Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: keyword: health

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: travel , health    nb of strokes: 8
translation: walk
ho, hu, bu
歩く: aruku: walk, go on foot
歩き方: arukikata: manner of walking, one's gait <<<
歩き回る: arukimawaru: walk [wander, ramble, roam] about <<<
歩む: ayumu: walk, go on foot
歩み: ayumi: walking, progression, step, pace
歩みが速い: ayumigahayai: be quick of foot <<<
歩みが遅い: ayumigaosoi: be slow of foot <<<
歩みを速める: ayumiohayameru: quicken one's pace <<<
歩みを緩める: ayumioyurumeru: relax one's pace <<<
歩みを止める: ayumiotomeru: stop walking <<<
歩み合う: ayumiau: make a compromise (with a person), meet (a person) halfway <<<
歩み寄る: ayumiyoru: step up (to) <<<
Kanji words: 歩数 , 徒歩 , 一歩 , 競歩 , 歩道 , 散歩 , 進歩 , 譲歩 , 歩行 , 歩兵
Expressions: 売り歩く , 牛の歩み , 渡り歩く , 持ち歩く , 飲み歩く , 蹣き歩く , 町を歩く , 緩り歩く , 飛び歩く , 差足で歩く , 爪先で歩く , 素足で歩く , 裸足で歩く , チェスの歩
synonyms: ウォーク
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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: health    nb of strokes: 11
translation: health, strong
健やか: sukoyaka: healthy, sound, wholesome
健やかに育つ: sukoyakanisodatsu: grow up in good health <<<
健し: takeshi: strong <<<
健か: shitataka: difficult (jp.), hard, tenacious <<<
健: take, kiyo, taru: pers.
Kanji words: 健闘 , 健全 , 保健 , 強健 , 健康

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: health    nb of strokes: 6
translation: sweat, perspire
汗: ase: sweat (n.), perspiration
汗を掻く: aseokaku: sweat (v.), perspire <<<
汗を掻いている: aseokaiteiru: be in a sweat, be perspiring <<<
汗ばむ: asebamu: sweat lightly
汗ばんだ: asebanda: lightly sweaty
汗塗れの: asemamireno: covered [drenched] with perspiration, soaked with sweat <<<
汗だくの: asedakuno
汗を拭く: aseohuku: wipe the perspiration (from) <<<
汗臭い: asekusai: smell of sweat <<<
汗の染み: asenoshimi: sweat stain <<<
Kanji words: 汗腺 , 冷汗
Expressions: 玉の汗
synonyms: スウェット

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: health    nb of strokes: 6
translation: vomit, spit, disgorge
吐く: haku: vomit, spew, bring [throw] up, spit out, emit, send forth, puff out, breathe out, express, utter, speak (one's mind), give (one's opinion)
吐き出す: hakidasu: vomit, spit out, send [puff] out, breathe out, disgorge, unload <<<
吐: hedo: vomiting <<< 嘔吐
Kanji words: 嘔吐 , 吐息 , 吐気 , 嘘吐き
Expressions: 唾を吐く , 痰を吐く , 墨を吐く , 嘘を吐く , 嘘を吐け , 血を吐く , 息を吐く , 息も吐かずに , 泥を吐く , 本音を吐く , 溜息を吐く , 溜息を吐いて

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: health    nb of strokes: 10
translation: tire, fatigue, weary
疲れる: tsukareru: be [get] tired, be [become] fatigued [weary, wearied]
疲らす: tsukarasu: tire (vt.), fatigue
疲れさせる: tsukaresaseru
疲れた: tsukareta: tired, fatigued
疲れ: tsukare: fatigue, weariness
疲れが出る: tsukaregaderu: feel tired [fatigued] <<<
疲れが抜ける: tsukareganukeru: recover from one's fatigue <<<
疲れが取れる: tsukaregatoreru <<<
疲れを休める: tsukareoyasumeru: rest oneself <<<
疲れを癒す: tsukareoiyasu <<<
疲れを知らない: tsukareoshiranai: tireless <<<
疲れ果てる: tsukarehateru: be tired [worn] out, be dead tired, be dog-tired, be exhausted [spent], be washed out <<<
疲れ切る: tsukarekiru <<<
Kanji words: 気疲れ , 疲労 , 疲弊
Expressions: 頭の疲れ , 看病疲れする

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: health    nb of strokes: 11
translation: sleep, slumber
min, men, ben
眠り: nemuri: sleep (n.), slumber, nape, doze
眠りに就く: nemurinitsuku: go to sleep, fall asleep <<<
眠り込む: nemurikomu: fall asleep <<<
眠る: nemuru: sleep, have a sleep, fall asleep, take a nap, die (jp.)
眠らす: nemurasu: put (a person) to sleep, kill, do away with (a person)
眠い: nemui: feel sleepy
眠そうな: nemusouna: sleepy, drowsy, sleepy-looking
眠そうに: nemusouni: sleepily, drowsily
眠れない: nemurenai: feel sleepless <<< 不眠
眠れない夜: nemurenaiyoru, nemurenaiyo: sleepless night <<<
Kanji words: 冬眠 , 居眠 , 永眠 , 催眠 , 睡眠 , 不眠 , 休眠
Expressions: 浅い眠り , 深い眠り , 緩り眠る , 眠れる美女 , 眠れる森の美女
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category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: health , chemistry    nb of strokes: 16
translation: congeal, coagulate, devote oneself (ext.)
凝る: koru: be absorbed [engrossed] in, be devoted [given] to, go in for, be finical, get stiff (jp.)
凝り: kori: stiffness, hardening, stiff neck
凝り固まる: korikatamaru: congeal, coagulate, clot, curdle, be absorbed [engrossed] in, be bigoted <<<
凝らす: korasu: devote oneself
凝り: shikori: fleshy tumor, node, emotional entanglement
Kanji words: 凝固 , 凝り性 , 肩凝
Expressions: 肩が凝る , 思いを凝らす , 賭けに凝る , 瞳を凝らす , 協議を凝らす , 意匠を凝らす , 工夫を凝らす , 趣向を凝らす

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: health    nb of strokes: 11
translation: senile, dote, blurred, vague, hazy
惚け: boke: senile psychosis [dementia] <<<
惚ける: bokeru: grow [become] senile, dote, grow mentally weak, grow faint, fade, shade off <<<
惚けた: boketa: senile, dote, blurred, vague, hazy
惚れる: horeru: take a fancy to (jp.), lose [give] one's heart to, fall for, be much taken by
惚ける: tobokeru: pretend [sham, feign] ignorance, pretend not to know
惚けた顔をする: toboketakaoosuru: look blank <<<
Kanji words: 自惚れ , 恍惚
Expressions: 寝惚ける , 一目惚れ , 一目惚れする , 時差惚け

category: JIS1   other spells: 瘦   radicals:    keyword: health    nb of strokes: 15
translation: thin, slender, lean, skinny, poor, barren, sterile
sou, shou
痩せる: yaseru: become thin, lose weight [flesh]
痩せた: yaseta: thin, slender, lean, skinny, poor, barren, sterile
痩せっぽち: yaseppochi: skinny person, living skeleton
痩せ衰える: yaseotoroeru: become emaciated <<<
痩せ細る: yasehosoru <<<
痩せ衰えた: yaseotoroeta: emaciated, withered, thin and pale <<<
痩せ細った: yasehosotta <<<
痩せても枯れても: yasetemokaretemo: Poor as one is, Though in reduced circumstances, one is <<<
Expressions: 頬が痩けた , 痩せ我慢 , 痩せ我慢する
antonyms: ,

category: JIS2   radicals:    keyword: health    nb of strokes: 10
translation: ache, tingle
疼く: uZuku: ache (v.), smart, tingle, throb
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