Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: keyword: business

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Direct access: 売買 , 贔屓 , 引換 , 表示 , 評判 , 物産 , 物々交換 , 弊社 , 勉強 , 奉仕


pronunciation: baibai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business   
translation: selling and buying, business
売買する: baibaisuru: sell and buy
売買高: baibaidaka: turnover, sales <<<
売買総額: baibaisougaku <<< 総額
売買価格: baibaikakaku: purchase value <<< 価格
売買条件: baibaijouken: conditions (terms) of purchase <<< 条件
売買契約: baibaikeiyaku: bargain, sales contract <<< 契約
売買契約者: baibaikeiyakusha: contractant, contracting party <<<
売買契約書: baibaikeiyakusho: contractual document <<<
現物売買: genbutsubaibai: spot trading [transaction] <<< 現物
見本売買: mihonbaibai: sale by sample <<< 見本
銘柄売買: meigarabaibai: sale description <<< 銘柄
株式売買: kabushikibaibai: stock-broking <<< 株式
偽装売買: gisoubaibai: money laundering, washing <<< 偽装
奴隷売買: doreibaibai: slave trade <<< 奴隷
土地売買: tochibaibai: dealing in real estates, land jobbing <<< 土地
人身売買: jinshinbaibai: human traffic, slave trade <<< 人身


pronunciation: hiiki   other spells: 贔負   keyword: business   
translation: favor (n.), patronage, favoritism,partiality
贔屓の: hiikino: patronized, favorite
贔屓にする: hiikinisuru: favor (v.), patronize, show under a favor (to a person), be partial (to)
外人贔屓: gaijinbiiki: xenophilia, xenophilic <<< 外人


pronunciation: hikikae   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 引き換, 引替, 引き替   keyword: business   
translation: exchange
と引換に: tohikikaeni: in exchange for
引換券: hikikaeken: coupon <<< , クーポン
代金引換: daikinhikikae: COD, cash on delivery, collect on delivery <<< 代金
synonyms: 交換


pronunciation: hyouji   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business   
translation: indication, expression
表示する: hyoujisuru: indicate, express (v.)
表示器: hyoujiki: indicator <<<
内容表示: naiyouhyouji: labeling <<< 内容
特徴表示: tokuchouhyouji: description, particulars <<< 特徴
意思表示: ishihyouji: declaration of one's intention <<< 意思
意思表示する: ishihyoujisuru: make a declaration of one's intention <<< 意思
成分表示: seibunhyouji: list of ingredients [components, constituents] <<< 成分
不当表示: hutouhyouji: misrepresentation <<< 不当
check also 表記


pronunciation: hyouban   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business , media   
translation: fame, popularity, notoriety, reputation, report, rumor, cred
評判の: hyoubannno: famous, celebrated, notorious
評判が良い: hyoubangaii: have a good reputation [name], be popular <<<
評判が高い: hyoubangatakai: have great renown <<<
評判が悪い: hyoubangawarui: have a bad reputation [name], be unpopular <<<
評判を落す: hyoubannootosu: lose one's reputation [credit, popularity] <<<
評判を得る: hyoubannoeru: win a reputation, gain popularity <<<
評判する: hyoubansuru: talk about [of], rumor (v.)
評判に成る: hyoubannninaru: be much talked of, create a sensation, be highly spoken of <<<
評判を立てる: hyoubannotateru: start [spread] a rumor <<<


pronunciation: bussan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business   
translation: product, produce
物産展: bussanten: exhibition of the produce <<<
物産陳列所: bussanchiretsusho: produce museum
物産陳列館: bussanchinretsukan
重要物産: juuyoubussan: staple products <<< 重要
synonyms: 産物


pronunciation: butsubutsukoukan   kanji characters: , ,    other spells: 物物交換   keyword: business   
translation: barter (n.)
物々交換する: butsubutsukoukansuru: barter (v.)


pronunciation: heisha   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business   
translation: our company
antonyms: 他社


pronunciation: benkyou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: education , business   
translation: study (n.), learning, lesson, diligence, industry, assiduity, discount (n.)
勉強する: benkyousuru: study (v.), learn, strive, discount (v.)
勉強好き: benkyouzuki: assiduous, sedulous <<<
勉強家: benkyouka: hard worker <<<
勉強時間: benkyoujikan: one's study hours <<< 時間
勉強部屋: benkyoubeya: study (room) <<< 部屋
益々勉強する: masumasubenkyousuru: work harder than ever <<< 益々
受験勉強: jukenbenkyou: studying for an examination <<< 受験
過度の勉強: kadonobenkyou: overwork, overstudy <<< 過度


pronunciation: houshi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business   
translation: service, sacrifice
奉仕する: houshisuru: serve, render services, minister (to)
奉仕品: houshihin: bargain <<<
奉仕事業: houshijigyou: public welfare work <<< 事業
無料奉仕: muryouhoushi: free service <<< 無料
勤労奉仕: kinrouhoushi: labor service <<< 勤労
synonyms: サービス

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