日英翻訳辞書・事典: 「NO」の翻訳

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カテゴリー:常用漢字   部首:    キーワード: 位置    画数: 3
翻訳:reach, get
及ぶ: およぶ: reach, come up to, amount to, cover, range (over)
及ぶ限り: およぶかぎり: every possible, to the best of one's ability <<<
及ばない: およばない: do not reach [extend to], fall short of
及ぼす: およぼす: exercise influence over, cause
及び: および: and, as well as
及びも付かない: およびもつかない: be far beyond one [one's power], be no equal to (a person) <<<
及び腰に成る: およびごしになる: lean over
及: と: together
及: たか, ちか: pers.

カテゴリー:常用漢字   部首:    画数: 9
翻訳:do, carry out, deed

為す: なす: do (vt.), carry out
為る: する: do, try, play, act, practice, engage [be engaged] (in), cost, be worth, pass
為る事にしている: することにしている: make it a rule to do, make it a point of doing <<<
為める: おさめる: govern, rule [reign] over, manage <<<
為: ため: good, benefit, interest, profit, advantage
為に: ために: for (the sake of), for a person's good, on a person's account, to a person's advantage, in the interests of, in the service of, for the purpose [shake] of, with a view of (doing), in order to (do), so as to (to), because of, on account of
為に成る: ためになる: benefit, be good for, do (a person) good, be beneficial [profitable, instructive] (to) <<<
為に成らない: ためにならない: be of no good, do (one) harm, be bad for, be injurious [harmful] (to) <<<
為し遂げる: なしとげる: finish, complete, carry out, accomplish, achieve <<<

カテゴリー:常用漢字   部首:    キーワード:    画数: 10
翻訳:walk (org.), way, path, road, street
ト, ズ
途切れ: とぎれ: break (n.), pause <<<
途切れる: とぎれる: break (v.), be interrupted <<<
途切れ途切れの: とぎれとぎれの: broken, interrupted, disconnected
途切れ途切れに: とぎれとぎれに: brokenly, intermittently, off and on
途: みち: way, path, road, street <<<
途んでもない: とんでもない: outrageous, fantastic, terrible, ridiculous, No kidding! No way! Anything but! Far from it! Not bloody likely

カテゴリー:常用漢字   部首:    画数: 10
翻訳:look alike, be indistinguishable, be [get] confused [mixed up]
紛れる: まぎれる: look alike, be indistinguishable (from), be [get] confused [mixed up] (with), be diverted [distracted], forget one's cares for a time
紛らす: まぎらす: divert, beguile, conceal, hide, evade
紛らわす: まぎらわす
紛らわしい: まぎらわしい: confusing, misleading, ambiguous
紛れ込む: まぎれこむ: get [be] mixed (up), be lost (somewhere) <<<
紛れも無い: まぎれもない: unmistakable, plain, evident <<<
紛れも無く: まぎれもなく: evidently, sure enough, no [without] doubt <<<
紛れ: まぐれ: fluke
紛れで勝つ: まぐれでかつ: win by a fluke <<<
紛れる: みだれる: go out of order [control], be confused, become disorganized, fall into disorder [confusion], lose one's wits <<<

カテゴリー:常用漢字   部首:    画数: 12
翻訳:unacquainted, neglect, disgrace
ソ, ショ
疎い: うとい: be unacquainted with
疎む: うとむ: neglect, keep a person at a distance, disgrace
疎んじる: うとんじる
疎かな: おろそかな: negligent, careless
疎かに: おろそかに: negligently, carelessly
疎かにする: おろそかにする: neglect, give no heed (to), slight
疎らな: まばらな: sparse, thin, scattered
疎らに: まばらに: sparsely, thinly, scatteringly
疎い: あらい: coarse, rough, raw <<<
疎る: とおる: pass (along, through, by), get through <<<
疎れる: わかれる: separate (vi.), divide, part <<<

カテゴリー:常用漢字   部首:    キーワード: 時間    画数: 13
翻訳:leisure, spare time

暇: ひま: leisure, spare time, separation (jp.), leave, dismissal, discharge
暇が無い: ひまがない: have no time (to spare), have no leisure (to do, for a matter) <<< ,
暇な時に: ひまなときに: at one's leisure, when one has time (to spare) <<<
暇でしたら: ひまでしたら: If you are free [not engaged]
暇を潰す: ひまをつぶす: kill time, while away one's time <<<
暇取る: ひまどる: take time, delay <<< ,
暇が掛かる: ひまがかかる <<<
暇を遣る: ひまをやる: give leave (of absence) <<<
暇を出す: ひまをだす: dismiss, send (a person) packing, fire (a person) <<<
暇を取る: ひまをとる: leave one's service [employment] <<<
暇: いとま: leisure, spare time, separation (jp.), leave, farewell
暇を告げる: いとまをつげる: take one's leave <<<
暇を告げずに: いとまをつげずに: without taking leave <<<
暇を乞う: いとまをこう: ask a leave [separation] <<<
同意語: レジャー

カテゴリー:常用漢字   部首:    画数: 13
翻訳:rebuke, accuse, decry
詰る: なじる: rebuke, accuse, decry
詰める: つめる: fill (jp.), pack, squeeze
詰む: つむ: checkmate (v., jp.)
詰まる: つまる: be stopped up (jp.), be short of
詰る所: つまるところ: in the final analysis <<<
詰め: つめ: packaging, the end game (jp.), checkmate (n.)
詰め替える: つめかえる: repack, refill, rebottle <<<
詰め掛ける: つめかける: throng, crowd, press forward, besieg <<<
詰め込む: つめこむ: stuff (v.), pack, jam, crown (people) into, press (in, into) <<<
詰め寄る: つめよる: press (hard) upon, draw close (to), edge up (to) <<<
詰り: つまり: in the end (jp.), finally, in conclusion <<< 結局
詰らない: つまらない: trifling, trivial, insignificant, petty, valueless, goo-for-nothing, commonplace, dull, flat, uninteresting, insipid
詰らない物: つまらないもの: a trifle <<<
詰らない事: つまらないこと: matter of no importance [consequence], trifling affair, trifle, triviality <<<
詰らない事を言う: つまらないことをいう: talk nonsense [rot], say silly things
詰らない奴: つまらないやつ: poor [worthless, insignificant] fellow, bore, nobody <<<
詰らなそうに: つまらなそうに: with a bored look, disappointedly, incuriously
詰らなく: つまらなく: idly, uselessly, cheerlessly

カテゴリー:常用漢字   部首:    キーワード: 農業    画数: 14
翻訳:gather, collect
テキ, チャク, タク
摘まむ: つまむ: pinch (v.), pick, take a pinch of
摘まみ: つまみ: pinch (n.), knob, side dish (jp.)
摘み出す: つまみだす: pick out, drag out, turn [thrust] out, throw out <<<
摘み洗いする: つまみあらいする: wash a (spoiled) part of <<<
摘み食いする: つまみぐいする: eat when no one is about <<<
摘む: つむ: gather (vi.), cull
摘く: あばく: expose, disclose, reveal <<< ,
摘う: ひろう: pick up <<<

カテゴリー:常用漢字   部首:    キーワード: 光学    画数: 15
翻訳:shade, shadow, silhouette, figure
エイ, ヨウ
影: かげ: shade, shadow, silhouette, figure, reflection, image, sign, trace
影が差す: かげがさす: cast [throw] a shadow (on) <<<
影の様な: けげのような: shadowy <<<
影も形も無い: かげもかたちもない: Nothing remains of it, There is no trace of it
影も形も見えない: かげもかたちもみえない
影を隠す: かげをかくす: hide away, secrete oneself, disappear <<<
影を潜める: かげをひそめる <<<
影が薄い: かげがうすい: look as if one were shadowed by death, be in a back seat <<<
同意語: , シルエット

カテゴリー:常用漢字   部首:    キーワード: 社会    画数: 15
翻訳:edge, rim, cause (bor.)
縁: えん: relation, connection, affinity, ties, bond, marriage, fate, destiny, karma <<< 関係
縁が近い: えんがちかい: be closely related <<<
縁が深い: えんがふかい <<<
縁が遠い: えんがとおい: be distantly related <<<
縁を結ぶ: えんをむすぶ: form a connection (with a person) <<< , 結婚
縁を切る: えんをきる: cut connections (with), break off (from), break with (a person) <<<
縁が無い: えんがない: have no relations [relationship, chance], cannot get married <<<
縁: ふち: edge, rim, border, limit
縁を取る: ふちをとる: hem (v.), fringe, border <<<
縁を付ける: ふちをつける: frame (v.), border <<<
縁無しの: ふちなしの: brimless, rimless, unframed <<<
縁る: よる: be based on, be due to <<< , , ,
縁: よすが: hold, clue, key <<< , 手掛り
縁みに: ちなみに: incidentally, by the way <<<
縁: まさ, むね, やす, より, よし: pers.

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