Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: keyword: accounting

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Direct access: 料金 , 領収 , 累計 , 廉価 , 割高 , , , , ,


pronunciation: ryoukin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: accounting   
translation: fee, charge, toll, fare, rate
料金を払う: ryoukinnoharau: pay a fee <<<
料金を取る: ryoukinnotoru: charge a fee <<<
料金を取らずに: ryoukinnotorazuni: free of charge, gratuitously
料金表: ryoukinhyou: price list <<<
料金所: ryoukinsho, ryoukinjo: tollgate <<<
料金免除: ryoukinmenjo: remission of fees <<< 免除
check also 価格 , 値段


pronunciation: ryoushuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: accounting   
translation: receipt
領収する: ryoushuusuru: receive (money)
領収書: ryoushuusho: receipt <<< , レシート
領収済: ryoushuuzumi: Paid <<<
領収者: ryoushuusha: receiver <<<
check also 受取


pronunciation: ruikei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: accounting   
translation: total
check also 合計


pronunciation: renka   kanji characters: ,    keyword: accounting   
translation: cheapness
廉価な: renkana: cheap, low-priced
廉価で売る: renkadeuru: sell (a thing) cheap [at a low price, at a bargain] <<<
廉価版: renkaban: cheap [popular] edition <<<
廉価品: renkahin: low-priced [popular-priced] goods <<<
synonyms: 格安


pronunciation: waridaka   kanji characters: ,    keyword: accounting   
translation: comparatively [relatively] high price [cost]
割高な: waridakana: comparatively [relatively] high-priced

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: accounting    nb of strokes: 4
translation: keep, store, supply, pay
収める: osameru: supply, pay
収まる: osamaru: be paid, be held

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: accounting    nb of strokes: 5
translation: stick, attach, belong, join, follow, accompany, touch, contact, wear, add, append, give, offer
付き: tsuki: attachment, adherence, junction, contact, luck, fortune, per, for, on account of, because of, through, as
付く: tsuku: stick [adhere] to, be connected with, be stained [smeared] with, belong to, be attached to, join, side with, go over to, follow, accompany, attend, wait on, be in attendance upon, touch, come in contact with, get lucky (jp.)
付ける: tsukeru: attach [affix, fix] (a thing to), fasten (a thing to), stick (a thing) to [on, together], put (a thing) on, apply (a thing to), put down, enter in (a book), put on, wear, add, append
付いて居る: tsuiteiru: be with (one), be lucky, be in luck <<<
付いて来る: tsuitekuru: follow (a person), come along with (a person), shadow (v.), dog <<<
付いて行く: tsuiteiku, tsuiteyuku: follow (a person), go along with (a person), shadow, dog, keep up with <<<
付け: tsuke: account, bill
付けで買う: tsukedekau: buy (a thing) on credit <<<
付けを払う: tsukeoharau: pay a [one's] bill <<<
付け回る: tsukemawaru: pursue, follow (everywhere), shadow (v.) <<<
付け狙う: tsukenerau: keep watch on, follow, shadow, dog <<<
付け上がる: tsukeagaru: be puffed up, be stuck-up, grow impudent, grow vain <<<
付け替える: tsukekaeru: replace (a thing with another), change (a thing for a new one) <<<
付け加える: tsukekuwaeru: add (a thing to another), supplement, append <<<
付け込む: tsukekomu: take an advantage of, presume [impose] upon <<<
付け入る: tsukeiru <<<
付き纏う: tsukimatou: follow (a person) about, hang about (a person), shadow (v.), dog <<<
付える: ataeru: give, offer <<<
check also

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: accounting    nb of strokes: 8
translation: value, price, worth, tariff
価: atai: value, price, worth
価する: ataisuru: be worth (the present participle)

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: accounting    nb of strokes: 10
translation: quantity, measure
料: ryou: price (suf., jp.)
料る: hakaru: measure (v.), weigh, take measure of, survey, calculate, estimate <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: accounting    nb of strokes: 10
translation: price, value, worth, tariff
値: ne
値の高い: nenotakai: high-priced, dear, expensive, costly <<<
値の張る: nenoharu <<<
値が張る: negaharu: cost much, be expensive <<<
値の安い: nenoyasui: low-priced, inexpensive, cheap <<<
値の張らない: nenoharanai <<<
値が上がる: negaagaru: rise in price <<< , 値上
値が下がる: negaagaru: fall in price <<< , 値下
値を付ける: neotsukeru: price (v.), bid [name] a price (for), set a price (on), appraise <<<
値を決める: neokimeru <<<
値切る: negiru: haggle over, bargain <<<
値: atai: price, value (n.), worth
値う: au: value (v.), worth <<<

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