Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: keyword: time

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Direct access: 三分 , 潮時 , 至急 , 屡々 , 仕舞 , 瞬間 , 正午 , 初回 , 深夜 , 時間


pronunciation: sanpun, sanbun   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 3分   keyword: time , number   
translation: three minutes, three parts
三分する: sanbunsuru: divide (a thing) into three parts
三分の一: sanbunnnoichi: one [a] third <<<
三分の二: sanbunnnoni: two thirds <<<
check also 三部


pronunciation: shiodoki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: time   
translation: chance, opportunity
潮時を外す: shiodokiohazusu: let slip an opportunity (to do) <<<
潮時を逃がす: shiodokionigasu <<<
潮時を逸する: shiodokioissuru <<<


pronunciation: shikyuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: time   
translation: urgency
至急の: shikyuuno: urgent, pressing, immediate
至急に: shikyuuni: at once, promptly, as soon as possible
至急報: shikyuuhou: urgent telegram [call], dispatch <<<
至急便: kyuubin: express delivery <<< 便
至急便で送る: shikyuubindeokuru: send by express <<<
check also 緊急


pronunciation: shibashiba   other spells: 屡屡   keyword: time   
translation: often, frequently, repeatedly, again and again, every so often
synonyms: 度々


pronunciation: shimai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: time   
translation: the end, the close, the termination, the finish, the conclusion
仕舞の: shimaino: the last, final, closing
仕舞に: shimaini: at last, at length, in the end, finally, eventually
仕舞まで: shimaimade: to the end [last]
仕舞に成る: shimainonaru: end (v.), come to an end [a close], be finished, be sold out <<<
仕舞う: shimau: close (v.), finish, end, conclude, put an end (to), bring (a matter) to an end, put away, stow away, restore (a thing) to, lay away, store, keep
店を仕舞う: miseoshimau: close a shop <<<
仕舞込む: shimaikomu: put [tuck, sow, lock] (a thing) away <<<
手仕舞: tejimai: liquidation (of position), evening up, closing of accounts [position] <<<
金庫に仕舞う: kinkonishimau: store in a vault <<< 金庫
布団を仕舞う: hutonnoshimau: put away the bedding <<< 布団
check also


pronunciation: shunkan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: time   
translation: moment, instant
瞬間の: shunkannno: momentary, instantaneous
瞬間的: shunkanteki <<<
瞬間に: shunkannni: in a moment, in an instant, in the wink of an eye
瞬間撮影: shunkansatsuei: snapshot, snapshotting <<< 撮影
瞬間接着剤: shunkansetchakuzai: instantaneous adhesive
瞬間湯沸器: shunkannyuwakashiki: instantaneous water heater
check also インスタント


pronunciation: shougo   kanji characters: ,    keyword: time   
translation: noon
正午に: shougoni: at noon
正午頃に: shougogoroni: about noon <<<
正午前に: shougomaeni: shortly before noon <<<
正午過ぎに: shougosugini: shortly after noon <<<
synonyms: 真昼


pronunciation: shokai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: time   
translation: the first time (n.), the first inning (in baseball)
初回に: shokaini: the first time (adv.), in the first inning


pronunciation: shinnya   kanji characters: ,    keyword: time   
translation: midnight
深夜に: shinnyani: late at night, at midnight, in the dead of night
深夜営業: shinnyaeigyou: opening till late at night (of a shop) <<< 営業
深夜勤務: shinnyakinmu: late-night shift, graveyard shift <<< 勤務
深夜興行: shinnyakougyou: midnight show <<< 興行
深夜番組: shinnyabangumi: late night [midnight] program <<< 番組
深夜放送: shinnyahousou: midnight broadcasting, midnight TV [radio] program <<< 放送
深夜料金: shinnyaryoukin: late-night fare <<< 料金
synonyms: 夜更け


pronunciation: jikan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: time   
translation: time, hour, period
時間が経つ: jikangatatsu: Time passes <<<
時間が足りない: jikangatarinai: have not enough time to <<<
時間に遅れる: jikannniokureru: be late for <<<
時間に縛られる: jikannnishibarareru: be restricted by time <<<
時間を守る: jikannomamoru: be punctual <<<
時間を取る: jikannotoru: take time, occupy much time <<<
時間を尋ねる: jikannotazuneru: ask the time <<<
時間表: jikanhyou: schedule, timetable <<<
時間帯: jikantai: time slot, time zone <<<
時間割: jikanwari: timetable <<<
時間外: jikangai: overtime <<<
時間外勤務: jikangaikinmu: overtime work <<< 勤務
時間外手当: jikangaiteate: overtime pay <<< 手当
時間賃金: jikanchingin: time wages <<< 賃金
夏時間: natsujikan: summer time <<<
起床時間: kishoujikan: hour of rising <<< 起床
正確な時間: seikakunajikan: correct [exact] time <<< 正確
交代時間: koutaijikan: changing time <<< 交代
面会時間: menkaijikan: visiting hours <<< 面会
震動時間: shindoujikan: duration of vibration <<< 震動
回診時間: kaishinjikan: visiting hours, time of round visit <<< 回診
発車時間: hasshajikan: time for departure <<< 発車
放送時間: housoujikan: broadcasting hours <<< 放送
食事時間: shokujijikan: mealtime, meal period <<< 食事
離陸時間: ririkujikan: takeoff time <<< 離陸
露出時間: roshutsujikan: time of exposure <<< 露出
業務時間: gyoumujikan: office [business] hours <<< 業務
労働時間: roudoujikan: working hours (time) <<< 労働
外出時間: gaishutsujikan: outgoing time <<< 外出
反応時間: hannnoujikan: reaction (response) time <<< 反応
就業時間: shuugyoujikan: working [business] hours <<< 就業
締切時間: shimekirijikan: closing hour, deadline (for), time limit (of, for) <<< 締切
退社時間: taishajikan: office-leaving time <<< 退社
往診時間: oushinjikan: hours for visiting patients <<< 往診
出勤時間: shukkinjikan: office-going hour <<< 出勤
睡眠時間: suiminjikan: hours of sleep, sleeping hours <<< 睡眠
制限時間: seigenjikan: time limit, restricted hours <<< 制限
夏期時間: kakijikan: daylight saving time, summer time <<< 夏期
二十四時間: nijuuyojikan: twenty-four hours <<< 二十四
受持時間: ukemochijikan: one's teaching [class] hours <<< 受持
申合せた時間: moushiawasetajikan: appointed time <<< 申合せ
放映時間: houeijikan: airtime <<< 放映
休憩時間: kyuukeijikan: recess, interval <<< 休憩
昼食時間: chuushokujikan: lunchtime <<< 昼食
休息時間: kyuusokujikan: recess, break, rest, halt <<< 休息
夕食時間: yuushokujikan: supper time <<< 夕食
就寝時間: shuushinjikan: bedtime <<< 就寝
勤労時間: kinroujikan: working hours [time] <<< 勤労
勉強時間: benkyoujikan: one's study hours <<< 勉強
営業時間: eigyoujikan: business [office] hours <<< 営業
作業時間: sagyoujikan: working hours <<< 作業
出発時間: shuppatsujikan: starting time <<< 出発
閉店時間: heitenjikan: shop closing time <<< 閉店
開店時間: kaitenjikan: (shop) opening hours, opening time <<< 開店
勤務時間: kinmujikan: working hours, service time <<< 勤務
点灯時間: tentoujikan: lightening hour <<< 点灯
標準時間: hyoujunjikan: standard time <<< 標準
試合時間: shiaijikan: playing time <<< 試合
診察時間: shinsatsujikan: consultation [consulting] hours <<< 診察
振動時間: shindoujikan: oscillation time <<< 振動
診療時間: shinryoujikan: consultation hours <<< 診療
自習時間: jishuujikan: study hours <<< 自習
従業時間: juugyoujikan: working hours <<< 従業
授業時間: jugyoujikan: school hours <<< 授業
現地時間: genchijikan: local time <<< 現地
服務時間: hukumujikan: office [business] hours <<< 服務
割引時間: waribikijikan: reduced fare hours <<< 割引
拘束時間: kousokujikan: portal-to-portal hours, actual working-hours <<< 拘束
飛行時間: hikoujikan: flight time, flight hours <<< 飛行
停車時間: teishajikan: stoppage time <<< 停車
実習時間: jisshuujikan: practice hours <<< 実習
synonyms: 時刻 , タイム

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