Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: 12 strokes

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category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: position    nb of strokes: 12
translation: raise, lift, elevate, hold up, hoist, increase
揚げる: ageru: raise, lift (up), elevate, hold up, hoist, increase <<< ,
揚がる: agaru: go [come] up (to), rise, jump up (on), go up, climb, soar <<< ,
揚: age: fry (suff., jp.) <<< フライ
Kanji words: 水揚 , 空揚 , 揚羽 , 高揚 , 揚足 , 揚陸艦
Expressions: 名を揚げる , 凧を揚げる , 錨を揚げる , 油で揚げる , 国旗を揚げる , 精進揚 , 意気揚々 , 意気揚々と , 薩摩揚げ , 実例を揚げる , スローガンを揚げる

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: geology    nb of strokes: 12
translation: bright, clear
晶らか: akiraka: evident, obvious, clear (fig.), distinct, plain <<<
Kanji words: 結晶 , 液晶 , 水晶

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 12
translation: universal, general
hu, ho
普し: amaneshi: universal, general
普く: amaneku: universally, widely, far and wide, everywhere, all round [over]
Kanji words: 普段 , 普通 , 普及

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: finance    nb of strokes: 12
translation: increase, multiply, swell
殖える: hueru: increase (vi.), multiply, swell <<<
殖やす: huyasu: increase (vt.), add (to) <<<
殖える: ueru: plant, cultivate <<<
Kanji words: 繁殖 , 生殖 , 養殖 , 利殖

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: material    nb of strokes: 12
translation: hard, solid, touch, stiff, tight
kou, gou
硬い: katai: hard, solid, touch, stiff, tight <<< ,
Kanji words: 強硬 , 硬貨 , 硬直 , 硬化 , 硬水
Expressions: 表情を硬くする

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: medicine    nb of strokes: 12
translation: examine, look, control, divine, diagnose
診る: miru: examine (v.), look at, control, probe
診う: uranau: predict, divine, diagnose <<<
Kanji words: 聴診 , 回診 , 内診 , 往診 , 診察 , 診断 , 診療 , 打診
Expressions: 脈を診る

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 12
translation: accomplish, complete, fulfill, attain, achieve, realize, carry out
sui, zui
遂げる: togeru: accomplish (one's purpose), complete, fulfill, attain (one's aim), achieve, realize, carry out
遂に: tsuini: at last, finally, in the end, , at length, after all, in the long run <<< 結局
Kanji words: 遂行
Expressions: 志を遂げる , 思いを遂げる , 為し遂げる , 遣り遂げる , 望みを遂げる , 本望を遂げる

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: job    nb of strokes: 12
translation: invite, recruit
募る: tsunoru: invite, recruit, advertise for, become intense (jp.), grow more intense, increase in violence
Kanji words: 募集 , 応募 , 募金 , 公募
Expressions: 兵を募る , 寄付を募る , 入札を募る

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: china    nb of strokes: 12
translation: go over, cross over, Yue (a kingdom in south-east China, 600 BC-334 BC), Vietnam (pref.)
etsu, ochi, katsu
越える: koeru: cross (over), go over [across], pass (through), go [run] through, outrun, outstrip, leave a person far behind, surpass, exceed, rise above, be better than, excel
越す: kosu: cross (over), go over (across), pass (through), go [run] through, outrun, outstrip, leave a person far behind, surpass, exceed, rise above, be better than, excel, move, remove
越に: kokoni: here is
越: koshi: region of Hokuriku (jp.)
Kanji words: 追越 , 僭越 , 超越 , 引越 , 上越 , 年越
Expressions: 勝ち越す , 山を越える , 申し越す , 度を越す , 持ち越す , 峠を越す , 乗り越える , 負け越す , 通り越す , 飛び越える , 踏み越える , 眼鏡越しに , 権限を越える , 程度を越える , 定数を越す , 死線を越える , ハードルを越える , バーを越える
check also ベトナム

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: house    nb of strokes: 12
translation: door, title page
扉: tobira
扉を開く: tobiraohiraku: open the door <<<
Expressions: 防水扉
synonyms: , ドア

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