Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: radical

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: shape    nb of strokes: 10
translation: put, accept, pardon, form (bor.), figure
you, yuu
容れる: ireru: put in [into], pour in, pack in, let in, insert <<<
容: katachi: form <<<
容: sugata: figure <<< 姿
容す: yurusu: accept, pardon <<<
容易い: tayasui: easy, simple <<<
容易く: tayasuku: easily, readily, with ease, without difficulty [effort] <<<
Kanji words: 容量 , 美容 , 容器 , 容積 , 容疑 , 容姿 , 収容 , 形容 , 内容 , 容易 , 寛容 , 容態 , 容赦
Expressions: 相容れない

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 11
translation: voluminous, bushy, secret (conf.), private, stealthy
mitsu, bitsu
密かな: hisokana: secret, private, stealthy
密かに: hisokani: secretly, in secret, by stealth
密し: shigeshi: voluminous, bushy <<< ,
Kanji words: 厳密 , 密漁 , 精密 , 密猟 , 秘密 , 密林 , 気密 , 緊密 , 密室 , 密封 , 密通 , 密度 , 密輸 , 密閉 , 機密 , 密会 , 密告 , 過密 , 密航

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: society    nb of strokes: 11
translation: dependent, lean
寄せる: yoseru: place confidence, add (jp.)
寄る: yoru: become dependent, approach (jp., v.)
寄り: yori: gathering (jp.)
寄り合う: yoriau: gather, meet, assemble, throng, flock, huddle <<<
寄り集まる: yoriatsumaru <<<
寄り掛かる: yorikakaru: lean (against, on, over), lean [depend, rely] (on, upon) <<< ,
寄り縋る: yorisugaru: look to (a person) for help, implore (a person to do) <<<
寄り添う: yorisou: sit close by, draw near [close] (to), snuggle up to (a person) <<<
寄せ: yose: end game (of Japanese go or chess game) <<< , 将棋
Kanji words: 寄宿 , 寄生 , 最寄 , 寄稿 , 寄託 , 寄付 , 寄道 , 年寄 , 寄港 , 寄与
Expressions: 事寄せて , 走り寄る , 近寄る , 近寄せる , 呼び寄せる , 港に寄る , 押し寄せる , 擦り寄る , 思いを寄せる , 脇に寄る , 皺が寄る , 抱き寄せる , 傍らに寄る , 打ち寄せる , 誘き寄せる , 歩み寄る , 吸い寄せる , 引き寄せる , 片寄る , 片寄らない , 詰め寄る , 側に寄る , 忍び寄る , 立ち寄る , 片端に寄る


category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: travel    nb of strokes: 11
translation: hotel, inn, accommodation, stay, sojourn
shuku, suku
宿: shuku: relay of horse (jp.)
宿る: yadoru: stay, sojourn, live, dwell
宿す: yadosu: let stay, [sojourn] conceive (a child)
宿: yado: hotel, inn, accommodation
宿を取る: yadootoru: put up (at a hotel), take up one's lodgings (in a house), stay <<<
宿を貸す: yadookasu: take in (a traveler) <<<
宿を探す: yadoosagasu: look for accommodation <<<
Kanji words: 下宿 , 宿泊 , 宿命 , 寄宿 , 雨宿り , 宿木 , 宿題 , 合宿 , 宿敵 , 原宿 , 新宿 , 宿直 , 宿場
Expressions: 温泉宿
synonyms: ホテル

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: weather    nb of strokes: 12
translation: cool, cold, poor, ignoble
寒い: samui: cool, cold, chilly
寒さ: samusa: coolness, coldness
寒がる: samugaru: complain of the cold, be sensitive to the cold, feel the cold
寒がり: samugari: person sensitive to [who quickly feels] the cold
寒がりの人: samugarinohito <<<
寒しい: iyashii: poor, ignoble <<<
Kanji words: 寒波 , 寒流 , 寒天 , 寒冷 , 寒気 , 寒帯
Expressions: 薄ら寒い , 肌寒い , 懐が寒い , 随分寒い , 寒さの所為で , 寒気団

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: society    nb of strokes: 12
translation: rich, abundant
hu, huu
富む: tomu: become rich, enrich
富んだ: tonda: rich, abundant
富: tomi: richness, fortune
富を作る: tomiotsukuru: make a fortune <<<
Kanji words: 富豪 , 富士 , 富山 , 豊富
Expressions: 機知に富む , 機知に富んだ , 表情に富んだ , 暗示に富む , 色彩に富む , 理念に富む , 物資に富む , 奇行に富む , 養分に富む , 変化に富んだ , 波乱に富んだ , 常識に富む , 創意に富んだ , エネルギーに富んだ , ユーモアに富む , サスペンスに富んだ , スリルに富んだ , ビタミンに富む

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 14
translation: examine, understand (ext.)
察らか: akiraka: obvious, evident, plain <<<
察る: miru: look at, examine, observe <<<
察る: shiru: understand <<<
察する: sassuru: guess (jp.), understand
Kanji words: 視察 , 偵察 , 考察 , 警察 , 検察 , 洞察 , 観察 , 省察 , 診察

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: law    nb of strokes: 16
translation: model, rule, standard
憲: nori: rule, standard
Kanji words: 憲兵 , 憲法

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: greeting    nb of strokes: 8
translation: all right, ok, yes, of course
宜しい: yoroshii: very well, all right, ok
宜しく: yoroshiku: well, properly, suitably, rightly, How do you do?
宜しく頼みます: yoroshikutanomimasu: I leave it entirely to you [your discretion] <<<
宜: mube: of course (anc.)
Expressions: 万事宜しく

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: time    nb of strokes: 10
translation: evening
宵: yoi
宵の口に: yoinokuchini: in the early hours of evening, early in the evening, toward evening <<<
Kanji words: 今宵 , 宵闇
Expressions: 宵の明星

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