Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'up'

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Direct access: 仰向 , 赤字 , 揚足 , 足跡 , 足場 , 彼所 , 斡旋 , 言訳 , 椅子 , 一括


pronunciation: aomuke   kanji characters: ,    keyword: position   
translation: one's face (turned) upward
仰向に: aomukeni: on one's back, with one's face (turned) upward
仰向にする: aomukenisuru: turn upward
仰向に成る: aomukeninaru: turn over one's back <<<
仰向に倒れる: aomukenitaoreru: fall on one's back <<<
仰向く: aomuku: look upward [up], turn one's face up
check also 上向


pronunciation: akaji   kanji characters: ,    keyword: finance , economy   
translation: red figure, deficit, negative balance
赤字の: akajino: in deficit, loss-making
赤字が出る: akajigaderu: get into the red figures, show a deficit <<<
赤字を埋める: akajioumeru: cover [make up] deficit <<<
赤字公債: akajikousai: red-ink bond, deficit-financing bond
赤字財政: akajizaisei: red-ink [deficit] finance <<< 財政
赤字予算: akajiyosan: unbalanced budget <<< 予算
antonyms: 黒字


pronunciation: ageashi   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 揚げ足  
translation: lifted [raised] leg
揚足を取る: ageashiotoru: take up (a person) on a slip of the tongue, catch (a person)tripping, trip up (a person) <<<


pronunciation: ashiato   kanji characters: ,    keyword: travel   
translation: footprint, footmark, trace
足跡を残す: ashiatoonokosu: leave one's footprints <<<
足跡を辿る: ashiatootadoru: trace [follow up] a person's footmarks <<< 辿


pronunciation: ashiba   kanji characters: ,    keyword: construction   
translation: scaffold, scaffolding
足場を掛ける: ashibaokakeru: set up scaffolding <<<
足場を組む: ashibaokumu: erect [put up] scaffolding <<<


pronunciation: asoko   kanji characters: ,    keyword: position   
translation: there, that place
彼所に: asokoni: there, over [down, up] there
彼所まで: asokomade: until there
彼所から: asokokara: from there
彼所にも此所にも: asokonimokokonimo: here and there, everywhere <<< 此所
antonyms: 其所


pronunciation: assen   kanji characters:    keyword: job   
translation: intercession, recommendation, good offices, mediation, conciliation, reconciliation
斡旋する: assensuru: recommend, mediate, fix up
斡旋者: assensha: intercessor, mediator, agent <<<
斡旋案: assennan: reconciliation plan <<<
check also 仲介


pronunciation: iiwake   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 言い訳  
translation: explanation, excuse, plea, apology
言訳に: iiwakeni: as an excuse
言訳する: iiwakesuru: make an excuse [apology], excuse [explain] oneself
言訳を言う: iiwakeoiu <<<
言訳を考える: iiwakeokangaeru: cook up [think out] an excuse <<<
言訳が立たない: iiwakegatatanai: be inexcusable <<<
言訳の手紙: iiwakenotegami: letter of apology <<< 手紙
check also 弁解 , 申訳


pronunciation: isu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: furniture   
translation: chair, seat, post, position, portfolio
椅子を勧める: isuosusumeru: offer a chair <<<
椅子を狙う: isuonerau: have an eye on a post <<<
椅子から立つ: isukaratatsu: get up of the chair <<<
椅子に腰掛ける: isunikoshikakeru: sit on [in] a chair <<< 腰掛
椅子席: isuseki: seat <<<
椅子カバー: isukabaa: chair cover
揺り椅子: yuriisu: rocking chair <<<
車椅子: kurumaisu: wheelchair <<<
長椅子: nagaisu: sofa, bench <<< , ベンチ
check also 腰掛


pronunciation: ikkatsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business   
translation: together
一括する: ikkatsusuru: bundle up, sum up, summarize
一括して: ikkatsushite: in a lump
一括払い: ikkatsubarai: lump-sum payment <<<
一括取引: ikkatsutorihiki: package dealing <<< 取引
一括購入: ikkatsukounyuu: bulk buying <<< 購入
一括契約: ikkatsukeiyaku: blanket contract <<< 契約
一括割引: ikkatsuwaribiki: global discount <<< 割引

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