Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: 8 strokes

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: weather    nb of strokes: 8
translation: calm, peace, soft, gentle, harmony
wa, o
和: wa: Japan (jp.) <<< 日本
和らぐ: yawaragu: soften (vi.), relent
和らげる: yawarageru: soften (vt.), defuse
和む: nagomu: be softened
和み: nagomi: softening, easing, calming
和やか: nagoyaka: peaceful, mild, soft
和か: atataka: warm, kind, gentle <<<
和: nagi: calm in sea (jp.), lull <<<
和: kazu: addition, pers.
Kanji words: 和歌 , 日和 , 飽和 , 和訳 , 和食 , 平和 , 和平 , 調和 , 浦和 , 和文 , 共和 , 和歌山 , 融和 , 違和 , 大和 , 昭和 , 和裁 , 和服 , 和尚 , 協和 , 和風 , 不和 , 和解 , 令和 , 緩和 , 和室
Expressions: 痛みを和らげる , 苦痛を和らげる , 和菓子 , ベクトル和

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: life    nb of strokes: 8
translation: young, if (bor.), otherwise
jaku, nyaku
若い: wakai: young, youthful, younger, junior, inexperienced, green, small, low
若い時に: wakaitokini: when young, in one's youth <<<
若い頃に: wakaikoroni <<<
若い時から: wakaitokikara: from one's youth <<<
若い者: wakaimono: young man [woman], lad, youth, apprentice, store clerk, one's men <<< , 若者
若さ: wakasa: youthfulness, youth
若さを保つ: wakasaotamotsu: retain one's youthfulness <<<
若返る: wakagaeru: grow younger, be rejuvenated <<<
若: waka: son of a boss
若し: moshi: if
若しくは: moshikuha: or, otherwise
若し: gotoshi: look like <<< ,
若: nanji: thou <<<
若く: shiku: superior or equal
Kanji words: 若布 , 若草 , 若葉 , 若者 , 若芽 , 傍若無人 , 若干 , 般若 , 若頭
Expressions: 若夫婦 , 若い世代 , 若旦那 , 番号の若い
synonyms: ジュニア

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: life , law    nb of strokes: 8
translation: order, life (ext.), chance, fate, destiny
mei, myou
命じる: meijiru, meizuru: order (v.), summon, appoint, nominate
命せ: oose: order <<<
命: un: chance, fate, destiny <<<
命: inochi: life (god's order)
命の有る: inochinoaru: living, live, alive <<<
命を助ける: inochiotasukeru: save [spare] a person's life <<<
命を救う: inochiosukuu <<<
命を捨てる: inochiosuteru: lose one's life <<<
命を縮める: inochiochiJimeru: shorten one's life <<<
命を懸ける: inochiokakeru: risk [venture] one's life, set one's life on a chance <<<
命を懸けて: inochiokakete: for one's life <<<
命懸けで: inochigakede: at the risk of one's life <<<
命: mikoto: god (suff., jp.), prince
Kanji words: 宿命 , 絶命 , 致命 , 亡命 , 絶体絶命 , 命令 , 懸命 , 革命 , 運命 , 救命 , 命懸 , 命日 , 本命 , 寿命 , 生命
Expressions: 退場を命じる , 蜉蝣の命 , 再審を命じる , 出張を命じられる , 退去を命じる , 命の恩人

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 8
translation: afraid, fear, dread, horror, terror
hu, ho
怖ける: ojikeru: be frightened [scared] (at), grow timid, get into a funk, cower, shrink [recoil] (from)
怖れる: osoreru: be afraid of, fear, dread <<<
怖い: kowai: fearful, horrible, terrible, awful <<<
怖がる: kowagaru: fear, be afraid (of a thing, to do), be in fear (of a thing), be in a fright, be frightened [scared] (at), daunt
Kanji words: 畏怖 , 恐怖

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: fantasy    nb of strokes: 8
translation: doubtful, dubious, suspicious, questionable, uncertain, shady
kai, ke
怪しい: ayashii: doubtful, dubious, suspicious, questionable, uncertain, shady, incredible, strange, queer, mysterious, uncanny, poor, awkward, murky
怪しい男: ayashiiotoko: suspicious-looking man <<<
怪しい手つきで: ayashiitetsukide: with clumsy hands <<<
怪しげな: ayashigena: questionable, broken, suspicious, suspicious-looking
怪しむ: ayashimu: doubt, suspect, wonder at [if, whether]
怪り: tatari: curse (n., jp.), evil spell <<<
Kanji words: 奇怪 , 怪物 , 怪奇 , 怪獣 , 怪盗 , 怪力 , 怪我 , 妖怪
check also

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 8
translation: despise, disregard, scorn
侮る: anadoru: despise, look down upon, hold (a person) in contempt, disregard, make little of, scorn
侮って: anadotte: contemptuously
侮り: anadori: contempt
侮り難い: anadorigatai: not to be despised, formidable <<<
侮れない: anadorenai
Kanji words: 侮辱
check also

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: sport    nb of strokes: 8
translation: push, thrust, stab
突く: tsuku: push (vt.), thrust, stab
突く: tsutsuku: pick (at), peck (at), poke (at), incite, instigate, find fault with (a person, a thing)
突き: tsuki: push (n.), thrust, stab, pass
突き落とす: tsukiotosu: push [thrust] down <<<
突き刺す: tsukisasu: pierce (a thing with), impale, jab <<<
突き倒す: tsukitaosu: push [thrust] over, knock down <<<
突き詰める: tsukitsumeru: make a thorough investigation (of a matter) <<<
突き出る: tsukideru: stand [jut, stick, stretch] out, project, protrude <<<
突き飛ばす: tsukitobasu: push [thrust] (a person) away, send (a person) flying [staggering] <<<
突き止める: tsukitomeru: ascertain, make sure [certain] of, assure, trace (a matter), locate <<<
突き放す: tsukihanasu: throw off, push off, desert, forsake <<<
突っ込む: tsukkomu: thrust in, plunge into, pierce, penetrate, throw a question at (a person), hit (a person) home, dip, charge (into the enemy) <<<
突っ立つ: tsuttatsu: stand up, straight, jump to one's feet, be stuck (in, on) <<<
突っ走る: tsuppashiru: dash, run fast <<<
突っ撥ねる: tsuppaneru: turn (a person) down flat, give a flat refusal (to) <<<
突っ伏す: tsuppusu: fall over with one's face down <<<
突き破る: tsukiyaburu: break [burst] through, pierce, stave in <<<
Kanji words: 突破 , 激突 , 突如 , 突入 , 突風 , 突起 , 突貫 , 突然 , 突撃 , 衝突 , 煙突 , 玉突 , 追突 , 突進 , 突出
Expressions: 底を突く , 杵で突く , 隙を突く , 鞠を突く , 槍で突く , 鐘を突く , 虚を突く , 角で突く , 肘で突く , 肘を突く , 羽根突 , 羽根を突く , 急所を突く , 手鞠を突く , 弱点を突く , ステッキを突く

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: body    nb of strokes: 8
translation: shoulder, back
肩: kata: shoulder (n.), back
肩にする: katanisuru: shoulder (v.), bear [carry] (a thing) on the shoulder
肩に担ぐ: katanikatsugu <<<
肩に掛ける: katanikakeru: hang a thing over one's shoulder <<<
肩が凝る: katagakoru: have stiff shoulders, feel stiff in one's shoulders <<<
肩を落す: kataootosu: lose heart, be disheartened [discouraged] (by) <<< , 落胆
肩を脱ぐ: kataonugu: bare [expose] one's shoulders <<<
肩を聳やかす: kataosobiyakasu: raise one's shoulders
肩を竦める: kataosukumeru: shrug one's shoulders <<<
肩を持つ: kataomotsu: back (v.), favor, support, take sides (with), stand by (a person) <<<
肩を怒らして: kataoikarashite: with one's shoulders squared <<<
肩を叩く: kataotataku: pat sb. on the back, clap sb. on the shoulder <<<
肩を並べる: kataonaraberu: stand shoulder to shoulder with, rank with, rival <<<
肩で息をする: katadeikiosuru: gasp for breath <<<
Kanji words: 肩幅 , 肩車 , 肩身 , 肩掛 , 肩凝

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 8
translation: push, press
ou, kou
押す: osu: push (v.)
押し合う: oshiau: push [jostle, hustle] one another <<<
押し開ける: oshiakeru: push [force] open <<<
押し上げる: oshiageru: push [thrust] up, boost up <<<
押し返す: oshikaesu: push [press, force] back, reject <<<
押し戻す: oshimodosu <<<
押し掛ける: oshikakeru: go uninvited, crash (a party), gate-crash, throng (to a place) <<<
押し切る: oshikiru: brazen [face] it out, break down an opposition <<<
押し倒す: oshitaosu: topple (a person) over, throw [push] down <<<
押し付ける: oshitsukeru: press [hold] (a person) against, compel, force <<<
押し通す: oshitoosu: persist (in doing) to the last [end], stick to (one's belief) to the last, carry through, endure through <<<
押し止める: oshitodomeru: stop, check, hold (a person) back <<<
押し流す: oshinagasu: wash [sweep] away <<<
押し退ける: oshinokeru: push [thrust] away [aside], shove aside, force (a person) out of the way <<< 退
押し破る: oshiyaburu: push [force, burst] open <<<
押し寄せる: oshiyoseru: march [advance] on, rush for <<<
押し分ける: oshiwakeru: push through, push [elbow] one's way through <<<
押し込める: oshikomeru: press [push, squeeze] in, stuff into, confine, lock up, take (a person) into custody <<<
押し出す: oshidasu: push [force, thrust, squeeze] out, push forward <<<
押し立てる: oshitateru: hoist, support <<<
押し並べて: oshinabete: generally (speaking), in general <<<
押さえる: osaeru: press (v.)
押し: oshi: will (n., jp.)
押: kakihan: signature
Kanji words: 押売 , 手押 , 差押 , 押入 , 押し目 , 押収
Expressions: 念を押す , 取り押える , 後から押す , 壷を押える , 肘で押す , 判を押す , 手を押える , 拇印を押す , 目白押し , 駄目を押す , 欲望を押える , 消印を押す , 癇癪を押える , スタンプを押す , ボタンを押す , 押しボタン , ベルを押す
check also

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 8
translation: stab, prick, pierce, stick, bite, sting, sew, stitch
shi, seki
刺す: sasu: stab, prick, pierce, stick, bite, sting, sew, stitch, put [touch] out (in baseball), throw out
Kanji words: 風刺 , 刺青 , 刺繍 , 刺激 , 刺客 , 刺身 , 名刺 , 穿刺
Expressions: 突き刺す , 櫛を刺す , 蜂に刺される , 蚊に刺される , 串に刺す , 釘を刺す , 針で刺す

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