Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: keyword: business

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Direct access: 業種 , 行商 , 業績 , 経営 , 契約 , 現物 , 交易 , 高価 , 交換 , 高額


pronunciation: gyoushu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business , industry   
translation: type of business
業種別にする: gyoushubetsunisuru: classify by industry <<<


pronunciation: gyoushou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business   
translation: peddling
行商する: gyoushousuru: peddle, hawk
行商人: gyoushounin: peddler, hawker, vendor <<<


pronunciation: gyouseki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business   
translation: achievements, results
業績を上げる: gyousekioageru: produce achievements, bring about remarkable results <<<


pronunciation: keiei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business   
translation: management, administration
経営する: keieisuru: manage, administrate
経営者: keieisha: manager, administrator <<<
経営費: keieihi: operating costs, running expenses <<<
経営学: keieigaku: business management <<<
経営法: keieihou <<<
経営難: keieinan: business difficulties <<<
経営参加: keieisanka: participation in management <<< 参加
経営管理: keieikanri: management control <<< 管理
経営資本: keieishihon: working capital <<< 資本
経営方針: keieihoushin: operating plan <<< 方針
共同経営: kyoudoukeiei: joint management <<< 共同
農業経営: nougyoukeiei: agribusiness <<< 農業
多角経営: takakukeiei: diversified [multiple] business <<< 多角
自家経営: jikakeiei: home business <<< 自家
個人経営: kojinkeiei: private enterprise [management] <<< 個人
ホテルを経営する: hoteruokeieisuru: run a hotel <<< ホテル


pronunciation: keiyaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business , law   
translation: contract (n.), agreement, deal, covenant
契約する: keiyakusuru: contract (v.), sign, conclude a contract
契約を結ぶ: keiyakuomusubu <<<
契約を守る: keiyakuomamoru: abide by a contract <<<
契約を解く: keiyakuotoku: dissolve a contract <<<
契約を破る: keiyakuoyaburu: break a contract <<<
契約書: keiyakusho: bond, contract (n.) <<<
契約金: keiyakukin: contract money <<<
契約者: keiyakusha: contractor <<<
契約期間: keiyakukikan: period of contract <<< 期間
契約違反: keiyakuihan: breach of contract <<< 違反
契約社員: keiyakushain: contracted employee <<< 社員
契約移民: keiyakuimin: contract immigrants <<< 移民
仮契約: karikeiyaku: provisional agreement <<<
本契約: honkeiyaku: definitive agreement <<<
一括契約: ikkatsukeiyaku: blanket contract <<< 一括
売買契約: baibaikeiyaku: bargain, sales contract <<< 売買
企業契約: kigyoukeiyaku: affiliation, intercompany agreement <<< 企業
相続契約: souzokukeiyaku: contract of inheritance <<< 相続
無償契約: mushoukeiyaku: naked [gratuitous] contract <<< 無償
出演契約: shutsuenkeiyaku: booking <<< 出演
組合契約: kumiaikeiyaku: contract of partnership <<< 組合
先物契約: sakimonokeiyaku: futures contract <<< 先物
雇用契約: koyoukeiyaku: contract of engagement [employment] <<< 雇用
保険契約: hokenkeiyaku: contract of insurance <<< 保険
口頭契約: koutoukeiyaku: verbal contract <<< 口頭
賃貸契約: chintaikeiyaku: lease [hiring] contract [agreement] <<< 賃貸
保証契約: hoshoukeiyaku: contract of suretyship <<< 保証


pronunciation: genbutsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business , finance   
translation: actual thing, goods, spots
現物で払う: genbutsudeharau: pay in kind <<<
現物給与: genbutsukyuuyo: allowance in kind <<< 給与
現物賠償: genbutsubaishou: reparations in kind <<< 賠償
現物交換: genbutsukoukan: barter <<< 交換
現物支給: genbutsushikyuu: pay in product vouchers <<< 支給
現物市場: genbutsushijou: spot market <<< 市場
現物取引: genbutsutorihiki: spot trading [transaction] <<< 取引
現物売買: genbutsubaibai <<< 売買
現物仲買人: genbutsunakagainin: spot broker


pronunciation: koueki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business   
translation: (international) trade [exchange], barter
交易する: kouekisuru: trade (v.)
synonyms: 貿易


pronunciation: kouka   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business   
translation: high price, expensiveness
高価な: koukana: high priced, expensive
高価で買う: koukadekau: buy at a high price <<<
check also 安価


pronunciation: koukan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business , finance   
translation: exchange (n.), interchange, permutation
交換する: koukansuru: exchange (v.), barter, change (v.), permute
交換手: koukanshu: telephone operator <<<
交換台: koukandai: switchboard <<<
交換所: koukanjo: clearing house <<<
交換学生: koukangakusei: exchange student <<< 学生
交換条件: koukanjouken: bargaining point <<< 条件
交換価値: koukankachi: exchange value <<< 価値
交換物資: koukanbusshi: barter goods <<< 物資
交換レート: koukanreeto: exchange rate <<< レート
交換レンズ: koukanrenzu: interchangeable lens <<< レンズ
現物交換: genbutsukoukan: barter <<< 現物
手形交換: tegatakoukan: clearing <<< 手形
覚書の交換: oboegakinokoukan: exchange of notes <<< 覚書
覚書を交換する: oboegakiokoukansuru: exchange notes <<< 覚書
意見を交換する: ikennokoukansuru: exchange views <<< 意見
意見交換: ikenkoukan: exchange of views <<< 意見
情報交換: jouhoukoukan: information exchange, sharing of information <<< 情報
エールを交換する: eeruokoukansuru: yell (v.) <<< エール
リンク交換: rinkukoukan: link exchange <<< リンク
オイル交換: oirukoukan: oil change <<< オイル
synonyms: 引換


pronunciation: kougaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business   
translation: high price, large sum
高額な: kougakuna: expensive
高額所得者: kougakushotokusha: large income earner
check also 多額

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