝る: masaru: surpass, be superior, excel
勝るとも劣らない: masarutomootoranai: be not at all inferior to, can favorably compare with, be as good as <<<
勝える: taeru: bear, resist <<< ,
Kanji words: 優勝 , 急勝 , 決勝 , 完勝 , 名勝 , 勝ち組 , 勝負 , 勝利 , 勝手 , 連勝
Expressions: 己に勝つ , 年には勝てない , 年には勝てぬ , 逃げるが勝ち , 賭けに勝つ , 曇り勝ちの , 打ち勝つ , 紛れで勝つ , 負けるが勝ち , 有り勝ちな , 競技に勝つ , 議論に勝つ , 判定で勝つ , 判定勝 , 病気勝ちの , 遠慮勝ちな , 遠慮勝ちに , 誘惑に勝つ , 博打で勝つ , 気性の勝った , 訴訟に勝つ , 選挙に勝つ , 怪我勝ち , 勝負に勝つ , 裁判に勝つ , 戦争に勝つ , 競走に勝つ , 試合に勝つ , 競争に勝つ , ストレートで勝つ

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: body    nb of strokes: 13
translation: belly, abdomen, bowels, stomach
腹: hara: belly, abdomen, bowels, stomach, heart, mind, intention, courage
腹く: idaku: hold, entertain, cherish, harbor, bear <<< ,
腹が痛む: haragaitamu: have a stomachache <<<
腹が痛まない: haragaitamanai: have nothing to lose <<<
腹が減る: haragaheru: feel [get] hungry <<<
腹が空く: haragasuku <<<
腹の空いた: haranosuita: hungry <<<
腹が張る: haragaharu: feel heavy in the stomach <<<
腹が下る: haragakudaru: have lose bowels <<< , 下痢
腹が立つ: haragatatsu: get [be] angry (with a person, at a matter), lose one's temper, become enraged [indignant] (at), be offended <<<
腹立たしい: haradatashii: provoking, irritating, exasperating <<<
腹の据わった: haranosuwatta: (man) with plenty of guts <<<
腹の大きい: haranoookii: broad-minded, generous <<<
腹の中は: haranonakaha: at heart, at bottom <<<
腹を決める: haraokimeru: make up one's mind (to do) <<<
腹を括る: haraokukuru <<<
腹を読む: haraoyomu: read a person's mind <<<
腹を探る: haraosaguru <<<
腹を割って話す: haraowattehanasu: have a heart-to-heart talk (with a person), speak out
腹黒い: haraguroi: wicked, crafty, scheming <<<
腹熟しに: haragonashini: to help [aid] digestion <<<
腹違いの: harachigaino: born of a different mother, half-blooded <<<
Kanji words: 腹痛 , 空腹 , 満腹 , 腹案 , 切腹 , 御腹 , 腹部
Expressions: 指の腹 , 太鼓腹 , ビール腹
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