Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: keyword: grammar

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Direct access: 現在 , 肯定 , 国語 , 国字 , 言葉 , 語彙 , 語学 , 語圏 , 語源 , 語呂


pronunciation: genzai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: calendar , grammar   
translation: the present time
現在では: genzaideha: at present, nowadays, for the time being
現在まで: genzaimade: up to now [the present]
現在の: genzaino: present, existing
現在地: genzaichi: current address <<<
現在高: genzaidaka: amount on hand <<<
現在員: genzaiin: present members on the list <<<
現在会員: genzaikaiin <<< 会員
現在形: genzaikei: present form (of a verb) <<<
現在時制: genzaijisei: present tense
現在完了: genzaikanryou: present perfect <<< 完了
現在分詞: genzaibunshi: present participle
check also 現代 , 今日 , 過去 , 未来


pronunciation: koutei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: grammar   
translation: affirmation, yes
肯定する: kouteisuru: affirm, say yes
肯定的: kouteiteki: affirmative <<<
肯定文: kouteibun: affirmative sentence <<<
肯定命題: kouteimeidai: affirmative proposition
antonyms: 否定


pronunciation: kokugo   kanji characters: ,    keyword: education , grammar   
translation: national language, Japanese language
国語改革: kokugokaikaku: reform of Japanese language, linguistic reform <<< 改革
国語問題: kokugomondai: language problem <<< 問題
国語読本: kokugodokuhon: Japanese reader [reading]
check also 日本語 , 和文


pronunciation: kokuji   kanji characters: ,    keyword: grammar   
translation: national scripts, Kanji scripts created by Japanese


pronunciation: kotoba   kanji characters: ,    keyword: grammar   
translation: word, term, speech, language, wording, expression, diction, remark
言葉を交わす: kotobaokawasu: exchange words with, speak with <<<
言葉を返す: kotobaokaesu: answer, talk back <<<
言葉を飾る: kotobaokazaru: adorn one's speech <<<
言葉を濁す: kotobaonigosu: give a vague answer <<<
言葉を遮る: kotobaosaegiru: interrupt sb. <<<
言葉を信じる: kotobaoshinjiru: take sb.'s word for it, take sb. at his word <<<
言葉の多い: kotobanoooi: talkative, loquacious <<< , 御喋り
言葉の少ない: kotobanosukunai: taciturn, quiet, (man) of few words <<<
言葉静かに: kotobashizukani: in a calm tone <<<
言葉巧みに: kotobatakumini: with sweet words <<<
言葉汚く: kotobakitanaku: in revolting language <<<
合言葉: aikotoba: password, parole <<< , 暗号
話言葉: hanashikotoba: spoken language <<<
書言葉: kakikotoba: written language <<<
花言葉: hanakotoba: flower language <<<
言葉遣い: kotabaZukai: wording, diction, expression, language <<<
check also 文句 , 言語


pronunciation: goi   kanji characters:    keyword: grammar   
translation: vocabulary, glossary
語彙が豊富な: goigahouhuna: have a rich vocabulary <<< 豊富
語彙が貧弱な: goigahinjakuna: have a small vocabulary <<< 貧弱
語彙が乏しい: goigatoboshii <<<
語彙集: goishuu: glossary, lexicon, dictionary <<<
語彙論: goiron: lexicology <<<
check also 単語 , 用語


pronunciation: gogaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: grammar   
translation: language study, linguistics
語学の: gogakuno: linguistic
語学上: gogakujou <<<
語学者: gogakusha: linguist, philologist <<<
語学の授業: gogakunojugyou: language lesson <<< 授業
語学の先生: gogakunosensei: language teacher [instructor] <<< 先生
語学教師: gogakukyoushi <<< 教師


pronunciation: goken   kanji characters: ,    keyword: grammar   
translation: linguistic area


pronunciation: gogen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: grammar   
translation: origin [deviation] of a word, etymology
語源の: gogennno: etymological
語源を調べる: gogennoshiraberu: trace a word to its origin, study the etymology (of a word) <<< 調
語源学: gogengaku: etymology <<<
語源学者: gogengakusha: etymologist <<< 学者


pronunciation: goro   kanji characters: ,    keyword: grammar   
translation: euphony, rhyme, assonance
語呂が良い: gorogaii: sound well [good], be euphonious <<<
語呂が悪い: gorogawarui: sound bad [badly], be wanting in euphony <<<
語呂合わせ: goroawase: wordplay, paronomasia, amphibology <<<

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