Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'no'

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Direct access: 禁煙 , 相手 , 頭金 , 言分 , 異議 , 右折 , 有無 , 追越 , 御金 , 過言


pronunciation: kinnen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: health   
translation: No smoking
禁煙する: kinnensuru: give up [stop, abstain from] smoking
禁煙席: kinnenseki: nonsmoking seat <<<
禁煙室: kinnenshitsu: nonsmoking room <<<
禁煙車: kinnensha: nonsmoking car [carriage] <<<
禁煙車両: kinnensharyou <<< 車両
antonyms: 喫煙
check also 煙草


pronunciation: aite   kanji characters: ,    keyword: society   
translation: partner, companion, competitor, opponent, rival
相手をする: aiteosuru: entertain, bear company
相手にしない: aitenishinai: ignore, pay no attention to
相手に成る: aiteninaru: deal with, contend with, play against <<<
相手方: aitegata: opposite party <<<
相手役: aiteyaku: coactor <<<
話相手: hanashiaite: companion (of conversation) <<<
check also パートナー


pronunciation: atamakin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: accounting   
translation: deposit, down payment
頭金を払う: atamakinnoharau: pay down on sth., make a down payment on sth. <<<
頭金不要: atamakinhuyou: no down payment
check also 手付 , 前金


pronunciation: iibun   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 言い分  
translation: something to say, one's claim, objection, complaint, opinion
言分を述べる: iibunnonoberu: say [have] one's say <<<
言分を通す: iibunnotoosu: carry one's point <<<
言分が有る: iibungaaru: have an objection, have something to complain <<<
言分が無い: iibunganai: have no objection, have nothing to complain <<<
言分の無い: iibunnnonai: impeccable, blameless, irreproachable
言分を聞く: iibunnokiku: hear what a person has to say, let a person expose his opinion <<<
check also 異議 , 言訳


pronunciation: igi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: law , politics   
translation: objection, protest, dissent
異議が有る: igigaaru: have an objection <<<
異議が無い: igiganai: have no objection <<<
異議有り: igiari: Objection! <<<
異議無し: iginashi: No objection! <<<
異議無く: iginaku: without objection [dissent]
異議を唱える: igiotonaeru: object to, protest against, raise [make] an objection to, take exception to [against] <<<
異議を申立てる: igiomoushitateru <<< 申立
異議申立: igimoushitate: formal objection, exception
異議申立人: igimoushitatenin: demurrant
synonyms: 抗議
check also 言分


pronunciation: usetsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: car   
translation: right turn
右折する: usetsusuru: turn to the right
右折禁止: usetsukinshi: No right turn <<< 禁止
check also 左折


pronunciation: umu   kanji characters: ,   
translation: existence, presence, yes or no
有無を言わせず: umuoiwasezu: forcibly, whether one will or not, willy-nilly <<<
有無相通じる: umuaitsuujiru: supply each other's needs [wants]


pronunciation: oikoshi   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 追い越   keyword: transport   
translation: passing, overtaking
追越禁止: oikoshikinshi: No passing [overtaking] <<< 禁止
追越す: oikosu: pass, outrun, outstrip, get a head of, leave behind, surpass


pronunciation: okane   kanji characters: ,    other spells: お金   keyword: finance   
translation: money, penny
御金が無い: okaneganai: have no money, be out of pocket, be broken, be penniless <<<
御金が有る: okanegaaru: have money <<<
check also 現金 , マネー


pronunciation: kagon   kanji characters: ,   
translation: exaggeration, hyperbole, overstatement
過言ではない: kagondehanai: It may fairly be said that, It is no exaggeration to say that

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