Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: 15 strokes

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category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 15
translation: rub, scrub, scour, chafe, brush
摩る: suru: rub (vt.), file, frost, strike <<<
摩る: kosuru: rub, scrub, scour, chafe, brush <<<
摩る: naderu: stroke, pat, smooth <<<
Kanji words: 摩天楼 , 摩滅 , 摩擦 , 按摩 , 薩摩

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: time    nb of strokes: 15
translation: provisional
暫く: shibaraku: for a while, for some time, a moment, a minute
暫し: shibashi
暫に: karini: provisionally, provisionally, for the time being, on trial <<<
Kanji words: 暫定

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: optics    nb of strokes: 15
translation: shade, shadow, silhouette, figure
ei, you
影: kage: shade, shadow, silhouette, figure, reflection, image, sign, trace
影が差す: kagegasasu: cast [throw] a shadow (on) <<<
影の様な: kegenoyouna: shadowy <<<
影も形も無い: kagemokatachimonai: Nothing remains of it, There is no trace of it
影も形も見えない: kagemokatachimomienai
影を隠す: kageokakusu: hide away, secrete oneself, disappear <<<
影を潜める: kageohisomeru <<<
影が薄い: kagegausui: look as if one were shadowed by death, be in a back seat <<<
Kanji words: 幻影 , 面影 , 撮影 , 火影 , 影響
Expressions: 噂をすれば影 , 影武者 , 影の銀行
synonyms: , シルエット

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: nature    nb of strokes: 15
translation: transparent, clear, pure, limpid
澄む: sumu: become clear
澄んだ: sunda: clear, lucid, transparent, limpid
澄ます: sumasu: make clear, clarify, strain [prick up] one's ears, put on airs, be affected, look serious [grave, demure] (jp.), be [look] composed [calm], look prim
澄ました: sumashita: affected, prim, stuck up
澄んだ目: sundame: limpid eyes <<<
澄んだ声: sundakoe: clear voice <<<
澄んだ水: sundamizu: clear water <<<
澄み渡る: sumiwataru: clear up <<<
Expressions: 乙に澄ます , 耳を澄ます , 研ぎ澄ます , 見澄ます

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: footwear    nb of strokes: 15
translation: shoes, boots, put on, trample, walk
履: kutsu: shoes, boots <<<
履む: humu: trample, walk <<<
履く: haku: put on <<< 穿
Kanji words: 履歴 , 草履 , 履物
Expressions: 靴を履く , 草履を履く , 下駄を履く , 下駄履きで , 足袋を履く , 靴下を履く , 長靴を履く , 長靴を履いた , 履物を履く , 部屋履き , 薄氷を履む , スリッパを履く , スキーを履く

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: shape    nb of strokes: 15
translation: sharp, pointed, keen, clever, fast
ei, tai
鋭い: surudoi: sharp, pointed, violent, acute, cutting, poignant, keen, piercing
鋭い痛み: surudoiitami: acute pain <<<
鋭く: surudoku: sharply, keenly, poignantly, acutely
鋭くする: surudokusuru: sharpen
鋭い: hayai: fast, quick, rapid <<<
Kanji words: 精鋭 , 鋭敏
Expressions: 刃の鋭い , 歯の鋭い , 感覚が鋭い

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 15
translation: delight, happy, joy
kei, kyou
慶ぶ: yorokobu: be glad, be delighted, be happy, rejoice <<< ,
慶い: yoi: good, delightful <<< ,
慶し: yoshi
慶: chika, nori, yasu, yoshi, michi: pers.

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 15
translation: go, proceed, purport (bor.), effect, contents, look, appearance, urge, press, demand, spur, prompt, quicken, stimulate
shu, sou, soku
趣: omomuki: effect, purport, contents, look, appearance, taste, elegance, flavor
趣の有る: omomukinoaru: tasteful, refined, elegant <<<
趣の無い: omomukinonai: tasteless, flat, vulgar <<<
趣を異にする: omomukioinisuru: look different, have a different air <<<
趣く: omomuku: go, proceed (to), betake oneself to, drive (to), grow, get, become <<<
趣す: unagasu: urge, press, demand, spur, prompt, quicken, stimulate <<<
Kanji words: 趣旨 , 趣味 , 趣向

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 15
translation: blow, vomit
hun, hon
噴く: huku: blow
噴く: haku: vomit
Kanji words: 噴水 , 噴射 , 噴火 , 噴出

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: movie    nb of strokes: 15
translation: take, pick, pinch
撮る: toru: take, photograph (v., jp.), film
撮む: tsumamu: pinch (vt.), pick, take a pinch of <<<
撮み: tsumami: knob, pinch (n.) <<<
Kanji words: 隠し撮 , 撮影 , 盗撮
Expressions: 自分撮り

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