Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: keyword: media

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Direct access: 削除 , 雑誌 , 視聴 , 社説 , 週刊 , 周波 , 取材 , 新聞 , 事件 , 全国


pronunciation: sakujo   kanji characters: ,    keyword: media   
translation: deletion, elimination, cut (n.)
削除する: sakujosuru: delete, eliminate, cut (v.), erase, cancel
無削除: musakujo: unexpurgated <<<


pronunciation: zasshi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: media   
translation: magazine, periodical, journal
雑誌を出す: zasshiodasu: publish a magazine <<<
雑誌を取る: zasshiotoru: take (subscribe for) a magazine <<<
雑誌社: zasshisha: magazine publisher <<<
雑誌記者: zasshikisha: magazine writer, magazinist <<< 記者
雑誌記事: zasshikiji: magazine article <<< 記事


pronunciation: shichou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: media   
translation: attention, interest
視聴率: shichouritsu: audience rating, viewing figures <<<
視聴料: shichouryou: TV licence fee <<<
視聴者: shichousha: spectator, viewer <<<


pronunciation: shasetsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: media   
translation: editorial, leading article
社説で論じる: shasetsuderonjiru: editorialize (on), discuss (a problem) in an editorial <<<
社説欄: shasetsuran: editorial column <<<
社説執筆者: shasetsushippitsusha: editorialist


pronunciation: shuukan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: media   
translation: weekly publication
週刊の: shuukannno: weekly (published)
週刊誌: shuukanshi: weekly magazine <<<
週刊新聞: shuukanshinbun: weekly journal <<< 新聞
check also 月刊 , 季刊 , 週間


pronunciation: shuuha   kanji characters: ,    keyword: technology , media   
translation: cycle, hertz
周波数: shuuhasuu: frequency <<<
周波数帯: shuuhasuutai: frequency band <<<
周波計: shuuhakei: frequency meter <<<
高周波: koushuuha: high frequency <<<
低周波: teishuuha: low frequency <<<


pronunciation: shuzai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: media   
translation: data (materials) collection, report (n.), reportage, coverage
取材する: shuzaisuru: collect data [materials], report (v.), cover
取材源: shuzaigen: information source <<<
取材訪問: shuzaihoumon: visit for an interview <<< 訪問
取材記者: shuzaikisha: reporter, legman <<< 記者
check also レポート


pronunciation: shinbun   kanji characters: ,    keyword: media   
translation: newspaper, press, journal
新聞に出る: shinbunnnideru: appear in the paper <<<
新聞に載せる: shinbunnninoseru: carry in the paper <<<
新聞社: shinpunsha: newspaper company <<<
新聞屋: shinbunnya: news vendor <<<
新聞種: shinbundane: news matter [item] <<<
新聞界: shinbunkai: newspaperdom, newspaper world <<<
新聞紙: shinbungami: newsprint <<<
新聞を発行する: shinbunnohakkousuru: publish a newspaper <<< 発行
新聞を編集する: shinbunnohenshuusuru: edit a newspaper <<< 編集
新聞記事: shinpunkiji: report, article <<< 記事
新聞記者: shinpunkisha: reporter, journalist <<< 記者
新聞配達: shinpunhaitatsu: paper round <<< 配達
新聞広告: shinpunkoukoku: newspaper advertisement <<< 広告
新聞切抜: shinbunkirinuki: newspaper clippings [cuttings]
新聞売場: shinbunnuriba: newsstand <<< 売場


pronunciation: jiken   kanji characters: ,    keyword: media   
translation: event, incident, occurrence, affair, matter, case, scandal, trouble, complication
事件が起きる: jikengaokiru: An event [incident] occurs <<<
事件記者: jikenkisha: crime reporter [journalist] <<< 記者
事件を引き受ける: jikennohikiukeru: take up a case in hand


pronunciation: zenkoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: geography , media , politics   
translation: whole country
全国の: zenkokuno: national, nation-wide, country-wide
全国的: zenkokuteki <<<
全国で: zenkokude: all over the country, across the nation
全国紙: zenkokushi: national newspaper <<<
全国区: zenkokku: nationwide constituency <<<
全国放送: zenkokuhousou: national network broadcast <<< 放送
全国中継: zenkokuchuukei: nationwide hookup <<< 中継

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