日英翻訳辞書・事典: 「AN」の翻訳

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カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 単位 , , 光学    画数: 5
翻訳:eye, vision, mesh, texture
モク, ボク
目: もく: unit to count points in go game (jp.)
目: め: eye, sight, vision, attention, notice, judgment, point of view, standpoint, mesh, tooth of saw, texture, stitch, grain, weight unit (ca. 3.75 g, jp.)
目の: めの: ocular, optical, visual
目が良い: めがよい, めがいい: have good sight <<<
目が悪い: めがわるい: have bad [poor] sight <<<
目が回る: めがまわる: be [feel] dizzy <<<
目が無い: めがない: have a weakness for, be exceedingly fond of <<<
目が覚める: めがさめる: (become) awake, be awakened, come to oneself <<<
目に余る: めにあまる: be too much for one to connive at, be unpardonable <<<
目に見えない: めにみえない: invisible, unseen, imperceptible <<<
目に留まる: めにとまる: attract a person's attention [notice], catch [strike] a person's eye <<<
目を付ける: めをつける: have one's [keep an] eye on, watch, mark, aim at <<<
目を掛ける: めをかける: look after, take care of, favor <<<
目を引く: めをひく: draw [attract] a person's attention <<<
目を回す: めをまわす: roll one's eye, faint, swoon, be stunned <<<
目を離す: めをはなす: look aside [away], take one's eyes off <<<
目を瞑る: めをつぶる: close [shut] one's eyes, wink [connive] (at a person's fault) <<<
目の粗い: めのあらい: coarse <<<
目で知らせる: めでしらせる: make a sign with the eye, wink (at) <<< , ウインク
目立つ: めだつ: stand out, be conspicuous (by, for), be striking, attract attention <<<
目立たない: めだたない: in a quiet, [modest] way, so as not to attract attention <<<
目掛ける: めがける: aim at, have an eye to <<<
目から鱗: めからうろこ: seeing the light, being awakened to the truth <<<
同意語: , アイ

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード:    画数: 6

耳: みみ: ear, edge, selvage, selvedge
耳が早い: みみがはやい: be quick of hearing <<<
耳が良い: みみがいい <<<
耳が遠い: みみがとおい: be hard of hearing <<<
耳が鳴る: みみがなる: have a ringing [singing, buzzing] in one's ears, One's ears ring [sing] <<<
耳にする: みみにする: hear <<<
耳に入る: みみにはいる: learn, reach one's ears, come to one's knowledge <<<
耳に入れる: みみにいれる: informer <<<
耳に残る: みみにのこる: ring [linger] in one's ear <<<
耳を貸す: みみをかす: lend one's ear to <<<
耳を貸さない: みみをかさない: give no ear to, turn a deaf ear to, won't listen to <<<
耳を澄ます: みみをすます: pick up [strain, cock] one's ears <<<
耳を欹てる: みみをそばだてる
耳が痛い: みみがいたい: have an earache, be ashamed to hear (it), tingle in one's ears <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    画数: 6
翻訳:meet, see, gather
カイ, エ
会う: あう: meet, see (a person), have an interview (with), receive, come across [upon] <<<
会いたい: あいたい: want to see (a person)
会いに行く: あいにいく: go to see (a person) <<<
会まる: あつまる: come together, gather, assemble <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード:    画数: 6
翻訳:insect, bug, worm, nervousness (fig.), temper
チュウ, キ
虫: むし
虫の食った: むしのくった: worm-eaten, moth-eaten <<<
虫が起こる: むしがおこる: become petulant [peevish], have an amorous itching <<<
虫が知らせる: むしがしらせる: have a hunch [presentiment] (of, that), feel in one's bones (that) <<<
虫の知らせ: むしのしらせ: hunch, presentiment, foreboding <<<
虫が付く: むしがつく: be infested with vermin, have a lover <<<
虫が好かない: むしがすかない: dislike, have an aversion (to) <<<
虫の好かない: むしのすかない: disagreeable, hateful <<<
虫の良い: むしのいい: self-indulgent, self-seeking, selfish <<<
虫の良い話だ: むしのいいはなしだ: His plan is too selfish [self-seeking]
虫が良すぎる: むしがよすぎる: That's asking too much. <<<
虫の息で: むしのいきで: breathing faintly, gaspingly <<<
虫を殺す: むしをころす: suppress one's rising passion, control [keep] one's temper <<<
虫も殺さぬ: むしもころさぬ: innocent-looking, look as if one could not even hurt a fly <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    画数: 6
翻訳:conquer, fulfill (ext.), become
セイ, ジョウ
成る: なる, なす: become, fulfill
成る可く: なるべく: preferably, as possible, at most, if possible, if circumstances allow <<<
成る可く早く: なるべくはやく: as soon [quickly, early] as possible
成る可く多く: なるべくおおく: as much [many] as possible
成らげる: たいらげる: subdue, defeat, conquer <<<
成り: なり: arriving of an important person (jp.)
成り上がる: なりあがる: rise suddenly (from, to), become suddenly rich <<<
成り代わる: なりかわる: take a person's place, step into a person's shoes <<<
成り切る: なりきる: become to the bone <<<
成り下がる: なりさがる: come down in the world, be degraded (to) <<<
成り果てる: なりはてる: be reduced to (a wretched state) <<<
成り済ます: なりすます: impersonate successfully, pose as <<<
成り損なう: なりそこなう: fail to become <<<
成れの果て: なれのはて: ruin of what one was <<<
成: しげ, のり: pers.

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: ショー    画数: 7
翻訳:art, performance, technique
ゲイ, ウン
芸の無い: げいのない: talentless, untalented, dilettante, amateurish, incompetent <<<
芸を磨く: げいをみがく: cultivate the art <<<
芸は身を助ける: げいはみをたすける: Accomplishments are a lifelong benefit to their possessor
芸が細い: げいがこまかい: have an elaborate way of acting <<<
芸: わざ: art, performance, technique, feat, trick, stunt <<<
芸: のり: rule, standard <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 食べ物 ,    画数: 7
翻訳:egg, spawn, roe
ラン, コン
卵: たまご: egg, spawn (n.), roe
卵の殻: たまごのから: eggshell <<<
卵を産む: たまごをうむ: lay an egg, spawn (v.) <<<
卵を抱く: たまごをだく: sit on eggs, brood <<<
卵を焼く: たまごをやく: fry a egg <<<
卵を割る: たまごをわる: break [open] an egg <<<
卵を孵す: たまごをかえす: hatch an egg
同意語: 玉子

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 仕事    画数: 7
翻訳:effort, labor, work, pains
労する: ろうする: make an effort, take pains
労せずに: ろうせずに: without difficulty, very easily
労を取る: ろうをとる: take the trouble to do [of doing] <<<
労れる: つかれる: get tired <<<
労る: いたわる: take care of
労う: ねぎらう: thank a person for his trouble [service]
労を謝する: ろうをしゃする <<<
労を労う: ろをねぎらう
労に報いる: ろうにむくいる: reward [remunerate] (a person) for his service [labor] <<<
労を厭わない: ろうをいとわない: spare no pains [trouble], do not spare oneself [one's pains] <<<
労を惜しまない: ろうをおしまない <<<
労を省く: ろうをはぶく: save (one) trouble <<<
労を惜しむ: ろうをおしむ <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 仕事    画数: 7
翻訳:effort, strive, bid

努める: つとめる: make an effort, strive <<<
努: ゆめ: certainly (jp.), never
努: つとむ: pers.

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 災害    画数: 7
翻訳:evil, misfortune, mishap, disaster, calamity
災い: わざわい
災いを招く: わざわいをまねく: invite disaster, bring an evil upon oneself <<<
災いと成る: わざわいとなる: be injurious to, do harm (to), be one's ruin <<<
災いを転じて福と成す: わざわいをてんじてふくとなす: turn a misfortune to a blessing

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