Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: 9 strokes

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category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: crime    nb of strokes: 9
translation: threaten, menace, intimidate
威し: takeshi: strong, brave <<<
威す: odosu: threaten, menace (v.), intimidate, terrify
威し: odoshi: threat, menace (n.), intimidation, bluff
Kanji words: 権威 , 威信 , 威力 , 脅威 , 威厳 , 猛威

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 9
translation: smell, stink, odor
臭い: kusai: bad-smelling, stinking, stink, suspicious, shady
臭い匂い: kusainioi: bad [offensive] smell, stench <<<
臭い匂いがする: kusainioigasuru: smell bad <<<
臭い飯を食う: kusaimeshiokuu: serve one's prison term
臭い物に蓋をする: kusaimononihutaosuru: hush up
臭: nioi: smell (n.) <<<
臭ぐ: kagu: smell (v.), sniff <<<
Kanji words: 臭素 , 悪臭 , 脱臭 , 防臭
Expressions: 青臭い , 汗臭い , 黴臭い , 油臭い , 水臭い , 嫌な臭 , 息が臭い , 面倒臭い , 大蒜臭い , 年寄臭い , 分別臭い , 素人臭い , 田舎臭い , 陰気臭い , 胡散臭い

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 9
translation: grudge, malice
恨む: uramu: hate, curse
恨めしい: urameshii: reproachful
恨み: urami: resentment, grudge, bitter feeling, hatred, spite, ill will, malice
恨みを抱く: uramioidaku: bear (a person) a grudge, have a grudge [spite] (against a person), hoard revenge in one's heart <<<
恨みを忘れる: uramiowasureru: forget one's grudge (against), forgive (a person) <<<
恨みを晴らす: uramioharasu: revenge oneself (on a person), wreak one's vengeance (on a person), pay off old scores (with a person) <<<
恨みを言う: uramioiu: reproach (a person) <<<
恨みを呑む: uramionomu: swallow one's resentment <<<
恨み重なる: uramikasanaru: irreconciliable, unforgiving, unpardonable <<<
恨みを買う: uramiokau: draw grudge [malice] <<<
Kanji words: 怨恨
Expressions: 食物の恨み

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 9
translation: weaken, diminish, reduce, wither, fade, decline, decay, subside
衰える: otoroeru: weaken (vi.), become weak, be enfeebled, wither, fade, decline, decay, subside
衰え: otoroe: decline (of, in), wane (of)
衰ぐ: sogu: diminish, reduce, spoil, weaken (vt.), mar <<<
Kanji words: 衰退
Expressions: 痩せ衰える , 痩せ衰えた , 能力が衰える , 視力が衰える , 体力が衰える , 気力が衰える

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: war    nb of strokes: 9
translation: invade, raid, violate, infringe
侵す: okasu: invade, raid, break into, violate, encroach [trespass] on, infringe
Kanji words: 侵害 , 侵入 , 侵略
Expressions: 高熱に侵される
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category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 9
translation: invite, press, demand, spur, urge, press, force
促す: unagasu: invite, press, demand, spur, prompt, quicken, stimulate
促る: semaru: urge, press, force <<<
Kanji words: 促進 , 催促
Expressions: 分泌を促す

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 9
translation: give, bestow, distribute, lay down, set up
shi, se
施す: hodokosu: give, bestow (a thing on a person), distribute
施し: hodokoshi: almsgiving, charity, alms
施しをする: hodokoshiosuru: give alms (to)
施く: shiku: lay down, set up
Kanji words: 施設 , 布施 , 施工 , 実施 , 施主
Expressions: 粉飾を施す , 肥料を施す , 防備を施す , 恩恵を施す , 装飾を施す , 洗礼を施す , 慈悲を施す , 面目を施す

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 9
translation: insert, pinch, nip
kyou, shou
挟む: hasamu: insert, pinch, nip
Kanji words: 板挟み
Expressions: 差し挟む , 奥歯に挟まる , 砂糖挟み , 干物挟み , 書類挟み , ピンセットで挟む
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category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 9
translation: neglect, lazy, idle
tai, dai
怠る: okotaru: neglect, be negligent [neglectful] (of), be lazy
怠り: okotari: negligence
怠り無く: okotarinaku: diligently, faithfully, carefully <<<
怠ける: namakeru: be idle, be lazy, idle away one's time, neglect
Kanji words: 怠惰 , 怠け者 , 倦怠 , 怠慢
Expressions: 務めを怠る , 役目を怠る , 業務を怠る , 講義を怠ける , 職務を怠る , 義務を怠る , 手続を怠る , 注意を怠る , 摂生を怠る

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: plant    nb of strokes: 9
translation: wither
枯れる: kareru: wither, die, be blasted, be seasoned
枯れた: kareta: withered, dead, seasoned
枯らす: karasu: let wither, kill, season
Kanji words: 枯渇 , 枯葉 , 冬枯れ
Expressions: 痩せても枯れても

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