Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'of'

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Direct access: 一次 , 一角 , 一周 , 一体 , 一般 , 井戸 , 畏怖 , 色々 , 引力 , 受取


pronunciation: ichiji   kanji characters: ,    keyword: mathematics   
translation: primary, first, linear
一次の: ichijino
第一次: daiichiji <<<
第一次世界大戦: daiichijisekaitaisen: World War I
一次産品: ichijisanpin: primary products
一次試験: ichijishiken: primary examination
一次選挙: ichijisenkyo: primary election
一次回路: ichijikairo: primary circuit
一次電流: ichijidenryuu: primary current
一次方程式: ichijihouteishiki: equation of the first degree


pronunciation: ikkaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: animal   
translation: a corner, a horn
一角犀: ikkakusai: Indian rhinoceros <<<
一角獣: ikkakujuu: unicorn <<<
一角獣座: ikkakujuuza: Monoceros <<<
天の一角: tennnoikkaku: a corner of the sky <<<


pronunciation: isshuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sport , travel   
translation: one round, revolution
一周する: isshuusuru: go [travel, revolve] round, make a round
一周忌: isshuuki: the first anniversary of a person's death <<<
一周年: isshuunen: the first anniversary <<<
一周年記念: isshuunenkinen: celebration of the first anniversary
一周旅行: isshuuryokou: round trip
check also 一巡


pronunciation: ittai   kanji characters:   
translation: one body, in fact, really, properly speaking, (what, who, where) on earth [in the world], (what) the hell [deuce]
一体に: ittaini: generally (speaking), on the whole, as a rule
一体と成って: ittaitonatte: in a body, together <<<
一体如何したのだ: ittaidoushitanoda: What is it all about? What the deuce is the matter?
一体化: ittaika: unification <<<
一体化する: ittaikasuru: unify
一体感: ittaikan: sense of togetherness <<<
check also


pronunciation: ippan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: society   
translation: generality
一般の: ippannno: general, universal, common
一般的: ippanteki <<<
一般に: ippannni: generally, universally, commonly
一般化: ippanka: generalization <<<
一般化する: ippankasuru: generalize
一般性: ippansei: generality, universality <<<
一般教育: ippankyouiku: general education
一般教養: ippankyouyou: common culture
一般教書: ippankyousho: State of Union
一般投票: ippantouhyou: popular vote
一般財源: ippanzaigen: source of general revenue
一般会計: ippankaikei: general account
一般価格: ippankakaku: common price
一般大衆: ippantaishuu: public at large, general public
一般読者: ippandokusha: readers in general <<< 読者
check also 全般


pronunciation: ido   kanji characters: ,    keyword: house   
translation: well
井戸を掘る: idoohoru: dig [sink] a well <<<
井戸掘り: idohori: well digging, well digger
井戸を浚う: idoosarau: clean a well <<<
井戸浚い: idosarai: cleaning of a well
井戸水: idomizu: well water <<<
井戸水を汲む: idomizuokumu: draw water from a well <<<
井戸車: idoguruma: well wheel <<<
井戸端: idobata: well side <<<
井戸端会議: idobatakaigi: housewives' gossip, hen party (around well)
井戸ポンプ: idoponpu: well pump
油井戸: aburaido: oil well <<<


pronunciation: ihu   kanji characters:    keyword: religion   
translation: awe, fear, dread
神への畏怖: kamihenoihu: fear of God <<<


pronunciation: iroiro   other spells: 色色  
translation: diversity
色々に: iroironi: variously, diversely, in various [different] ways
色々と: iroiroto
色々と遣って見る: iroirotoyattemiru: try every possible means
色々な: iroirona: various, several, diverse, various kinds of, miscellaneous
色々の: iroirono
色々の理由で: iroironoriyuude: for various reasons


pronunciation: inryoku   kanji characters:    keyword: astronomy , physics   
translation: gravitation, gravity, attraction
引力圏: inryokuken: sphere of gravitation <<<
check also


pronunciation: uketori   kanji characters:    other spells: 受け取   keyword: accounting , transport   
translation: reception, receipt, voucher
受取る: uketoru: receive, accept, get, come to hand, take, understand, believe
受取を出す: uketoriodasu: acknowledge receipt of sth.
受取人: uketorinin: recipient, remittee, beneficiary <<<
受取帳: uketorichou: receipt book <<<
受取証: uketorishou: receipt, quittance <<< , レシート
受取通知: uketoritsuuchi: acknowledgment of receipt, proof of delivery <<< 通知
check also ,

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