Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: keyword: school

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Direct access: 進学 , 進級 , 新卒 , 新入 , 自習 , 授業 , 受験 , 女子 , 助手 , 生徒


pronunciation: shingaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: school   
translation: going to a higher school
進学する: shingakusuru: go to a higher school
check also 進級


pronunciation: shinkyuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: school   
translation: promotion, remove
進級する: shinkyuusuru: be promoted (to), go up (into a higher class)
進級させる: shinkyuusaseru: promote
進級試験: shinkyuushiken: examination for promotion <<< 試験
check also 進学


pronunciation: shinsotsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: school   
translation: new graduate
新卒の: shinsotsuno: newly graduated


pronunciation: shinnnyuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: school   
translation: new recruiting
新入の: shinnnyuuno: new recruited, new enrolled
新入生: shinnnyuusei: freshman, new enrolled student <<<
新入社員: shinnnyuushain: new recruit <<< 社員


pronunciation: jishuu   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 自修   keyword: school   
translation: self-teaching, self-study
自習する: jishuusuru: teach oneself, study by oneself
自習室: jishuushitsu: study hall <<<
自習時間: jishuujikan: study hours <<< 時間
check also 独学


pronunciation: jugyou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: school   
translation: lesson, teaching, class, course
授業する: jugyousuru: teach
授業を受ける: jugyououkeru: take a lesson <<<
授業に出る: jugyounideru: attend school <<<
授業中: jugyouchuu: during class <<<
授業料: jugyouryou: school fee <<<
授業時間: jugyoujikan: school hours <<< 時間
最後の授業: saigonojugyou: last lesson, last class <<< 最後
語学の授業: gogakunojugyou: language lesson <<< 語学
二部授業: nibujugyou: double-shift school system <<< 二部
個人授業: kojinjugyou: private lesson <<< 個人
synonyms: 講義 , クラス


pronunciation: juken   kanji characters: ,    keyword: school   
translation: taking one's exams
受験する: jukensuru: take [sit for] an examination
受験科: jukenka: preparatory course <<<
受験者: jukensha: candidate for examination, examinee <<<
受験生: jukensei: candidate for examination, test taker, prep school student <<<
受験票: jukenhyou: admission ticket for examination <<<
受験料: jukenryou: examination fee <<<
受験の準備をする: jukennnojunbiosuru: prepare (oneself) for an entrance examination <<< 準備
受験に失敗する: jukennnishippaisuru: fail in an examination <<< 失敗
受験科目: jukenkamoku: subjects of examination <<< 科目
受験産業: jukensangyou: entrance examination industry <<< 産業
受験資格: jukenshikaku: qualification for an examination <<< 資格
受験資格が有る: jukenshikakugaaru: be qualified for an examination <<<
受験写真: jukenshashin: photograph for an examination <<< 写真
受験番号: jukenbangou: examinee's application (seat) number <<< 番号
受験勉強: jukenbenkyou: studying for an examination <<< 勉強
check also 試験


pronunciation: joshi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: school   
translation: daughter, girl, young woman, female
女子の: joshino: ladies', female
女子校: joshikou: girl's school <<<
女子高: joshikou: girl's high school <<<
女子高校: joshikoukou <<< 高校
女子大: joshidai: women's college <<<
女子大学: joshidaigaku <<< 大学
女子学生: joshigakusei: girl student <<< 学生
女子教育: joshikyouiku: education of women [girls] <<< 教育
女子店員: joshitennin: salesgirl, saleswomen, saleslady, shop girl <<< 店員
女子チーム: joshichiimu: women's team <<< チーム
女子シングルス: joshishingurusu: ladies' singles
女子ダブルス: joshidaburusu: ladies' doubles
女子トイレ: joshitoire: ladies' [women's] cloakroom [lavatory, restroom, toilet] <<< トイレ
antonyms: 男子
check also 女性 , 婦人


pronunciation: joshu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: school   
translation: assistant, acolyte
助手席: joshuseki: assistant driver's seat <<<


pronunciation: seito   kanji characters: ,    keyword: school   
translation: pupil, student
生徒会: seitokai: student council <<<
生徒監: seitokan: proctor, inspector of students <<<
男生徒: danseito: male pupil [student] <<<
女生徒: joseito: female pupil [student] <<<
男子生徒: danshiseito: schoolboy <<< 男子
優秀な生徒: yuushuunaseito: brilliant student <<< 優秀
check also 学生

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