Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: 13 strokes

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category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: animal    nb of strokes: 13
translation: monkey, macaque
猿: saru
猿の様な: sarunoyouna: apelike, apish, monkeyish <<<
猿も木から落ちる: sarumokikaraochiru: Even the best have their failures, Even Homer sometimes nods
Expressions: 猿の惑星 , 猿真似 , 猿芝居

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: animal    nb of strokes: 13
translation: female
雌: mesu: female (n.)
雌: me
雌の: mesuno: female (a.)
雌の犬: mesunoinu: female dog, she-dog <<< , 雌犬
雌の猫: mesunoneko: female cat, she-cat, queen <<< , 雌猫
雌の牛: mesunoushi: cow <<<
雌の馬: mesunouma: female horse <<<
Kanji words: 雌馬 , 雌鹿 , 雌犬 , 雌鳥 , 雌猫 , 雌狼
Expressions: 雌山羊 , 雌驢馬 , 雌螺子 , 雌ライオン

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: foolish, silly, stupid, dull
愚: gu: nonsense (n.), imbecility
愚に付かぬ: gunitsukanu: nonsense (a.), imbecile <<<
愚かな: orokana: foolish, silly, stupid, dull, mooch
愚かにも: orokanimo: foolishly
愚かさ: orokasa: foolishness
愚かしさ: orokashisa
Kanji words: 愚弄 , 愚者 , 愚図 , 愚痴

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: decoration    nb of strokes: 13
translation: decoration, ornament, trimmings, decor
shoku, shiki
飾る: kazaru: ornament (v.), adorn, decorate, dress, deck, garnish, affect, be affected, give oneself airs
飾り: kazari: decoration, ornament (n.), trimmings, decor
飾りの: kazarino: ornamental, decorative
飾りの有る: kazarinoaru <<<
飾りの無い: kazarinonai: unadorned, simple, plain, artless <<<
飾り立てる: kazaritateru: dress up, deck out <<<
Kanji words: 粉飾 , 装飾
Expressions: 雛を飾る , 錦を飾る , 店頭に飾る , 花道を飾る , 船首飾り , 外見を飾る , 外観を飾る , 宝石で飾る , 言葉を飾る , リボンで飾る

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: family    nb of strokes: 13
translation: bride, wife, daughter-in-law, marry
嫁ぐ: totsugu: marry (a man), be married to (a man), marry into (a family)
嫁がせる: totsugaseru: marry (one's daughter to a man)
嫁: yome: bride, wife, daughter-in-law
嫁に貰う: yomenimorau: take (a girl) to wife <<<
嫁を貰う: yomeomorau: marry (a girl), take (a girl) to wife, take a wife <<<
嫁に遣る: yomeniyaru: marry one's daughter off, marry [wed] one's daughter (to a person) <<<
嫁に行く: yomeniiku: marry, be married to <<<
Kanji words: 花嫁
antonyms: 婿

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: transport , media    nb of strokes: 13
translation: carry, load, begin (bor.), age
載せる: noseru: carry, load, publish <<<
載る: noru: ride, be on board, be recorded [mentioned] <<<
載める: hajimeru: begin, start <<<
載: koto: business, affair <<<
載す: shirusu: write (down) <<<
載: toshi: age <<<
Kanji words: 搭載 , 転載 , 記載 , 満載 , 掲載 , 連載
Expressions: 棚に載せる , 記事に載せる , 日程に載せる , 新聞に載せる , プログラムに載せる , プログラムに載っている , ブラック・リストに載せる , リストに載せる

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: calendar    nb of strokes: 13
translation: age, year
sai, sei
歳: sai: age, year
歳: toshi: age, year <<<
歳: yowai: age (anc.) <<<
Kanji words: 何歳 , 万歳 , 歳暮 , 千歳 , 歳入 , 歳出
Expressions: 三十歳 , 三十歳の , 十五歳 , 十五歳の , 十八歳 , 二十歳 , 二十歳の

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: fabric    nb of strokes: 13
translation: silk
絹: kinu
絹の様な: kinunoyouna: silky <<<
Expressions: 絹製品 , 絹のストッキング

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: touch, feel, pat
shoku, soku
触れる: hureru: touch (vt.), come in contact (with), feel, hit, conflict with, violate, infringe
触れ合う: hureau: come into contact with, touch each other <<<
触れ込む: hurekomu: give oneself out (for, as, to be), announce oneself (as), pretend (to be), pose (as) <<<
触る: sawaru: touch (vt.), feel, pat
触らぬ神に祟り無し: sawaranukaminitatarinashi: Let sleeping dogs lie
触り: sawari: touch (n.), feel, moving passage
Kanji words: 触手 , 肌触 , 接触 , 触合 , 感触 , 触角
Expressions: 折に触れて , 指で触る , 有り触れた , 手を触れる , 核心に触れる , 機雷に触れる , 要点に触れる

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: trace, track, remains, chase
seki, shaku
跡: ato: trace, track, remains
跡を付ける: atootsukeru: shadow (a person), trail <<<
跡を追う: atooou: follow (a person), chase, trail <<<
跡を継ぐ: atootsugu: succeed to [take over] (a person's business), succeed (a person), inherit <<<
Kanji words: 遺跡 , 傷跡 , 足跡 , 軌跡 , 跡取 , 痕跡 , 奇跡 , 跡目
Expressions: 蹄の跡 , 火傷の跡 , 蝸牛の跡

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