Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: radical

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: law    nb of strokes: 16
translation: model, rule, standard
憲: nori: rule, standard
Kanji words: 憲兵 , 憲法

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: death    nb of strokes: 7
translation: avoid, disgusting, detestable, hideous
忌まわしい: imawashii: disgusting, detestable, hideous
忌まわしく思う: imawashikuomou: detest, abhor, loathe <<<
忌む: imu: detest, abhor, loathe, avoid, taboo
忌むべき: imubeki: abominable, detestable
Expressions: 一周忌 , 一回忌

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 7
translation: bear, stand, endure, put up with, persevere
nin, jin
忍ぶ: shinobu: bear, stand, endure, put up with, persevere, conceal [avoid] oneself (jp.)
忍ばせる: shinobaseru: conceal
忍び: shinobi: ninja (jp.) <<< 忍者
忍び足で: shinobiashide: stealthily, with stealthy steps, on tiptoe <<<
忍び難い: shinobigatai: unbearable, insufferable, intolerable <<<
忍び無い: shinobinai <<<
忍び込む: shinobikomu: steal [slip] in [into] <<<
忍び入る: shinobiiru <<<
忍び出る: shinobideru: steal [sneak] out <<<
忍び寄る: shinobiyoru: steal near [up, to], draw near unnoticed <<<
忍び泣く: shinobinaku: sob <<<
忍び笑う: shinobiwarau: titter, giggle, laugh in one's sleeve <<<
忍: oshi: pers.
Kanji words: 堪忍 , 忍者 , 忍耐 , 忍法 , 忍術
Expressions: 恥を忍ぶ , 恥を忍んで , 不便を忍ぶ , 足音を忍ばせて

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 9
translation: neglect, lazy, idle
tai, dai
怠る: okotaru: neglect, be negligent [neglectful] (of), be lazy
怠り: okotari: negligence
怠り無く: okotarinaku: diligently, faithfully, carefully <<<
怠ける: namakeru: be idle, be lazy, idle away one's time, neglect
Kanji words: 怠惰 , 怠け者 , 倦怠 , 怠慢
Expressions: 務めを怠る , 役目を怠る , 業務を怠る , 講義を怠ける , 職務を怠る , 義務を怠る , 手続を怠る , 注意を怠る , 摂生を怠る

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 9
translation: angry, anger, furious, provoke, displease, exacerbate, roil
do, nu
怒る: okoru: get angry, become furious
怒る: ikaru
怒らす: okorasu: make (a person) angry [mad, offend], provoke, displease, exacerbate, roil
怒らせる: okoraseru
怒らす: ikarasu
怒らせる: ikaraseru
怒りっぽい: okorippoi: touchy, testy, quick-tempered, irascible, feisty
怒りっぽい: ikarippoi
怒り: ikari: anger, rage, displeasure
怒りに燃える: ikarinimoeru: burn [be furious] with anger <<<
怒りに任せて: ikarinimakasete: in a fit of anger <<<
怒りを抑える: ikarioosaeru: repress one's anger <<<
怒りを買う: ikariokau: incur a person's anger <<<
怒鳴る: donaru: cry (out), roar, shout, yell <<<
怒鳴り付ける: donaritsukeru: roar [thunder, explode] (at a person)
怒鳴り込む: donarikomu: storm into (to make a protest)
Kanji words: 怒声 , 怒号 , 激怒
Expressions: 直ぐ怒る , 肩を怒らして , 怒りの葡萄

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: greeting    nb of strokes: 10
translation: respectful, reverent
恭しい: uyauyashii
恭しく: uyauyashiku: respectfully, reverently, with reverence [respect]

category: common usage   other spells: 戀   radicals:    keyword: love    nb of strokes: 10
translation: love, affection
恋: koi: love (n.), affection
恋う: kou: love (v.), like, prefer <<<
恋しい: koishii: dear, beloved
恋しがる: koishigaru: yearn
恋する: koisuru: love (v.), fall in love with, lose one's heart to
恋に陥る: koiniochiiru: fall in love, become fond of sb. <<<
恋に悩む: koininayamu: be lovesick <<<
恋の苦しみ: koinokurushimi: lovesickness <<<
恋に破れる: koiniyabureru: be disappointed [crossed, thwarted] in love <<<
Kanji words: 恋人 , 失恋 , 恋愛 , 恋心 , 初恋
Expressions: 叶わぬ恋 , 淡い恋 , 儚い恋 , 恋は盲目 , 恋の陶酔 , 恋の火遊び
synonyms: , ラブ

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 10
translation: afraid, fear, fearful, dread, dreadful, horror, horrible, terror, terrible, awe, awful, scary
恐れ: osore: fear, dread, terror, horror, reverence, awe, apprehension, danger
恐れながら: osorenagara: most humbly [respectfully]
恐れ多い: osoreooi: gracious, awful <<<
恐れ多くも: osoreookumo: graciously <<<
恐れ入る: osoreiru: be awestruck, be sorry, feel small, be embarrassed [confounded, disconcerted], be astonished [surprised] (at, to) <<<
恐れ戦く: osoreononoku: tremble with fear, be in fear and trembling <<<
恐れる: osoreru: be afraid of, fear (v.), dread
恐ろしい: osoroshii: scary, awful, fearful, dreadful, terrible, horrible, frightful, forbidding, horrendous
恐ろしく: osoroshiku: awfully, fearfully, dreadfully, terribly
恐ろしさ: osoroshisa: frightfulness, fear (n.), terror, awe
恐らく: osoraku: perhaps, possibly, maybe
恐るべき: osorubeki: fearful, terrible, formidable
恐る恐る: osoruosoru: in fear, timidly, reverently, in awe and reverence, cautiously, gingerly
恐い: kowai: fearful, horrible, terrible, awful <<<
Kanji words: 恐竜 , 恐喝 , 恐慌 , 恐怖

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: moral    nb of strokes: 10
translation: blessing, grace, favor, kindness, mercy, benevolence, charity, alms
kei, e
恵む: megumu: give alms, give (a thing) in charity, bless (a person with), favor, confer [bestow] a favor (upon)
恵み: megumi: blessing, grace, favor, kindness, mercy, benevolence, charity, alms
恵みを請う: megumiokou: ask charity, beg for alms <<<
恵み深い: megumibukai: merciful, benevolent <<<
恵まれた: megumareta: fortunate, privileged
恵まれ無い: megumarenai: unfortunate <<<
恵い: satoi: sharp, clever, quick-witted, intelligent <<<
Kanji words: 恩恵 , 知恵
Expressions: 幸運に恵まれる

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: disease    nb of strokes: 11
translation: anxious, worried, concerned, ill, sick
患える: ureeru: be anxious [worried] (about, over), be concerned (about, for, over), be afraid of, fear <<< ,
患う: wazurau: fall [get] ill [sick]
Kanji words: 患者 , 疾患

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