日英翻訳辞書・事典: 「AN」の翻訳

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カテゴリー:常用漢字   部首:    画数: 7
翻訳:visit, call, consult, ask, inquire

伺う: うかがう: consult, ask, inquire, hear
伺い: うかがい: call, visit, inquiry, pay one's respect (jp.)
伺いを立てる: うかがいをたてる: consult an oracle, ask (a person about a matter), inquire (of a person about a matter) <<<
伺ねる: たずねる: call, visit <<<

カテゴリー:常用漢字   部首:    キーワード: 音楽 , 天気    画数: 7
翻訳:blow, puff, breathe, whistle, spout, spurt, gush, boast, brag
吹く: ふく: blow, puff out, breathe, play on, sound, whistle, spout, spurt [gush, send] out, emit, boast, talk big [tall], brag, melt (iron etc., jp.)
吹き降ろす: ふきおろす: blow down <<<
吹き返す: ふきかえす: come to oneself [life again] <<<
吹き掛ける: ふきかける: blow upon, spurt, breathe upon, spray upon, pick a quarrel, overcharge <<<
吹っ掛ける: ふっかける: challenge (a person), pick a quarrel with (a person), ask an unreasonable price, overcharge <<<
吹き消す: ふきけす: blow out <<<
吹き込む: ふきこむ: blow into, breathe into, put on record, have recorded, inspire <<<
吹き荒ぶ: ふきすさぶ: rage, blow violently [furiously] <<<
吹き倒す: ふきたおす: blow down <<<
吹き出す: ふきだす: begin to blow, rise, , spout, spurt [gush] out, blow up, burst into laughter <<<
吹き散らす: ふきちらす: blow about, scatter <<<
吹き飛ばす: ふきとばす: blow off [carry] off [away] <<<
吹き払う: ふきはらう: blow off [away], dissipate <<<
吹き捲る: ふきまくる: sweep along [over], blow about, rage <<<
吹き止む: ふきやむ: blow over, cease to blow, go down, subside <<<
吹: かぜ: pers.

カテゴリー:常用漢字   部首:    キーワード: 戦争 , スポーツ    画数: 7
翻訳:attack, assault, study (ext.), master
攻める: せめる: attack (v.), open an attack upon, assault
攻める: おさめる: study, complete (the course of), master <<<
攻め合う: せめあう: attack each other <<<
攻め入る: せめいる: invade, make inroads into [on, upon], raid <<<
攻め落とす: せめおとす: take by storm, capture, cause to surrender <<<
攻め立てる: せめたてる: attack violently, harass (a person with questions) <<<
攻め倦む: せめあぐむ: be weary of making an attack (on)

カテゴリー:常用漢字   部首:    画数: 8
翻訳:push, press
オウ, コウ
押す: おす: push (v.)
押し合う: おしあう: push [jostle, hustle] one another <<<
押し開ける: おしあける: push [force] open <<<
押し上げる: おしあげる: push [thrust] up, boost up <<<
押し返す: おしかえす: push [press, force] back, reject <<<
押し戻す: おしもどす <<<
押し掛ける: おしかける: go uninvited, crash (a party), gate-crash, throng (to a place) <<<
押し切る: おしきる: brazen [face] it out, break down an opposition <<<
押し倒す: おしたおす: topple (a person) over, throw [push] down <<<
押し付ける: おしつける: press [hold] (a person) against, compel, force <<<
押し通す: おしとおす: persist (in doing) to the last [end], stick to (one's belief) to the last, carry through, endure through <<<
押し止める: おしとどめる: stop, check, hold (a person) back <<<
押し流す: おしながす: wash [sweep] away <<<
押し退ける: おしのける: push [thrust] away [aside], shove aside, force (a person) out of the way <<< 退
押し破る: おしやぶる: push [force, burst] open <<<
押し寄せる: おしよせる: march [advance] on, rush for <<<
押し分ける: おしわける: push through, push [elbow] one's way through <<<
押し込める: おしこめる: press [push, squeeze] in, stuff into, confine, lock up, take (a person) into custody <<<
押し出す: おしだす: push [force, thrust, squeeze] out, push forward <<<
押し立てる: おしたてる: hoist, support <<<
押し並べて: おしなべて: generally (speaking), in general <<<
押さえる: おさえる: press (v.)
押し: おし: will (n., jp.)
押: かきはん: signature

カテゴリー:常用漢字   部首:    画数: 8
翻訳:complete, equal, identical, similar, an old Chinese kingdom (1046 BC- 221 BC)
セイ, サイ
斉う: そろう: complete, full <<<
斉しい: ひとしい: equal, identical, similar <<< ,
斉しく: ひとしく: equally, evenly, impartially <<< ,

カテゴリー:常用漢字   部首:    キーワード: 医学    画数: 9
咳: せき: cough (n.)
咳をする: せきをする: cough (v.)
咳き込む: せきこむ: have a fit [an attack] of coughing <<<
咳が出る: せきがでる: suffer from a cough <<<

カテゴリー:常用漢字   部首:    画数: 10
翻訳:shame, disgrace, dishonor, humiliation

恥: はじ: shame, disgrace, dishonor, humiliation
恥を掻く: はじをかく: be put to shame, disgrace [humiliate] oneself <<<
恥を掻かせる: はじをかかせる: shame (a person), put (a person) to shame <<<
恥を晒す: はじをさらす: disgrace oneself, make a fool [an ass] of oneself <<<
恥を忍ぶ: はじをしのぶ: bear shame, swallow an insult <<<
恥を忍んで: はじをしのんで: stoop to do <<<
恥を雪ぐ: はじをそそぐ: clear oneself from a charge, have one's revenge <<<
恥じる: はじる: be [feel ashamed]
恥ずかしい: はずかしい: be ashamed (of, that), be abashed, shameful, disgraceful, dishonorable
恥ずかしそうな: はずかしそうな: shy, bashful
恥ずかしそうに: はずかしそうに: shyly, bashfully
恥ずかしがる: はずかしがる: be [feel] shy [bashful], be coy, be self-conscious
恥じらう: はじらう: be shy [bashful], blush

カテゴリー:常用漢字   部首:    画数: 10
翻訳:depend on, rely on, pretense, pretext, cloak
託する: たくする: commit [leave] (a thing) to the care of (a person), entrust [trust] (a person with a thing, a thing to a person), make a pretext of
託る: よる: be based [founded] on [upon], depend [rely] on, be due [owing] to, be caused by, use <<< , , ,
託つ: かこつ: make a pretense [an excuse, a pretext] of, use (a thing) as a pretext (for)
託ける: かこつける
に託けて: にかこつけて: under the pretense [pretext, cloak] of

カテゴリー:常用漢字   部首:    画数: 10
翻訳:pass through, transparent
透く: すく: become transparent, become spaced
透かす: すかす: look through, hold (a thing) to the light, leave a space [an opening] (between), thin out
透ける: すける: be transparent
透けて見える: すけてみえる: be seen through, see-through <<<
透かし: すかし: watermark, openwork
透かしの入った: すかしのはいった: watermarked, open-worked <<<
透す: とおす: pass through <<<

カテゴリー:常用漢字   部首:    キーワード: 裁判    画数: 11
翻訳:accuse, complain, quarrel, dispute
ショウ, ジュ
訟える: うったえる: accuse (a person) of, bring a suit [an action] (against), sue (a person for), complain (of, that), appeal to, resort to
訟え: うったえ: complaint, accusation, petition, appeal
訟う: あらそう: quarrel (with a person, about a matter), be at odds with, contend (with a person for a thing), dispute <<<
訟しい: やかましい: noisy, strict <<<

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