Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'it'

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Direct access: 実感 , 実際 , 随分 , 僭越 , 選択 , 算盤 , 建前 , 駄目 , 畜生 , 天気


pronunciation: jikkan   kanji characters: ,   
translation: natural feeling, realization
実感する: jikkansuru: realize, feel natural
実感が出る: jikkangaderu: make one feel as if it were really, lend realism <<<
実感的: jikkanteki: realistic <<<


pronunciation: jissai   kanji characters: ,   
translation: practice, actual condition, reality, truth, fact
実際の: jissaino: practical, actual, real, true
実際の所: jissainotokoro: to tell the truth, as it is <<<
実際に: jissaini: in practice, actually, in fact, truly, really, indeed, virtually, as a matter of fact, in reality
実際は: jissaiwa: in reality
実際的: jissaiteki: practical, matter-of-fact, down-to-earth <<<
実際的考え: jissaitekikangae: practical idea <<<
実際的知識: jissaitekichishiki: practical knowledge <<< 知識
実際家: jissaika: practical man <<<
実際教育: jissaikyouiku: practical instruction, object-lesson, visual instruction <<< 教育
実際問題: jissaimondai: practical question <<< 問題
実際価格: jissaikakaku: cash value <<< 価格
synonyms: 事実


pronunciation: zuibun   kanji characters: ,   
translation: fairly, pretty, tolerably, very, extremely, quite
随分な: zuibunnna: nice (an irony), fine
随分な男だ: zuibunnnaotokoda: What a man! You are a nice fellow! <<<
随分寒い: zuibunsamui: It is awfully cold <<<
check also 十分


pronunciation: sennetsu   kanji characters:   
translation: presumption, insolence, audacity
僭越な: sennetsuna: presumptuous, insolent, audacious
僭越ながら: sennetsunagara: It is presumptuous of me to say [do] this but, take the liberty of doing sth.
check also 高慢


pronunciation: sentaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: education   
translation: selection, choice
選択する: sentakusuru: select, choose
選択に迷う: sentakunimayou: be at a loss which to choose, find it difficult to choose <<<
選択に苦しむ: sentakunikurushimu <<<
選択を誤る: sentakuoayamaru: make a bad choice <<<
選択技: sentakushi: choices (on a test) <<<
選択権: sentakuken: freedom of choice <<<
選択の自由: sentakunojiyuu <<< 自由
選択科目: sentakukamoku: elective [optional] subject <<< 科目
選択問題: sentakumondai: multiple-choice test <<< 問題
check also 選定 , 必修


pronunciation: soroban   kanji characters: ,    keyword: mathematics   
translation: abacus
算盤高い: sorobandakai: be calculating <<<
算盤が合わない: sorobangaawanai: The accounts do not square, It is a losing business <<<
算盤が取れる: sorobangatoreru: pay, be profitable <<<
算盤の取れる: sorobannnotoreru: paying, profitable
算盤を弾く: sorobannohajiku: work [use] an abacus, calculate <<<
算盤玉: sorobandama: counter <<<
算盤珠: sorobandama <<<


pronunciation: tatemae   kanji characters: ,    keyword: construction   
translation: (ceremony of) the erection of the house frame, principal, policy
建前とする: tatemaetosuru: make it one's principal (to do)


pronunciation: dame   kanji characters: ,    other spells: ダメ  
translation: uselessness, futileness, futility, hopelessness, incompetence, inefficiency, must not
駄目な: damena: useless, vain, futile, hopeless, incompetent, inefficient
駄目である: damedearu: be useless [hopeless, futile, incompetent], be no good, be (of) no use
駄目にする: damenisuru: spoil, ruin, waste, bring (a plan) to naught
駄目に成る: dameninaru: be spoiled [ruined], end in a failure, fall through <<<
駄目を押す: dameoosu: make sure, make assurance doubly sure <<< , 確認
もう駄目だ: moudameda: It's all over with sb.
其れは駄目だ: damewadameda: That won't do <<<
check also 無駄


pronunciation: chikushou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: buddhism   
translation: beast, brute (of a man), Dam it! Hang it!
畜生の様な: chikushounoyouna: brutal, beastly <<<
此畜生: konchikushou: You brute! <<<
畜生道: chikushoudou: hell of beasts, incest <<<
check also 動物 ,


pronunciation: tenki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weather   
translation: (fine) weather
天気が良い: tenkigaii: it's fine [sunny] <<<
天気が悪い: tenkigawarui: it's bad <<<
天気に成る: tenkininaru: it becomes fine <<<
天気図: tenkizu: weather chart [map] <<<
天気予報: tenkiyohou: weather forecast <<< 予報
天気概況: tenkigaikyou: general weather condition <<< 概況
好い天気: iitenki, yoitenki: fine weather <<<
好天気: koutenki
synonyms: 天候

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