Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'by'

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Direct access: 威力 , 影響 , 栄光 , 襟首 , 炎上 , 大凡 , 御蔭 , 御世辞 , 恩返し , 快速


pronunciation: iryoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weapon   
translation: power, might, authority
威力の有る: iryokunoaru: powerful, mighty <<<
威力を持って: iryokuomotte: by the exercise of one's power <<<
威力に依って: iryokuniyotte <<<
威力を揮う: iryokuohuruu: wield one's power <<<


pronunciation: eikyou   kanji characters: ,   
translation: effect, influence (n.), impact
影響する: eikyousuru: influence (v.), affect
影響を与える: eikyouoataeru <<<
影響を及ぼす: eikyouooyobosu <<<
影響を受ける: eikyououkeru: be influenced [affected] by, come under the influence of <<<
影響され易い: eikyousareyasui: easily influenced, malleable <<<
影響力: eikyouryoku: hold, influence, power, clout <<<
悪影響: akueikyou: bad influence <<<


pronunciation: eikou   kanji characters: ,   
translation: glory
栄光有る: eikouaru: glorious <<<
栄光に輝く: eikounikagayaku: surrounded by glory <<<
栄光を称える: eikouotataeru: glorify <<<
神の栄光: kaminoeikou: glory of God <<<
check also 光栄


pronunciation: erikubi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: body   
translation: nape, scruff of the neck
襟首を掴む: erikubiotsukamu: take [seize, catch] (a person) by the collar [the nape] <<<


pronunciation: enjou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disaster   
translation: burning, ignition, destruction by fire
炎上する: enjousuru: go up in flames, be destroyed by fire


pronunciation: ooyoso   kanji characters: ,   
translation: about, nearly, in round number, around, quite, entirely, (not) at all
大凡の: ooyosono: rough, approximate
大凡の数: ooyosonokazu: approximate number <<<
大凡の所: ooyosonotokoro: taking it by and large, roughly speaking <<<
大凡の見積: ooyosonomitsumori: rough estimate <<< 見積


pronunciation: okage   kanji characters: ,    other spells: お蔭   keyword: greeting   
translation: favor, aid, support
御蔭で: okagede: thanks to, by grace of
御蔭様: okagesama: thanks <<<


pronunciation: oseji   kanji characters: , ,    other spells: お世辞   keyword: greeting   
translation: compliment, flattery
御世辞に: osejini: in [as a, by way of] compliment
御世辞で: osejide
御世辞が良い: osejigaii: be affable [friendly] <<<
御世辞が巧い: osejigaumai: be very complimentary <<<
御世辞を言う: osejioiu: pay (a person) compliments, flatter, say pretty things <<<
御世辞抜きで: osejinukide: frankly speaking <<<
御世辞笑い: osejiwarai: compliment smile <<<
御世辞屋: osejiya: flatterer, smooth-tongue person <<<
synonyms: 愛想


pronunciation: ongaeshi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: greeting   
translation: return for a person's kindness [favor, service]
恩返しに: ongaeshini: by way of thanks for, in appreciation of, in gratitude for, in return for
恩返しする: ongaeshisuru: requite [repay] a person's kindness [favor]
鶴の恩返し: tsurunoongaeshi: The gratitude of the crane (a Japanese fairy tale), The grateful crane <<<
check also 感謝


pronunciation: kaisoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: train   
translation: high speed
快速の: kaisokuno: high-speed, speedy
快速で: kaisokude: at a high speed, by fast train
快速を出す: kaisokuodasu: put on a high speed <<<
快速船: kaisokusen: fast boat <<<
快速列車: kaisokuressha: fast train <<< 列車
check also 高速 , 急行

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