Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: keyword: business

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Direct access: 商品 , 消耗 , 新規 , 新着 , 新品 , 信用 , 事業 , 実績 , 受注 , 需要


pronunciation: shouhin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business   
translation: merchandize, goods, commodity
商品券: shouhinken: gift coupon, exchange ticket <<< , クーポン
商品名: shouhinmei: trade name <<<
商品見本: shouhinmihon: trade sample <<< 見本
商品目録: shouhinmokuroku: general catalogue
商品在高: shouhinzaidaka: amount of stock
商品在高帖: shouhinzaidakachou: stock book
商品陳列室: shouhinchinretsushitsu: show room
商品陳列窓: shouhinchinretsumado: show windows
商品仕入: shouhinshiire: goods input, stock receipt <<< 仕入
商品仕入帳: shouhinshiirechou: purchase book <<<
商品取引所: shouhintorihikijo: commodity exchange
在庫商品: zaikoshouhin: stocks, goods in stock <<< 在庫
目玉商品: medamashouhin: feature, loss leader <<< 目玉
重要商品: juuyoushouhin: important goods <<< 重要
金融商品: kinnyuushouhin: financial products <<< 金融
金融派生商品: kinnyuuhaseishouhin: financial derivative products <<< 金融
没収商品: bosshuushouhin: confiscated article <<< 没収
キャラクター商品: kyarakutaashouhin: character goods <<< キャラクター
アイデア商品: aideashouhin: clever [ingenious, shrewd] product <<< アイデア
ブランド商品: burandoshouhin: brand-name goods <<< ブランド
ヒット商品: hittoshouhin: hit product <<< ヒット
check also 製品 , 品物


pronunciation: shoumou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: war , business   
translation: consumption, wear and tear, attrition
消耗する: shoumousuru: consume, use up, exhaust, waste
消耗した: shoumoushita: exhausted
消耗戦: shoumousen: war of attrition <<<
消耗費: shoumouhi: wear and tear expenses <<<
消耗品: shoumouhin: article of consumption, expendable supplies <<<
消耗率: shoumouritsu: attrition rate <<<


pronunciation: shinki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business   
translation: new (n.)
新規の: shinkino: new (a.), fresh
新規に: shinkini: anew, afresh
新規口座: shinkikouza: new account <<< 口座
新規採用: shinkisaiyou: new recruitment, new hiring <<< 採用
新規参入: shinkisannnyuu: new entry
新規開店: shinkikaiten: new opening [inauguration] <<< 開店


pronunciation: shinchaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business   
translation: new arrival
新着の: shinchakuno: newly arrived
新着品: shinchakuhin: newly arrived article <<<


pronunciation: shinpin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business   
translation: new article
新品の: shinpinnno: brand-new
新品同様: shinpindouyou: like new <<< 同様
antonyms: 中古


pronunciation: shinnyou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business   
translation: trust (n.), confidence, credibility
信用で: shinnyoude: on credit [trust]
信用する: shinnyousuru: trust (v.), believe
信用が有る: shinnyougaaru: be trusted [credited] <<<
信用が無い: shinnyouganai: have no credit, enjoy little credit <<<
信用を得る: shinnyouoeru: have [gain] credit, gain [win, enjoy] the confidence <<<
信用を傷つける: shinnyouokizutsukeru: impair [injure] one's credit [reputation] <<<
信用を失う: shinnyououshinau: lose one's credit, fall into disrepute <<<
信用を落とす: shinnyouootosu <<<
信用出来る: shinnyoudekiru: reliable, credible <<< 出来
信用銀行: shinnyouginkou: credit bank <<< 銀行
信用組合: shinnyoukumiai: credit association [union] <<< 組合
信用収縮: shinnyoushuushuku: credit crunch <<< 収縮
手形信用: tegatashinnyou: bill credit <<< 手形
長期信用: choukishinnyou: long-term credit <<< 長期
synonyms: 信頼


pronunciation: jigyou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business , industry   
translation: business, project, enterprise
事業を営む: jigyouoitonamu: carry on business <<<
事業化: jigyouka: industrialization, commercialization <<<
事業化する: jigyoukasuru: industrialize, commercialize
事業を起こす: jigyouookosu: start a business, found an enterprise <<< , 起業
事業主: jigyounushi: business proprietor <<<
事業家: jigyouka: entrepreneur, enterpriser <<<
事業費: jigyouhi: working expense <<<
事業界: jigyoukai: business [industrial] circles <<<
事業税: jigyouzei: enterprise tax <<<
事業資金: jigyoushikin: business funds <<< 資金
事業年度: jigyounendo: business year <<< 年度
事業所得: jigyoushotoku: income from an enterprise <<< 所得
奉仕事業: houshijigyou: public welfare work <<< 奉仕
合弁事業: goubenjigyou: joint venture <<< 合弁
独占事業: dokusenjigyou: monopolistic enterprise <<< 独占
継続事業: keizokujigyou: continued project <<< 継続
福祉事業: hukushijigyou: welfare work <<< 福祉
国営事業: kokueijigyou: government enterprise <<< 国営
民間事業: minkanjigyou: private enterprise <<< 民間
後援事業: kouenjigyou: aid organization, patronage <<< 後援
土木事業: dobokujigyou: public engineering works <<< 土木
共同事業: kyoudoujigyou: joint undertaking [enterprise] <<< 共同
救済事業: kyuusaijigyou: relief work <<< 救済
共済事業: kyousaijigyou: mutual aid project <<< 共済
投機事業: toukijigyou: speculative enterprise <<< 投機
公共事業: koukyoujigyou: public utility <<< 公共
関連事業: kanrenjigyou: affiliated enterprise <<< 関連
冒険事業: boukenjigyou: daring venture, reckless enterprise <<< 冒険
厚生事業: kouseijigyou: welfare work <<< 厚生
公益事業: kouekijigyou: public utility <<< 公益
巨大事業: kyodaijigyou: megaproject, gigantic project <<< 巨大
個人事業: kojinjigyou: small business <<< 個人
マンモス事業: manmosujigyou: mammoth project <<< マンモス
synonyms: 会社 , 企業 , ビジネス


pronunciation: jisseki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business   
translation: actual results, past records, business showings
実績を上げる: jissekioageru: bring about good results, give satisfactory results <<<
実績を挙げる: jissekioageru <<<
実績制: jissekisei: merit system <<<
check also 結果 , 成績


pronunciation: juchuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business , industry   
translation: reception of an order
受注する: juchuusuru: receive an order
受注高: juchuudaka: order awarded <<<
受注生産: juchuuseisan: manufacturing on demand, on-demand manufacturing <<< 生産


pronunciation: juyou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business   
translation: demand, request
需要が有る: juyougaaru: be in demand <<<
需要を満たす: juyouomitasu: meet a demand <<<
需要が多い: juyougaooi: have plenty of demand <<<
需要者: juyousha: consumer <<<
需要供給: juyoukyoukyuu: demand and supply <<< 供給
需要過多: juyoukata: over demand
国内需要: kokunaijuyou: domestic needs <<< 国内
有効需要: yuukoujuyou: effective demand <<< 有効
antonyms: 供給

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