Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: keyword: society

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Direct access: 庶民 , 自由 , 人脈 , 人類 , 世間 , 世代 , 相互 , 大衆 , 団交 , 長者


pronunciation: shomin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: society   
translation: commoner, common people, mass
庶民的: shominteki: popular, lowbrow <<<
庶民性: shominsei: popularity <<<
庶民階級: shominkaikyuu: commoner class <<< 階級
synonyms: 平民 , 大衆


pronunciation: jiyuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics , society   
translation: freedom, liberty, disposal
自由な: jiyuuna: free, unrestricted, independent, liberal
自由に: jiyuuni: freely, unrestrictedly, as one's pleases [lines], at will, without restraint [reserve], with ease
自由にする: jiyuunisuru: free (v.), release (v.), liberate
自由港: jiyuukou: free port <<<
自由業: jiyuugyou: liberal profession <<<
自由型: jiyuugata: free style (swimming) <<<
自由化: jiyuuka: liberation (of trade), liberalization <<<
自由の女神: jiyuunomegami: Statue of Liberty <<< 女神
自由市民: jiyuushimin: free citizen <<< 市民
自由都市: jiyuutoshi: free city <<< 都市
自由主義: jiyuushugi: liberalism <<< 主義
自由貿易: jiyuuboueki: free trade <<< 貿易
自由投票: jiyuutouhyou: free vote <<< 投票
自由落下: jiyuurakka: free fall <<< 落下
自由市場: jiyuushijou: free [open] market <<< 市場
synonyms: フリー


pronunciation: jinmyaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: society   
translation: line of connections, personal relationships


pronunciation: jinrui   kanji characters: ,    keyword: society   
translation: human beings, human race, mankind
人類の: jinruino: human
人類愛: jinruiai: love of mankind <<<
人類史: jinruishi: history of man <<<
人類学: jinruigaku: anthropology <<<
人類学者: jinruigakusha: anthropologist <<< 学者
synonyms: 人間


pronunciation: seken   kanji characters: ,    keyword: society   
translation: the public, people, the world, society
世間に知れる: sekennnishireru: get abroad, become public <<<
世間に出る: sekennnideru: go out into the world <<<
世間を憚る: sekennohabakaru: fear public opinion <<<
世間を騒が: susekennosawagasu: cause a public disturbance <<<
世間離れした: sekenbanareshita: unworldly, queer, eccentric <<<
世間知らず: sekenshirazu: person who knows but little of the world <<<
世間話: sekenbanashi: gossip, chat, small talk, light nothing <<<
世間的: sekenteki: worldly, earthly, mundane, social <<<
世間的地位: sekentekichii: one's social standing <<< 地位
世間体: sekentei: appearance, decency <<<
世間体を繕う: sekenteiotsukurou: keep up appearances <<<


pronunciation: sedai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: society   
translation: generation
世代の: sedaino: generational
世代のずれ: sedainozure: generation gap
世代交代: sedaikoutai: alternation of generations <<< 交代
若い世代: wakaisedai: rising [younger] generation <<<
次世代: jisedai: next generation <<<


pronunciation: sougo   kanji characters: ,    keyword: society   
translation: reciprocity
相互の: sougono: mutual, reciprocal
相互に: sougoni: mutually, each other, one another
相互に助け合う: sougonitasukeau: help each other
相互に作用する: sougonisayousuru: interact <<< 作用
相互関係: sougokankei: mutual [reciprocal] relation <<< 関係
相互依存.: sougoizon: linkage, interlocking, entanglement, interlacing, interpenetration
相互銀行: sougoginkou: mutual (financing) bank <<< 銀行
相互組合: sougokumiai: cooperative society <<< 組合
相互作用: sougosayou: reciprocal action, interaction <<< 作用
相互接続: sougosetsuzoku: interconnection <<< 接続
相互扶助: sougohujo: mutual aid
相互保険: sougohoken: mutual insurance <<< 保険
synonyms: 交互


pronunciation: taishuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: society   
translation: people, mass, crowd
大衆向き: taishuumuki: popular <<<
大衆的: taishuuteki <<<
大衆化: taishuuka: popularization <<< , 普及
大衆化する: taishuukasuru: popularize
大衆紙: taishuushi: popular newspaper <<<
大衆文化: taishuubunka: pop culture <<< 文化
大衆社会: taishuushakai: mass society <<< 社会
大衆酒場: taishuusakaba: saloon, public house, pub <<< 酒場
大衆文学: taishuubungaku: popular [lowbrow] literature <<< 文学
大衆作家: taishuusakka: popular writer <<< 作家
大衆小説: taishuushousetsu: popular novel <<< 小説
大衆芸術: taishuugeijutsu: popular [folk] art <<< 芸術
check also 民衆 , 群集


pronunciation: dankou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: society   
translation: collective bargaining
団交権: dankouken: collective bargaining right <<<


pronunciation: chouja   kanji characters: ,    keyword: society   
translation: wealthy person, millionaire, billionaire
長者番付: choujabanZuke: list of millionaires
check also 金持 , 富豪

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