Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: keyword: life

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Direct access: 成年 , 生命 , 世話 , 絶命 , 早婚 , 早熟 , 相続 , 壮年 , 送別 , 体験


pronunciation: seinen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life   
translation: full [legal] age, majority
成年の: seinennno: major (a.), mature, of age, full-aged
成年に達する: seinennnitassuru: come of age, reach full [legal] age <<<
成年者: seinensha: major (n.), adult, grown-up person <<<
未成年: miseinen: minority <<<
未成年の: miseinennno: minor (a.), infant, under age
未成年者: miseinensha: minor (n.), person under age <<<
未成年犯罪: miseinenhanzai: juvenile delinquency <<< 犯罪
未成年労働: miseinenroudou: child labor <<< 労働
check also 成人


pronunciation: seimei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: biology , life , medicine   
translation: life, soul
生命の有る: seimeinoaru: animate, living <<<
生命の無い: seimeinonai: inanimate, dead <<<
生命を失う: seimeioushinau: lose one's life <<<
生命を狙う: seimeionerau: seek (attempt) the life of someone <<<
生命を賭けて: seimeiokakete: at the risk (hazard) of one's life <<<
生命に関わる: seimeinikakawaru: dangerous to life, life-threatening, extremely dangerous, perilous <<<
生命線: seimeisen: life line <<<
生命保険: seimeihoken: life insurance <<< 保険 , 生保
生命財産: seimeizaisan: life and property <<< 財産
永遠の生命: eiennnoseimei: eternal life <<< 永遠
check also 生物


pronunciation: sewa   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life   
translation: good [kind] offices, recommendation, care, trouble, help, aid, assistance
世話をする: sewaosuru: do [render] a service [kind offices] (to), take charge [care] of, look after
世話を焼く: sewaoyaku <<<
世話を焼かせる: sewaoyakaseru: trouble (a person), give (a person) trouble
世話焼きな: sewayakina: meddlesome, officious
世話焼き: sewayaki: meddlesome person, busyboy
世話の焼ける: sewanoyakeru: troublesome, annoying
世話の焼けない: sewanoyakenai: untroublesome, giving little trouble
世話の要らない: sewanoiranai <<<
世話に成る: sewaninaru: be under the care of (a person), be dependent upon (a person) <<<
世話好き: sewazuki: obliging, meddlesome <<<
世話人: sewanin: manager, sponsor, go-between <<<
世話女房: sewanyoubou: good housewife <<< 女房
check also 面倒


pronunciation: zetsumei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life   
translation: death
絶命する: zetsumeisuru: die, expire, breathe one's last
check also , 絶滅


pronunciation: soukon   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life   
translation: early marriage
早婚する: soukonsuru: marry young [early]
check also 結婚


pronunciation: soujuku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life   
translation: precocity, premature (n.)
早熟な: soujukuna: precocious, premature (a.), forward, early
早熟の: soujukuno


pronunciation: souzoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life , history   
translation: inheritance, succession
相続する: souzokusuru: inherit, succeed
相続争い: souzokuarasoi: quarrel over succession <<<
相続権: souzokuken: right of succession [inheritance], heirship <<<
相続税: souzokuzei: inheritance tax, death duty <<<
相続人: souzokunin: heir, heiress (f.), successor <<<
相続法: souzokuhou: law of succession <<<
相続物: souzokubutsu: heirloom <<<
相続財産: souzokuzaisan: an inheritance, heritage, inherited property <<< 財産
相続契約: souzokukeiyaku: contract of inheritance <<< 契約
相続順位: souzokujunni: order of succession <<< 順位
遺産相続: isansouzoku: succession (of heritage) <<< 遺産
限定相続: genteisouzoku: qualified acceptance of heritage <<< 限定
財産相続: zaisansouzoku: succession to a property <<< 財産


pronunciation: sounen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life   
translation: manhood, mature age, prime of (one's) life
壮年に達する: sounennnitassuru: reach manhood <<<
synonyms: 熟年


pronunciation: soubetsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life   
translation: farewell, send-off
送別の辞: soubetsunoji: farewell address <<<
送別の宴: soubetsunoutage: farewell dinner <<<
送別会: soubetsukai: farewell meeting [party] <<<
送別会を開く: soubetsukaiohiraku: give a farewell party <<<
synonyms: 告別


pronunciation: taiken   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life , computer   
translation: experience (n.)
体験する: taikensuru: experience (v.)
体験談: taikendan: history of one's experience <<<
体験版: taikenban: demo version <<<
check also 経験

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