Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: keyword: law

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Direct access: 改定 , 解約 , 確定 , 家宅 , 慣習 , 該当 , 規制 , 規則 , 規定 , 規約


pronunciation: kaitei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: law   
translation: revision, change (n.), adjust
改定する: kaiteisuru: revise, change (v.), adjust
給与改定: kyuuyokaitei: pay [wage] increase <<< 給与
check also 改訂


pronunciation: kaiyaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business , law   
translation: cancellation of a contract
解約する: kaiyakusuru: cancel a contract
解約料: kaiyakuryou: cancellation fee <<<
保険を解約する: hokennokaiyakusuru: surrender an insurance policy <<< 保険
check also 契約


pronunciation: kakutei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: law   
translation: decision, settlement, confirmation
確定する: kakuteisuru: make a definite decision, decide (upon), settle, fix, confirm, be decided (upon), be settled [fixed, confirmed]
確定的: kakuteiteki: definite, final, decided <<<
確定的に: kakuteitekini: definitely, finally, decidedly
確定案: kakuteian: final draft <<<
確定判決: kakuteihanketsu: irrevocable judgment <<< 判決
確定裁判: kakuteisaiban <<< 裁判
確定申告: kakuteishinkoku: final (income tax) return <<< 申告
確定申告をする: kakuteishinkokuosuru: turn in a final return (of one's income tax)
確定拠出年金: kakuteikyoshitsunenkin: defined contribution plan, Japanese 401k <<< 年金
利益確定: riekikakutei: profit taking <<< 利益


pronunciation: kataku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: law   
translation: house, dwelling
家宅侵入: katakushinnnyuu: trespassing <<< 侵入
家宅侵入する: katakushinnnyuusuru: trespass on a person's premises [in a person's house]
家宅侵入者: katakushinnnyuusha: housebreaker <<<
家宅捜索: katakusousa: domiciliary visit <<< 捜索
家宅捜索する: katakusousasuru: search a house


pronunciation: kanshuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: law   
translation: custom
慣習に従う: kanshuunishitagau: follow the customs <<<
慣習的: kanshuuteki: customary <<<
慣習法: kanshuuhou: customary [common] law <<<
check also 習慣 , 伝統


pronunciation: gaitou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: law   
translation: application, correspondence
該当する: gaitousuru: fall [come] under, be applicable to, correspond to
該当事項: gaitoujikou: pertinent data, concerning article <<< 事項
該当条項: gaitoujoukou
check also 相当 , 適用 , 関係


pronunciation: kisei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: law   
translation: regulation, control (n.)
規制の: kiseino: regulative, official, authorized
規制する: kiseisuru: restrain, regulate, control (v.)
規制法: kiseihou: regulation law <<<
規制緩和: kiseikanwa: deregulation <<< 緩和
規制解除: kiseikaijo: removal [easing] of restrictions <<< 解除
報道規制: houdoukisei: press control <<< 報道
自主規制: jishukisei: self-censorship, voluntary control <<< 自主
ストーカー規制: sutookaakisei: stalker regulation <<< ストーカー


pronunciation: kisoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: law , grammar   
translation: rule, regulation
規則に従う: kisokunishitagau: follow [conform to] the rule <<<
規則を守る: kisokuomamoru: observe the rule <<<
規則を立てる: kisokuotateru: establish [frame, make, state] a rule <<<
規則を破る: kisokuoyaburu: break [violate] the rule <<<
規則的: kisokuteki: systematic, orderly, punctual <<<
規則的に: kisokutekini: regularly, in a regular manner, systematically, methodically, punctually
規則通りに: kisokudoorini: according to the rule, by rule <<<
規則に反する: kisokunikisokunihansuru: illegal, transgressive <<<
規則書: kisokusho: prospectus, regulations <<<
規則違反: kisokuihan: infraction, malpractice <<< 違反
規則違反を犯す: kisokuihannookasu: commit an infraction [an infringement] <<<
規則動詞: kisokudoushi: regular verb <<< 動詞
不規則: hukisoku: irregularity <<<
不規則な: hukisokuna: irregular, unsystematic, abnormal, anomalous
不規則動詞: hukisokudoushi: irregular verb [conjugation] <<< 動詞
業務規則: gyoumukisoku: rules of operation [procedure] <<< 業務
就業規則: shuugyoukisoku: office [shop] regulations <<< 就業
取締規則: torishimarikisoku: regulations, rules <<< 取締
交通規則: koutsuukisoku: traffic regulations [rules] <<< 交通
check also 規定 , ルール


pronunciation: kitei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: law , sport   
translation: prescription, regulation, provisions, stipulations
規定の: kiteino: regular, prescribed, ordained
規定通りの: kiteitoorino: prescribed, regulatory <<<
規定する: kiteisuru: provide, prescribe, ordain
規定に反する: kiteinihansuru: be against the rule <<<
規定を破る: kiteioyaburu: break [violate] the rule <<<
規定に従う: kiteinishitagau: comply with the rule <<<
規定料金: kiteiryoukin: regulation [standard] charge <<< 料金
規定種目: kiteishumoku: compulsory exercises [figures] <<< 種目
服装規定: hukusoukitei: dress code <<< 服装
職務規定: shokumukitei: office regulations [instructions], work rules <<< 職務
服務規定: hukumukitei: service regulations <<< 服務
check also 規則


pronunciation: kiyaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: law , business   
translation: agreement, contract
規約を結ぶ: kiyakuomusubu: make [enter into] an agreement [a contract] (with) <<<
規約を破る: kiyakuoyaburu: break an agreement [a contract] <<<
規約に従えば: kiyakunishitagaeba: according to the agreement [contract] <<<
組合規約: kumiaikiyaku: articles of association, union constitution <<< 組合
check also 契約

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