Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: words beginning with 'i'

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Direct access: 慰安 , 言分 , 言回し , 言訳 , 委員 , 医院 , 胃炎 , 硫黄 , 以下 , 烏賊


pronunciation: ian   kanji characters: ,   
translation: consolation, solace, comfort, relaxation, recreation
慰安する: iansuru: console (v.), solace, comfort
慰安の: iannno: comforting, consolatory
慰安的: ianteki <<<
慰安を求める: iannomotomeru: seek consolation (in) <<<
慰安会: iankai: recreation party <<<
慰安所: iansho: recreation place <<<
慰安婦: ianhu: army prostitute <<<
synonyms: 慰謝


pronunciation: iibun   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 言い分  
translation: something to say, one's claim, objection, complaint, opinion
言分を述べる: iibunnonoberu: say [have] one's say <<<
言分を通す: iibunnotoosu: carry one's point <<<
言分が有る: iibungaaru: have an objection, have something to complain <<<
言分が無い: iibunganai: have no objection, have nothing to complain <<<
言分の無い: iibunnnonai: impeccable, blameless, irreproachable
言分を聞く: iibunnokiku: hear what a person has to say, let a person expose his opinion <<<
check also 異議 , 言訳


pronunciation: iimawashi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: grammar   
translation: (a turn of) expression, diction, phraseology
言回しの上手い: iimawashinoumai: be articulate <<< 上手
言回しの拙い: iimawashinomazui: be inarticulate <<<
拙い言回し: mazuiiimawashi: clumsy expression
check also 表現


pronunciation: iiwake   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 言い訳  
translation: explanation, excuse, plea, apology
言訳に: iiwakeni: as an excuse
言訳する: iiwakesuru: make an excuse [apology], excuse [explain] oneself
言訳を言う: iiwakeoiu <<<
言訳を考える: iiwakeokangaeru: cook up [think out] an excuse <<<
言訳が立たない: iiwakegatatanai: be inexcusable <<<
言訳の手紙: iiwakenotegami: letter of apology <<< 手紙
曖昧な言訳をする: aimainaiiwakeosuru: give a vague [an equivocal] explanation <<< 曖昧
check also 弁解 , 申訳


pronunciation: iin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics   
translation: committee member
委員長: iinchou: chairman (of a committee) <<<
委員会: iinkai: committee, commission <<<
調査委員: chousaiin: investigation commissioner <<< 調査
創立委員: souritsuiin: organizing committee <<< 創立
接待委員: settaiiin: reception committee <<< 接待
政府委員: seihuiin: government delegate <<< 政府
交渉委員: koushouiin: (a member of) negotiation committee <<< 交渉
葬儀委員: sougiiin: funeral committee <<< 葬儀
公安委員: kouanniin: public safety commissioner <<< 公安
人民委員: jinminniin: People's Commissar <<< 人民
職場委員: shokubaiin: workshop steward <<< 職場
準備委員: junbiiin: member of arrangement [preparatory] committee <<< 準備
実行委員: jikkouiin: a member of executive committee <<< 実行
執行委員: shikkouiin: executive committee man, business agent <<< 執行
審査委員: shinsaiin: judge, examiner <<< 審査


pronunciation: iin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine   
translation: clinic
医院長: iinchou: head physician [surgeon] <<<
外科医院: gekaiin: surgery <<< 外科
歯科医院: shikaiin: dentist's office <<< 歯科
内科医院: naikaiin: clinic of internal medicine <<< 内科
眼科医院: gankaiin: ophthalmic hospital <<< 眼科
check also 病院


pronunciation: ien   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disease   
translation: gastritis


pronunciation: iou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: chemistry   
translation: sulfur, sulphur
硫黄の: iouno: sulfurous
硫黄質の: ioushitsuno <<<
硫黄泉: iousen: sulfurous spring <<<
硫黄島: ioujima: Iwo Island, Iwo Jima <<<
硫黄島からの手紙: ioujimakaranodegami: Letters from Iwo Jima (US movie by Clint Eastwood, 2006) <<< 手紙
硫黄華: iouka: sublimed sulfur, flower of sulfur <<<
硫黄ガス: iougasu: sulfurous gas <<< ガス


pronunciation: ika   kanji characters: ,    keyword: mathematics   
translation: below, under, less than, beneath, the following, as follows
以下の如し: ikanogotoshi: as mentioned below, as following, as follows <<<
以下の様に: ikanoyouni <<<
以下同様: ikadouyou: and so forth <<< 同様
以下次号: ikajigou: To be continued
以下省略: ikashouryaku: The rest is omitted <<< 省略
音速以下: onsokuika: subsonic <<< 音速
普通以下: hutsuuika: below the average <<< 普通
額面以下で: gakumennikade: at a discount, below par <<< 額面
コンマ以下: konmaika: decile, of minor value <<< コンマ
check also 以上


pronunciation: ika   kanji characters: ,    other spells: イカ   keyword: mollusk   
translation: cuttlefish, squid
烏賊の甲: ikanokou: cuttlefish bone <<<
烏賊の墨: ikanosumi: squid ink <<<
大王烏賊: daiouika: giant squid <<< 大王
check also

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