Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: keyword: justice

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Direct access: 検事 , 原告 , 口頭 , 公判 , 告訴 , 告発 , 再審 , 裁定 , 裁判 , 裁判所


pronunciation: kenji   kanji characters: ,    keyword: justice   
translation: public prosecutor
検事長: kenjichou: superintendent public prosecutor <<<
検事正: kenjisei: chief public prosecutor <<<
検事補: kenjiho: probational prosecutor <<<
検事局: kenjikyoku: public prosecutor's office, prosecuting attorney's office <<<
検事総長: kenjisouchou: public prosecutor general


pronunciation: genkoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: justice   
translation: plaintiff, accuser
原告代理人: genkokudairinin: plaintiff's representative [attorney]


pronunciation: koutou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: justice   
translation: oral communication
口頭の: koutouno: oral, spoken, verbal
口頭で: koutoude: orally, verbally, by word of mouth
口頭弁論: koutoubenron: oral pleadings <<< 弁論
口頭契約: koutoukeiyaku: verbal contract <<< 契約
口頭試問: koutoushimon: oral examination
口頭試験: koutoushiken <<< 試験


pronunciation: kouhan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: justice   
translation: public trial
公判に付す: kouhannnihusu: bring (a case, a person) to trial <<<
公判を開く: kouhannohiraku: hold a court [a trial] <<<
公判廷: kouhantei: court of trial <<<
公判日: kouhanbi: day of hearing <<<
check also 裁判


pronunciation: kokuso   kanji characters: ,    keyword: justice   
translation: complaint, accusation
告訴する: kokusosuru: file a complaint (against a person), accuse (a person of a crime), bring a charge [suit] (of a crime against a person), lodge a complaint (against)
告訴を取下げる: kokusootorisageru: withdraw [drop] a complaint
告訴状: kokusojou: letter of complaint <<<
告訴人: kokusonin: accuser, complainant, plaintiff <<<


pronunciation: kokuhatsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: justice   
translation: prosecution, indictment, charge, denunciation
告発する: kokuhatsusuru: prosecute, indict, denounce
告発者: kokuhatsusha: prosecutor, informer, whistle-blower <<<
check also 告訴


pronunciation: saishin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: justice   
translation: rehearing, retrial
再審する: saishinsuru: rehear, try (a case) over again
再審を命じる: seishinnomeijiru: order a new trial <<<
再審を請求する: saishinnoseikyuusuru: apply for a new trial <<< 請求


pronunciation: saitei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: justice   
translation: arbitration, decision
裁定する: saiteisuru: arbitrate, decide
裁定取引: saiteitorihiki: arbitrage <<< 取引


pronunciation: saiban   kanji characters: ,    keyword: justice   
translation: trial, judgment, justice
裁判の: saibannno: judicial, juridical
裁判する: saibansuru: try, judge (v.)
裁判に付する: saibannnihusuru: put on a trial <<<
裁判に掛ける: saibannnikakeru <<<
裁判に成る: saibannninaru: be put on trial, be tried <<<
裁判に勝つ: saibannnikatsu: win a suit <<<
裁判に負ける: saibannnimakeru: lose a suit <<<
裁判官: saibankan: judge (n.) <<<
裁判長: saibanchou: presiding [chief] judge <<<
裁判権: saibanken: jurisdiction <<<
裁判沙汰: saibanzata: lawsuit <<< 沙汰
裁判沙汰にする: saibanzatanisuru: go to law (against a person)
裁判費用: saibanhiyou: judicial costs <<< 費用
裁判手続: saibantetsuZuki: legal procedure [proceedings] <<< 手続
刑事裁判: keijisaiban: criminal trial <<< 刑事
欠席裁判: kessekisaiban: judgment by default <<< 欠席
即決裁判: sokketsusaiban: summary trial [decision] <<< 即決
宗教裁判: shuukyousaiban: inquisition <<< 宗教
人民裁判: jinminsaiban: people's court <<< 人民
確定裁判: kakuteisaiban: irrevocable judgment <<< 確定
check also 訴訟 , 公判 , 裁判所


pronunciation: saibansho   kanji characters: , ,    keyword: justice   
translation: court, courthouse, bar
裁判所命令: saibanshomeirei: court order <<< 命令
裁判所書記: saibanshoshoki: court clerk <<< 書記
裁判所書記局: saibanshoshokikyoku: court administration (office) <<<
最高裁判所: saikousaibansho: supreme court <<< 最高
高等裁判所: koutousaibansho: high court <<< 高等
管轄裁判所: kankatsusaibansho: competent court <<< 管轄
家庭裁判所: kateisaibansho: court of family affairs <<< 家庭
連邦裁判所: renpousaibansho: federal court <<< 連邦
簡易裁判所: kannisaibansho: Summary Court <<< 簡易
地方裁判所: chihousaibansho: local court <<< 地方
巡回裁判所: junkaisaibansho: circuit court <<< 巡回
check also 裁判

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