日英翻訳辞書・事典: 「As」の翻訳

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カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 単位 , , 光学    画数: 5
翻訳:eye, vision, mesh, texture
モク, ボク
目: もく: unit to count points in go game (jp.)
目: め: eye, sight, vision, attention, notice, judgment, point of view, standpoint, mesh, tooth of saw, texture, stitch, grain, weight unit (ca. 3.75 g, jp.)
目の: めの: ocular, optical, visual
目が良い: めがよい, めがいい: have good sight <<<
目が悪い: めがわるい: have bad [poor] sight <<<
目が回る: めがまわる: be [feel] dizzy <<<
目が無い: めがない: have a weakness for, be exceedingly fond of <<<
目が覚める: めがさめる: (become) awake, be awakened, come to oneself <<<
目に余る: めにあまる: be too much for one to connive at, be unpardonable <<<
目に見えない: めにみえない: invisible, unseen, imperceptible <<<
目に留まる: めにとまる: attract a person's attention [notice], catch [strike] a person's eye <<<
目を付ける: めをつける: have one's [keep an] eye on, watch, mark, aim at <<<
目を掛ける: めをかける: look after, take care of, favor <<<
目を引く: めをひく: draw [attract] a person's attention <<<
目を回す: めをまわす: roll one's eye, faint, swoon, be stunned <<<
目を離す: めをはなす: look aside [away], take one's eyes off <<<
目を瞑る: めをつぶる: close [shut] one's eyes, wink [connive] (at a person's fault) <<<
目の粗い: めのあらい: coarse <<<
目で知らせる: めでしらせる: make a sign with the eye, wink (at) <<< , ウインク
目立つ: めだつ: stand out, be conspicuous (by, for), be striking, attract attention <<<
目立たない: めだたない: in a quiet, [modest] way, so as not to attract attention <<<
目掛ける: めがける: aim at, have an eye to <<<
目から鱗: めからうろこ: seeing the light, being awakened to the truth <<<
同意語: , アイ

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード:    画数: 6
翻訳:insect, bug, worm, nervousness (fig.), temper
チュウ, キ
虫: むし
虫の食った: むしのくった: worm-eaten, moth-eaten <<<
虫が起こる: むしがおこる: become petulant [peevish], have an amorous itching <<<
虫が知らせる: むしがしらせる: have a hunch [presentiment] (of, that), feel in one's bones (that) <<<
虫の知らせ: むしのしらせ: hunch, presentiment, foreboding <<<
虫が付く: むしがつく: be infested with vermin, have a lover <<<
虫が好かない: むしがすかない: dislike, have an aversion (to) <<<
虫の好かない: むしのすかない: disagreeable, hateful <<<
虫の良い: むしのいい: self-indulgent, self-seeking, selfish <<<
虫の良い話だ: むしのいいはなしだ: His plan is too selfish [self-seeking]
虫が良すぎる: むしがよすぎる: That's asking too much. <<<
虫の息で: むしのいきで: breathing faintly, gaspingly <<<
虫を殺す: むしをころす: suppress one's rising passion, control [keep] one's temper <<<
虫も殺さぬ: むしもころさぬ: innocent-looking, look as if one could not even hurt a fly <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    画数: 6
翻訳:conquer, fulfill (ext.), become
セイ, ジョウ
成る: なる, なす: become, fulfill
成る可く: なるべく: preferably, as possible, at most, if possible, if circumstances allow <<<
成る可く早く: なるべくはやく: as soon [quickly, early] as possible
成る可く多く: なるべくおおく: as much [many] as possible
成らげる: たいらげる: subdue, defeat, conquer <<<
成り: なり: arriving of an important person (jp.)
成り上がる: なりあがる: rise suddenly (from, to), become suddenly rich <<<
成り代わる: なりかわる: take a person's place, step into a person's shoes <<<
成り切る: なりきる: become to the bone <<<
成り下がる: なりさがる: come down in the world, be degraded (to) <<<
成り果てる: なりはてる: be reduced to (a wretched state) <<<
成り済ます: なりすます: impersonate successfully, pose as <<<
成り損なう: なりそこなう: fail to become <<<
成れの果て: なれのはて: ruin of what one was <<<
成: しげ, のり: pers.

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    画数: 6
翻訳:total, global, whole, all, entire, complete
全く: まったく: completely, entirely, quite, wholly, totally, utterly, truly, really, perfectly
全くの: まったくの: complete, entire, total, perfect, unmitigated
全し: まったし
全くの所: まったくのところ: as a matter of fact, in truth, in fact <<<
全うする: まっとうする: fulfill, perform, carry out, accomplish, complete
全て: すべて: wholly, all, altogether, on the whole <<< ,
全ての: すべての: all, whole, every

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    画数: 6
翻訳:think, consider, suspect, intend, mean, expect, fear, hope, imagine, suppose, judge, conclude
考え: かんがえ: thinking, thought, idea, notion, conception, initiative, one's opinion [views], belief, suggestion, intention, design, plan, view, motive, discretion, prudence, judgment, deliberation, reflection, meditation, expectation, imagination
考えを述べる: かんがえをのべる: express one's opinion, make a suggestion <<<
考えを言う: かんがえをいう, かんがえをゆう <<<
考えを変える: かんがえをかえる: change one's opinion <<<
考えの有る: かんがえのある: thoughtful, discreet <<<
考え深い: かんがえぶかい <<<
考えの無い: かんがえのない: thoughtless, imprudent <<<
考えの足りない: かんがえのたりない <<<
考えに入れる: かんがえにいれる: take (a matter) into consideration <<<
考え込む: かんがえこむ: be lost [buried, absorbed] in thought, brood (over, on) <<<
考え出す: かんがえだす: think out, devise, hit upon, think up, recall, recollect, call to mind, fall to thinking <<<
考え付く: かんがえつく: guess, strike on [upon], get away with, think of <<<
考え直す: かんがえなおす: reconsider, think over again, think better, refrain from (doing) <<<
考える: かんがえる: think (of, about), consider, deem (as), suspect, intend [mean] to (do), think of (doing), expect, fear, hope, imagine, suppose, judge, conclude, take (a matter) into consideration [account], regard (a person) as, take (a thing, a person) as [for]

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: ,    画数: 6
翻訳:color, beauty
ショク, シキ
色: いろ: color, hue, tint, shade, complexion, look, lover, mistress, love affair <<< ラブ
色が変わる: いろがかわる: change color, become discolored <<<
色が付く: いろがつく: color (vi.) <<<
色を付ける: いろをつける: color (vt.), colorize, dye, tint, make allowances (for), add (something) as a bonus, discount a little <<<
色が付いた: いろがついた: colored <<<
色が褪せる: いろがあせる: fade (vi.), pale, dull <<<
色を暈す: いろをぼかす: shade (color) <<<
色を抜く: いろをぬく: discolor, discolorate, discolorize <<<
色を落す: いろをおとす <<<
色が白い: いろがしろい: have a fair complexion <<<
色が黒い: いろがくろい: have a dark complexion <<<
色を失う: いろをうしなう: lose color, turn pale (with fear) <<<
色を好む: いろをこのむ: be amorous [lascivious] <<<
色を作す: いろをなす: turn red (with anger) <<<
色っぽい: いろっぽい: amorous, voluptuous, coquettish, sexy, seductive <<< セクシー
色めく: いろめく: become animated, grow lively, brighten up, get excited, grow agitated

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 機械学 , 音楽    画数: 6
翻訳:curve, bend, crook, bow
曲: きょく: music (jp.), tune, melody, strain <<< ミュージック , 音楽
曲がる: まがる: curve (vi.), bend
曲げる: まげる: curve (vt.), bend, crook, bow, pervert (jp.)
曲がった: まがった: curved, bent, crooked
曲り: まがり: bend (n.), turn, curve <<< カーブ
曲り角: まがりかど: corner of a street <<<
曲り易い: まがりやすい: easily bent, flexible, pliant, pliable <<<
曲りくねる: まがりくねる: wind (v.), curve, meander
曲りくねった: まがりくねった: winding, meandering, crooked, tortuous
曲りなりに: まがりなりに: somehow or other, in a way, unsatisfactory as it is
曲: くせ: tendency (jp.), inclination <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    画数: 6
翻訳:be, exist, live, lie, stand, have, possess
ユウ, ウ
有る: ある: there is [are], be, exist, live, be situated [located], lie, stand, be found, have, possess, have (pp.), happen, occur, break out, take place, be held
有ります: あります: we [I] have it
有りません: ありません: we [I] don't have it
有らゆる: あらゆる: all, every possible [available], all sorts [kinds] of
有りの儘の: ありのままの: naked, bare, plain <<<
有りの儘に: ありのままに: just as it is, plainly, frankly, honestly, without exaggeration <<<
有り難い: ありがたい: kind, gracious, welcome, blessed, be thankful [grateful], appreciate, thank you <<< , 有難う
有り難く: ありがたく: thankfully, gratefully, with thanks <<<
有り難がる: ありがたがる: be thankful [grateful] (to a person for), appreciate, value <<<
有り勝ちな: ありがちな: common, usual, incidental (to) <<<
有り触れた: ありふれた: common, ordinary, commonplace, trite <<<
有りそうな: ありそうな: likely (to be, to exist), probable, possible
有りそうも無い: ありそうもない: unlikely, improbable, impossible <<<
有り得る: ありうる: likely, probable, possible <<<
有つ: もつ: have, possess <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 政治    画数: 7
翻訳:rend, decide (bor.), fix, arrange, settle
決して: けっして: never, by no means, no at all, not in the least, on no account, in no way
決く: さく: rend, tear <<<
決める: きめる: decide, fix, arrange, settle (a matter), be resolved [determined] (to do), make up one's mind (to do), choose, define, set, fix, appoint
決まる: きまる: be decided
決め付ける: きめつける: scold, take (a person) to task <<<
決まり切った: きまりきった: regular, fixed, hackneyed, conventional, quite plain, clear as day, indisputable, self-evident <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 行政    画数: 7
翻訳:distinguish, judge, separate, decide
ハン, バン
判: はん: seal (jp.)
判を押す: はんをおす: seal (to) <<<
判を押した様な: はんをおしたような: stereotyped, regular as clockwork
判を押した様に: はんをおしたように: without an exception, with clockwork regularity
判ける: わける: distinguish, separate <<<
判かる: わかる: understand, apprehend <<< ,

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