Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'all'

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Direct access: 徹夜 , 転載 , 到底 , 如何 , 何処 , 団栗 , 尚更 , 仲人 , 何事 , 入場


pronunciation: tetsuya   kanji characters: ,   
translation: night without sleep
徹夜する: tetsuyasuru: sit [stay, be] up all night, keep vigil
徹夜で: tetsuyade: all night
徹夜で仕事する: tetsuyadeshigotosuru: sit up all night working, work all night <<< 仕事


pronunciation: tensai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: media   
translation: reprint (n.), reproduction
転載する: tensaisuru: reprint (v.), reproduce
禁転載: kintensai: all rights [copyright] reserved <<<


pronunciation: toutei   kanji characters: ,   
translation: not possibly [at all], cannot by any possibility, by no means, quite, utterly
到底駄目: touteidame: be hopeless [beyond hope] <<< 駄目
check also 結局


pronunciation: dou, ikaga, ikan   kanji characters: ,   
translation: how, what
如何して: doushite: why, for what reason, how, in what way, far from that
如何しても: doushitemo: by all means, at all costs [risks], by no means, must, whether one likes it or not, willy-nilly, in the end, after all, in the long run, all things considered, in all respects
如何ですか: doudesuka: How are you? How do you feel today?
如何するか: dousuruka: What I [we] should do?
如何する気: dousuruki: What would you do? What do you want to do? <<<
如何在っても: douattemo: in any case, by all means, whatever may happen <<<
如何でも: doudemo: anyhow, anyway, in any way, at any cost, by all means, at all risks
如何でも良い: doudemoii: That doesn't matter, That is not the point, That's neither here nor there <<<
如何見ても: doumitemo: to all appearance, in every respect <<<
如何言う: douiu: what kind [sort] of <<<
如何言う風に: douiuhuuni: how, in what way <<<
如何言う訳だか: douiuwakedaka: for some reason or other <<<
如何言う訳ですか: douiuwakedesuka: Why? How is [comes] it that? What do you mean? <<<
如何致しまして: douitashimashite: Not at all! You are welcome! With pleasure! The pleasure is mine <<<
如何わしい: ikagawashii: doubtful, suspicious, indecent
如何せん: ikansen: It can't be helped
如何ともしがたい: ikantomoshigatai
check also 何故


pronunciation: doko   kanji characters: ,    keyword: position   
translation: where, which place
何処へ: dokoe: to where
何処に: dokoni: where, to where
何処に居ますか: dokoniimasuka: Where are you? <<<
何処から: dokokara: from where
何処からか: dokokaraka: from somewhere
何処から来ましたか: dokokarakimashitaka: Where are you from? <<<
何処から見ても: dokokaramitemo: in all respects, in every respect <<<
何処でも: dokodemo: in any place, wherever, everywhere
何処にも: dokonimo
何処まで: dokomade: how far, where
何処までも: dokomademo: wherever, everywhere
何処と無く: dokotonaku: anyhow, somehow <<<
何処ですか: dokodesuka: Where is it?
駅は何処ですか: ekihadokodesuka: Where is the station? <<<
check also 場所


pronunciation: donguri   kanji characters: ,    keyword: fruit   
translation: acorn
団栗眼: dongurimanako: big round eyes, goggle eyes <<<
団栗眼の: dongurimanakono: goggle-eyed
団栗の背比べ: dongurinosekurabe: They are nearly all alike, There is little to choose between them.


pronunciation: naosara   kanji characters: ,   
translation: still [much] more, all the more, still [much] less
尚更良い: naosaraii: all the better <<<
尚更悪い: naosarawarui: all the worse <<<


pronunciation: nakoudo   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life   
translation: go-between, matchmaker
仲人をする: nakoudoosuru: act as go-between [matchmaker]
仲人口を利く: nakoudoguchiokiku: say all sorts of nice things (about a person)
check also 世話


pronunciation: nanigoto   kanji characters: ,   
translation: what, something, everything, nothing
何事にも: nanigotonimo: in all matters [things]
何事に付け: nanigotonitsuke: in every opportunity <<<
何事ですか: nanigotodesuka: What's the matter? What's going on?
何事も無く: nanigotomonaku: peacefully, without accident, without mishap <<<
何事が有ろうと: nanigotogaarouto: whatever [no matter what] may happen <<<
何事が起ろうと: nanigotogaokorouto <<<


pronunciation: nyuujou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sport , show   
translation: entrance, admission
入場する: nyuujousuru: enter, be admitted (in, into)
入場料: nyuujouryou: admission fee <<<
入場税: nyuujouzei: admission tax <<<
入場券: nyuujouken: entrance [admission] ticket, platform ticket <<<
入場券売場: nyuujoukennuriba: ticket [booking] office <<< 売場
入場者: nyuujousha: visitors, attendance <<<
入場式: nyuujoushiki: opening ceremony <<<
入場随意: nyuujouzuii: free to all
入場無料: nyuujoumuryou: admission free <<< 無料
入場禁止: nyuujoukinshi: No admittance [entrance] <<< 禁止

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