Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'by'

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Direct access: 概算 , 外部 , 記憶 , 幾何 , 危機 , 汽車 , 奇跡 , 汽船 , 規則 , 気紛れ


pronunciation: gaisan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: accounting   
translation: rough estimate
概算で: gaisande: at a rough estimate, roughly, approximately
概算する: gaisansuru: estimate roughly, make a rough estimate (of)
概算払い: gaisanbarai: payment by rough estimate <<<
概算要求: gaisannyoukyuu: submission of budget estimates (for the next fiscal year) <<< 要求


pronunciation: gaibu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: position   
translation: outside (n.), external (n.), outward (n.)
外部の: gaibuno: outside (a.), external (a.), outward (a.)
外部で: gaibude: outside (adv.), externally
外部の人: gaibunohito: outsider <<<
外部に漏らす: gaibunimorasu: leak out, reveal <<<
外部監査: gaibukansa: external audit <<< 監査
外部犯行: gaibuhankou: crime committed by an outsider <<< 犯行
check also 内部


pronunciation: kioku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: computer , medicine   
translation: memory, remembrance, recollection, record
記憶する: kiokusuru: remember, keep in mind, memorize, learn by heart
記憶すべき: kiokusubeki: memorable, noteworthy
記憶が良い: kiokugaii: have a good [strong] memory <<<
記憶が悪い: kiokugawarui: have a bad [poor] memory <<<
記憶を失う: kiokuoushinau: lose memory <<<
記憶が無い: kiokuganai: cannot remember <<<
記憶を辿る: kiokuotadoru: try to recall <<< 辿
記憶力: kiokuryoku: retentive faculty <<<
記憶術: kiokujutsu: mnemonics <<<
記憶喪失: kiokusoushitsu: amnesia, loss of memory <<< 喪失
記憶喪失の: kiokusoushitsuno: amnesic
記憶障害: kiokushougai: disturbance of memory <<< 障害
記憶装置: kiokusouchi: computer memory <<< 装置
記憶効果: kiokukouka: memory effect <<< 効果
記憶容量: kiokuyouryou: memory [storage] capacity <<< 容量
check also メモリー , 思い出


pronunciation: kika   kanji characters: ,    keyword: mathematics   
translation: geometry
幾何学: kikagaku <<<
幾何学的: kikagakuteki: geometrical <<<
幾何学的に: kikagakutekini: geometrically <<<
幾何学模様: kikagakumoyou: geometrical pattern <<< 模様
幾何学者: kikagakusha: geometrician <<< 学者
幾何級数: kikakyuusuu: geometrical series [progression]
幾何級数的に: kikakyuusuutekini: by geometrical progression
antonyms: 代数


pronunciation: kiki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disaster   
translation: crisis, emergency, peril, crunch
危機に瀕する: kikinihinsuru: be at a crisis, be in peril, be in a critical situation <<<
危機に陥る: kikiniochiiru <<<
危機を逃れる: kikionogareru: escape a peril, extricate oneself <<<
危機を脱する: kikiodassuru <<<
危機を孕む: kikioharamu: be full of danger <<<
危機感: kikikan: crisis mood, sense of crisis <<<
危機意識: kikiishiki <<< 意識
危機管理: kikikanri: emergency management <<< 管理
危機一髪で: kikiippatsude: by a hair's breadth
危機一髪で助かる: kikiippatsudetasukaru: escape by a hair's breadth, have a narrow escape (from)
synonyms: 危地


pronunciation: kisha   kanji characters: ,    keyword: train   
translation: train
汽車で: kishade: by train
汽車で行く: kishadeiku: go by train <<<
汽車に乗る: kishaninoru: take a train <<<
汽車を降りる: kishaooriru: leave [get off] a train <<<
汽車の旅: kishanotabi: train travel <<<
汽車旅行: kisharyokou <<< 旅行
汽車賃: kishachin: railway fare <<<
汽車弁: kishaben: railway lunch <<<
夜汽車: yogisha: night train <<<
check also 電車 , 列車


pronunciation: kiseki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: religion   
translation: miracle, wonder
奇跡的: kisekiteki: miraculous <<<
奇跡的に: kisekitekini: miraculously
奇跡的に助かる: kisekitekinitasukaru: escape death by a miracle <<<
奇跡を行う: kisekiookonau: work [do] wonders <<<
奇跡を起す: kisekiookosu <<<
奇跡が起る: kisekigaokoru: A miracle happens
奇跡を信じる: kisekioshinjiru: believe in miracles <<<
synonyms: ミラクル


pronunciation: kisen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: ship   
translation: steamship, steamer
汽船で: kisende: by steamer
汽船会社: kisengaisha: steamship company <<< 会社


pronunciation: kisoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: law , grammar   
translation: rule, regulation
規則に従う: kisokunishitagau: follow [conform to] the rule <<<
規則を守る: kisokuomamoru: observe the rule <<<
規則を立てる: kisokuotateru: establish [frame, make, state] a rule <<<
規則を破る: kisokuoyaburu: break [violate] the rule <<<
規則的: kisokuteki: systematic, orderly, punctual <<<
規則的に: kisokutekini: regularly, in a regular manner, systematically, methodically, punctually
規則通りに: kisokudoorini: according to the rule, by rule <<<
規則に反する: kisokunikisokunihansuru: illegal, transgressive <<<
規則書: kisokusho: prospectus, regulations <<<
規則違反: kisokuihan: infraction, malpractice <<< 違反
規則違反を犯す: kisokuihannookasu: commit an infraction [an infringement] <<<
規則動詞: kisokudoushi: regular verb <<< 動詞
不規則: hukisoku: irregularity <<<
不規則な: hukisokuna: irregular, unsystematic, abnormal, anomalous
不規則動詞: hukisokudoushi: irregular verb [conjugation] <<< 動詞
check also 規定 , ルール


pronunciation: kimagure   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 気まぐれ  
translation: caprice, fancy, whim, vagary
気紛れの: kimagureno: capricious, fanciful, whimsical, changeable, vagarious
気紛れな: kimagurena
気紛れに: kimagureni: capriciously, whimsically, on a whim, from caprice, by fits and starts
気紛れ者: kimaguremono: capricious person <<<
気紛れを起す: kimagureookosu: get whims <<<
synonyms: 気儘

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