日英翻訳辞書・事典: 「Is」の翻訳

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カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 地学    画数: 5
翻訳:hole, slit, gap, leak, pit, cave
穴: あな: hole, slit, gap, leak, pit, cave, loss (jp.), deficit, dark horse
穴が空く: あながあく: A hole is made <<<
穴を空ける: あなをあける: make [eat] a hole, stave <<<
穴を掘る: あなをほる: dig a hole <<<
穴を塞ぐ: あなをふさぐ: stop up a hole, fill up a hole <<<
穴を埋める: あなをうめる <<<
穴を当てる: あなをあてる: pick a dark horse <<<
穴があったら入りたい: あながあったらはいりたい: I wish I could sink through the floor <<<
穴が開くほど見る: あながあくほどみる: stare [look hard] at
同意語: ホール

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード:    画数: 6
翻訳:insect, bug, worm, nervousness (fig.), temper
チュウ, キ
虫: むし
虫の食った: むしのくった: worm-eaten, moth-eaten <<<
虫が起こる: むしがおこる: become petulant [peevish], have an amorous itching <<<
虫が知らせる: むしがしらせる: have a hunch [presentiment] (of, that), feel in one's bones (that) <<<
虫の知らせ: むしのしらせ: hunch, presentiment, foreboding <<<
虫が付く: むしがつく: be infested with vermin, have a lover <<<
虫が好かない: むしがすかない: dislike, have an aversion (to) <<<
虫の好かない: むしのすかない: disagreeable, hateful <<<
虫の良い: むしのいい: self-indulgent, self-seeking, selfish <<<
虫の良い話だ: むしのいいはなしだ: His plan is too selfish [self-seeking]
虫が良すぎる: むしがよすぎる: That's asking too much. <<<
虫の息で: むしのいきで: breathing faintly, gaspingly <<<
虫を殺す: むしをころす: suppress one's rising passion, control [keep] one's temper <<<
虫も殺さぬ: むしもころさぬ: innocent-looking, look as if one could not even hurt a fly <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード:    画数: 6
ゼツ, セツ
舌: した: tongue, reed, clapper
舌の: したの: lingual
舌の先: したのさき: tip of the tongue <<<
舌が荒れる: したがあれる: One's tongue is sore <<<
舌が回る: したがまわる: have a long tongue, wag one's tongue <<<
舌が回らない: したがまわならい: be inarticulate, be unable to speak distinctly, speak with lips <<<
舌を出す: したをだす: put [stick] out the tongue <<<
舌をだらりと垂らす: したをだらりとたらす: loll out the tongue <<<
舌を噛む: したをかむ: bite one's tongue <<<
舌を鳴らす: したをならす: clack the tongue <<<
舌を巻く: したをまく: marvel (at), be speechless with admiration <<<
舌を滑らす: したをすべらす: make a mistake (speaking error), make a slip (of the tongue), misspeak (oneself) <<<
舌足らずの: したたらずの: tongue-tied, short and sweet <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 天気 , 化学 , 精神    画数: 6
翻訳:air, atmosphere, ambiance, gas, breath, climate
キ, ケ
気: いき: breath, respiration <<<
気が有る: きがある: have a mind (to do), be [feel] inclined (to do), be interested in, take a fancy to (a person) <<<
気が無い: きがない: have no mind (to do), be [feel] reluctant (to do), be not interested in, take no fancy to (a person) <<<
気が短い: きがみじかい: be impatient <<<
気が合う: きがあう: agree [hit it off] (with a person) <<<
気が小さい: きがちいさい: be timid [diffident, chickenhearted] <<<
気が散る: きがちる: One's attention is distracted <<<
気が塞ぐ: きがふさぐ: feel blue, become melancholy <<<
気が晴れる: きがはれる: be diverted, feel fine <<<
気が向かない: きがむかない: be reluctant (to do) <<<
気が引ける: きがひける: feel small [self-conscious] <<<
気が変わる: きがかわる: change one's mind <<<
気が利く: きがきく: be clever [sensible, tactful], be quick-witted <<<
気が抜ける: きがぬける: lose its flavor, become flat, be disheartened, One's enthusiasm dies down <<<
気が付く: きがつく: notice, perceive, become aware of, be attentive [considerate], come to oneself [one's senses], recover consciousness <<<
気を付ける: きをつける: take care (of), pay attention to, look out (for) <<<
気に入る: きにいる: like, take a fancy to, be pleased [satisfied] with, please (a person), find a favor with (a person), take catch [strike, suit] a person's fancy <<<
気に成る: きになる: weigh on one's mind, lie at one's heart, cause a person anxiety, feel uneasy (about), be anxious (about), bring oneself to (do), feel like (doing) <<<
気にする: きにする: care, mind, worry about, take (a matter) to heart
気遣う: きづかう: be [feel] anxious (about), be concerned (about), fear, be afraid of [that] <<<
気遣わしい: きづかわしい: alarming, uncertain <<<
気遣わしげに: きづかわしげに: anxiously, with a look of anxiety <<<
気の強い: きのつよい: stouthearted, brave <<<
気に食わない: きにくわない: do not like, be displeased (with a person), be disagreeable (to one) <<<
同意語: ガス

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 地理    画数: 6
翻訳:be, alive, exist, situate, locate
在: ざい: country (jp.)
在る: ある: be, alive, exist, there is, be situated [located], lie <<<
在す: います: be in house (jp.)
在: いなか: country (jp.), province, countryside <<< 田舎

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 機械学 , 音楽    画数: 6
翻訳:curve, bend, crook, bow
曲: きょく: music (jp.), tune, melody, strain <<< ミュージック , 音楽
曲がる: まがる: curve (vi.), bend
曲げる: まげる: curve (vt.), bend, crook, bow, pervert (jp.)
曲がった: まがった: curved, bent, crooked
曲り: まがり: bend (n.), turn, curve <<< カーブ
曲り角: まがりかど: corner of a street <<<
曲り易い: まがりやすい: easily bent, flexible, pliant, pliable <<<
曲りくねる: まがりくねる: wind (v.), curve, meander
曲りくねった: まがりくねった: winding, meandering, crooked, tortuous
曲りなりに: まがりなりに: somehow or other, in a way, unsatisfactory as it is
曲: くせ: tendency (jp.), inclination <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    画数: 6
翻訳:be, exist, live, lie, stand, have, possess
ユウ, ウ
有る: ある: there is [are], be, exist, live, be situated [located], lie, stand, be found, have, possess, have (pp.), happen, occur, break out, take place, be held
有ります: あります: we [I] have it
有りません: ありません: we [I] don't have it
有らゆる: あらゆる: all, every possible [available], all sorts [kinds] of
有りの儘の: ありのままの: naked, bare, plain <<<
有りの儘に: ありのままに: just as it is, plainly, frankly, honestly, without exaggeration <<<
有り難い: ありがたい: kind, gracious, welcome, blessed, be thankful [grateful], appreciate, thank you <<< , 有難う
有り難く: ありがたく: thankfully, gratefully, with thanks <<<
有り難がる: ありがたがる: be thankful [grateful] (to a person for), appreciate, value <<<
有り勝ちな: ありがちな: common, usual, incidental (to) <<<
有り触れた: ありふれた: common, ordinary, commonplace, trite <<<
有りそうな: ありそうな: likely (to be, to exist), probable, possible
有りそうも無い: ありそうもない: unlikely, improbable, impossible <<<
有り得る: ありうる: likely, probable, possible <<<
有つ: もつ: have, possess <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード:    画数: 7
翻訳:live, inhabit, settle, reside, stay, remain
住む: すむ: live, inhabit, settle, reside
住まう: すまう
住まい: すまい: house, dwelling, residence, abode, one's address <<< , 住所
住み込む: すみこむ: live in (one's employer's house), live with (a family) <<<
住み着く: すみつく: settle (in a house) <<<
住み慣れる: すみなれる: get used to a place, live long <<<
住めば都: すめばみやこ: There is no place like home, To every bird its own nest is charming <<<
住まる: とどまる: stay, remain <<<
住なす: いなす: parry, dodge <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    画数: 7
翻訳:suffer, trouble
困る: こまる: be perplexed, be troubled, be at a loss
困った: こまった
困じる: こうじる
困った事には: こまったことには: The trouble (with us) is (that) <<<
困らせる: こまらせる: embarrass, puzzle, perplex, bother, annoy, trouble, give trouble
困り切る: こまりきる: be greatly [sorely] embarrassed <<<
困り果てる: こまりはてる <<<
困り者: こまりもの: black sheep, nuisance, good-for-nothing <<<
困しむ: くるしむ: suffer <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード:    画数: 7
翻訳:body, person, oneself
シン, ケン
身: み: body, person, oneself, heart, soul
身ら: みずから: personally, in person, oneself
身も心も: みもこころも: body and soul <<<
身に着ける: みにつける: carry (a thing) about [on] one, wear, don <<<
身に付ける: みにつける: wear, learn (an art), acquire (culture, skill in an art) <<<
身を任せる: みをまかせる: put oneself into a person's hands, give [submit] oneself to so., yield to (temptation) <<<
身を投じる: みをとうじる: go in for (a carrier), enter upon (a carrier), join <<<
身を処する: みをしょする: conduct oneself <<<
身を滅ぼす: みをほろぼす: ruin oneself <<<
身を売る: みをうる: sell [sacrifice] oneself, prostitute oneself <<<
身を固める: みをかためる: settle down (to some business, to a married life) <<<
身を入れる: みをいれる: put one's heart [back] into (a task) <<<
身に沁みる: みにしみる: touch [go to] one's heart, come home (to one), feel deeply <<<
身に余る: みにあまる: more than one deserved, undeserved [unmerited] (praise) <<<
身の程を知る: みのほどをしる: know one's own place [position], know what one is
身の毛が弥立つ: みのけがよだつ: One's hair stands on end, make a person's hair stand on end
身も蓋も無い: みもふたもない: blunt; to the point; direct; outspoken; frank
身から出た錆: みからでたさび: own guilt, We only reap what we sow

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