Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: radical

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category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: crime    nb of strokes: 9
translation: run away, escape, evade, flee
逃げる: nigeru: run away [off], flee, take to flight, escape, break [get] loose, fly away, shirk, back out of
逃れる: nogareru: escape, get off [away], flee, make one's escape, take refuge in, avoid, evade, be freed from, be exempted from, get rid [clear] of
逃がす: nigasu: let go, set free, fail to catch, let escape, let slip
逃す: nogasu
逃げろ: nigero: Every man for himself!
逃げ失せる: nigeuseru: run away, disappear <<<
逃げ遅れる: nigeokureru: fail to escape [get off], be left behind <<<
逃げ帰る: nigekaeru: run [fly] back <<<
逃げ込む: nigekomu: run into, take refuge [shelter] <<<
逃げ出す: nigedasu: run away (from), flee, take to one's heels <<<
逃げ延びる: nigenobiru: escape safely, make good one's escape, run away (from, to) <<<
逃げ惑う: nigemadou: run this way or that for a way of escape, run about trying to escape <<<
逃げ回る: nigemawaru <<<
逃げるが勝ち: nigerugakachi: Discretion is the better part of valor <<<
Kanji words: 逃走 , 逃亡 , 食逃げ
Expressions: 驚いて逃げる , 難を逃れる , 取り逃がす , 機会を逃す , 責任を逃れる , 無事に逃れる , 危機を逃れる , 逃げ口上 , 逃げ口上を言う , 潮時を逃がす , チャンスを逃す
check also

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: road    nb of strokes: 10
translation: walk (org.), way, path, road, street
to, zu
途切れ: togire: break (n.), pause <<<
途切れる: togireru: break (v.), be interrupted <<<
途切れ途切れの: togiretogireno: broken, interrupted, disconnected
途切れ途切れに: togiretogireni: brokenly, intermittently, off and on
途: michi: way, path, road, street <<<
途んでもない: tondemonai: outrageous, fantastic, terrible, ridiculous, No kidding! No way! Anything but! Far from it! Not bloody likely
Kanji words: 途端 , 中途 , 途中 , 一途 , 冥途 , 前途
Expressions: 帰宅の途につく

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 10
translation: die, pass away
逝く: yuku
check also

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 10
translation: chase, pursue, run after
chiku, jiku
逐う: ou
Kanji words: 駆逐

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 10
translation: replace, substitute, one after another, relay
逓: kawarugawaru: one after another
逓わる: kawaru: replace, substitute <<< , ,

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 10
translation: pass through, transparent
透く: suku: become transparent, become spaced
透かす: sukasu: look through, hold (a thing) to the light, leave a space [an opening] (between), thin out
透ける: sukeru: be transparent
透けて見える: suketemieru: be seen through, see-through <<<
透かし: sukashi: watermark, openwork
透かしの入った: sukashinohaitta: watermarked, open-worked <<<
透す: toosu: pass through <<<
Kanji words: 透明 , 透視 , 透析 , 浸透

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 11
translation: reach, come up to, chase
tai, dai, tei
逮ぶ: oyobu: reach, come up to <<<
Kanji words: 逮捕

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 11
translation: evade, elude, dodge, side-step, parry, divert, deviate, stray, escape, lose (ext.), miss
ichi, itsu
逸する: issuru: miss [lose] (a chance), let escape, stray [deviate] from
逸う: ushinau: miss [lose] (a chance), let escape <<<
逸す: sorasu: evade, elude, dodge, side-step, parry, turn (a thing) aside [away], divert, make (a thing) deviate from
逸る: hashiru: escape <<< ,
逸る: hayaru: be hasty, be impatient, be impetuous <<<
逸れる: sugureru: be superior, surpass, excel <<< ,
逸: toshi, yasu, haya: pers.
Kanji words: 逸話 , 逸材 , 逸脱
Expressions: 話を逸らす , 機会を逸する , 軌道を逸する , 脇道へ逸れる , 好機を逸する , 血気に逸る , 時機を逸する , 目線を逸す , 視線を逸す , 注意を逸らす , 潮時を逸する

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: time    nb of strokes: 12
translation: late, slow, wait for
遅れる: okureru: be late, be behind time
遅らす: okurasu: delay, defer
遅らせる: okuraseru
遅い: osoi: late (a.), slow, tardy
遅れ: okure: delay, lag
遅れを取る: okureotoru: be behind others, be beaten [defeated] <<<
遅れを取り戻す: okureotorimodosu: catch up on a delay
遅く: osoku: late (adv.), slowly
遅くとも: osokutomo: at (the) least
遅くまで: osokumade: to lately
遅く成る: osokunaru: be late, be behind time, decelerate <<<
遅かれ早かれ: osokarehayakare: sooner or later <<<
遅つ: matsu: wait for, await <<<
Kanji words: 遅番 , 遅刻 , 遅延
Expressions: 逃げ遅れる , 今や遅しと , 申遅れましたが , 悟りが遅い , 幾ら遅くとも , 世に遅れる , 乗り遅れる , 歩みが遅い , 足が遅い , 帰りが遅い , 夜遅く , 夜遅くまで , 時計が遅れる , 列車に遅れる , 今朝遅く , 季節遅れ , 期限に遅れる , 速度の遅い , 進行が遅い , 進歩が遅い , 時期が遅すぎる , 時間に遅れる , 時代遅れ , 上達が遅い , 理解が遅い , 定刻に遅れる , テンポの遅い
check also ,

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 12
translation: accomplish, complete, fulfill, attain, achieve, realize, carry out
sui, zui
遂げる: togeru: accomplish (one's purpose), complete, fulfill, attain (one's aim), achieve, realize, carry out
遂に: tsuini: at last, finally, in the end, , at length, after all, in the long run <<< 結局
Kanji words: 遂行
Expressions: 遣り遂げる , 志を遂げる , 思いを遂げる , 為し遂げる , 望みを遂げる , 本望を遂げる

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