日英翻訳辞書・事典: 「AN」の翻訳

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カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: テクノロジー    画数: 13
翻訳:try, test, attempt, essay, trial

試みる: こころみる: try (v.), test, attempt
試み: こころみ: try (n.), test, attempt
試みに: こころみに: for trial, on trial [probation], tentatively, experimentally
試す: ためす: try, attempt, make a trial (of), have a try (at), test, put (a thing) to trial [the test], experiment (with), make an experiment (on)
試し: ためし: trial, test, try, experiment, attempt
試しに: ためしに: by way of experiment [trial], tentatively
同意語: テスト

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    画数: 13
翻訳:limit, extreme, very, utmost
キョク, ゴク
極: むね: ridge (of a roof) <<<
極める: きわめる: go to extremes, investigate thoroughly, make an extensive study (of), make a thorough research (after, for, into), master <<< ,
極まる: きわまる: go to extremes
極み: きわみ: limit, extreme, utmost (n.)
極めて: きわめて: very, extremely, awfully, exceedingly
極め付きの: きわめつきの: widely acknowledged <<<
極める: きめる: decide (jp.), fix, determine <<<
極め: きめ: promise (n., jp.), contract

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 文法    画数: 13
翻訳:speak, tell, say, talk, chat, converse, conversation
ワ, カイ
話: はなし: conversation, speech
話す: はなす: speak, talk, converse (v.)
話せる: はなせる: able to speak, sensible
話る: かたる: narrate <<<
話が合う: はなしがあう: have topics of common interest <<<
話し合う: はなしあう: talk with (a person) about (a matter), discuss (a matter) with (a person), consult with (a person) about [on] (a matter) <<<
話をする: はなしをする: talk (about), have a talk (with), speak (with), tell a story [tale], give an account of
話が付く: はなしがつく: come to [arrive at] an understanding [agreement] (with) <<<
話を付ける: はなしをつける: arrange [fix up] (a matter with a person), settle (a matter) <<<
話の種: はなしのたね: topic (for conversation), subject of talk <<<
話は違うが: はなしはちがうが: by the way <<<
話変わって: はなしかわって: meanwhile, on the other hand <<<
話を逸らす: はなしをそらす: divert the conversation <<<
話に出る: はなしにでる: come up for discussion <<<
話に成らない: はなしにならない: be out of the question <<<
話の腰を折る: はなしのこしをおる: interrupt a person, spoil a story

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    画数: 14
翻訳:mistake, error, wrong

誤る: あやまる: mistake (v.), make an error, err
誤り: あやまり: mistake (n.), error, slip, blunder, fallacy
同意語: エラー

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: オーディオ    画数: 14
翻訳:hear, listen
ブン, モン
聞く: きく: hear, be informed of, learn, listen to, give an ear to, obey, accede (to), grant, ask, inquire, make a reference to
聞こえる: きこえる: hear, catch, be heard, be audible, sound, seem, be known, be famed
聞こえますか: きこえますか: Can you hear me?
聞こえなく成る: きこえなくなる: die away, be out of hearing, become inaudible <<<
聞こえ: きこえ: fame, reputation, sonority
聞こえが良い: きこえがいい, きこえがよい: sound well, be respectable, The connection is good <<<
聞こえが悪い: きこえがわるい: sound bad, be disreputable, The connection is bad <<<
聞こえよがしに: きこえよがしに: (as if) wishing to be overheard, (purposely) in a person's hearing
聞きたがる: ききたがる: be inquisitive, be curious to hear, have itching ears
聞き入る: ききいる: listen attentively to, be all ears to, devour every word <<<
聞き入れる: ききいれる: comply with, assent to, accept, grant, take [follow] (a person's advice) <<< , 同意
聞き苦しい: ききぐるしい: disagreeable to hear, offensive [harsh] to the ear, unpleasant, objectionable <<<
聞き直す: ききなおす: ask [inquire] again <<<
聞き返す: ききかえす <<<
聞き損なう: ききそこなう: fail to hear [catch] <<<
聞き違える: ききちがえる: hear (a matter, a person) wrong <<<
聞き出す: ききだす: find out, get wind of, pump information out of (a person) <<<
聞き流す: ききながす: take no notice of, pay no attention to, let (a question) by <<<
聞く所に因れば: きくところによれば: from what I hear, I hear [am told] that
聞く所に因ると: きくところによると

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 戦争 , スポーツ    画数: 15
翻訳:foe, enemy, opponent, antagonist, adversary, rival, match
敵: てき: foe, enemy, opponent, antagonist, adversary, rival, match
敵にする: てきにする: make an enemy of sb.
敵に回す: てきにまわす <<<
敵ではない: てきではない: be no match for (a person)
敵を破る: てきをやぶる: defeat the enemy <<<
敵: かたき: enemy, foe, rival
敵: あだ: grudge, enmity <<<
反意語: 味方

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード:    画数: 16
翻訳:record, note, describe
ロク, リョク
録す: しるす: record, write [note, jot] down, put [set] down, describe, give an account (of) <<< ,

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 機械学    画数: 16
翻訳:loom, machinery, machine, omen (ext.)

機: き: opportunity, chance, occasion
機に乗じる: きにじょうじる: avail oneself [take advantage] of an opportunity <<<
機を失う: きをうしなう: miss [lose, let slip] a chance <<<
機を失する: きをしっする <<<
機を見るにびんな: きをみるにびんな: quick to seize an opportunity <<<
機: はた: loom
機を織る: はたをおる: weave <<<
機: からくり: machinery, mechanics <<< 絡繰
機: きざし: symptom, sign, omen <<<
機: おり: fabric, texture

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード:    画数: 18
翻訳:face, look (n.), aspect, appearance, countenance, features, expression, honor
顔: かお: face, look (n.), aspect, appearance, countenance, features, expression, honor
顔を赤くする: かおをあかくする: blush, color (up) <<<
顔を赤くして: かおをあかくして: with a blush <<<
顔を洗う: かおをかおをあらう: wash one's face <<<
顔を合わせる: かおをあわせる: meet face to face (with) <<<
顔を出す: かおをだす: show one's face, appear, show [turn] up <<<
顔を顰める: かおをしかめる: make faces <<<
顔が潰れる: かおがつぶれる: lose face [prestige], be humiliated <<<
顔を潰す: かおをつぶす: put (a person) out of countenance <<<
顔に係る: かおにかかわる: affect one's honor <<<
顔を立てる: かおをたてる: save a person's face [honor] <<<
顔が広い: かおがひろい: have a large circle of acquaintance, be popular, be widely known <<<
顔が利く: かおがきく: have an influence <<<
顔を利かす: かおをきかす: use [exercise] one's influence <<<
顔に泥を塗る: かおにどろをぬる: disgrace (a person), bring disgrace on (a person), stain a person's good name
同意語: , フェイス

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    画数: 19
翻訳:pray, wish, desire, beg, request
ガン, ゲン
願: がん: wish, desire, beg, request
願が適う: がんがかなう: One's prayer is answered <<<
願を掛ける: がんをかける: make a vow (to a god) <<<
願う: ねがう: wish (v.), desire, beg, entreat, implore, petition, pray, request
願い: ねがい: wish (n.), desire, petition
願い下げる: ねがいさげる: withdraw a request [suit] <<<
願い出る: ねがいでる: make an application to (a person), apply (to a person for a thing) <<<
願いが叶う: ねがいがかなう: have one's wishes granted, have one's prayer answered, One's wishes come true, One's prayer is heard [answered] <<<
願いを聞き入れる: ねがいをききいれる: grant a person's request
願いを聞き入れない: ねがいをききいれない: refuse a person's request
願ったり叶ったり: ねがったりかなったり: Everything has turned out in my favor <<<
願わくば: ねがわくば: hopefully
願わしい: ねがわしい: desirable, preferable <<<
お願い: おねがい: please
お願いします: おねがいします: please (pol.)

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