Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'of'

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Direct access: 感情 , 堪忍 , 官民 , 外国 , 概算 , 外資 , 外務 , 学士 , 学習 , 学部


pronunciation: kanjou   kanji characters: ,   
translation: feeling, emotion, sentiment
感情を表す: kanjouoarawasu: show one's feelings <<<
感情を隠す: kanjouokakusu: hide one's feelings <<<
感情を抑える: kanjouoosaeru: control one's feelings <<<
感情を害する: kanjouogaisuru: hurt [wound] a person's feelings, offend a person <<<
感情に走る: kanjounihashiru: give way to one's feeling [passion], be driven [carried away] by passion <<<
感情に溺れる: kanjounioboreru <<<
感情に訴える: kanjouniuttaeru: appeal to the feelings of a person <<<
感情を籠めて: kanjouokomete: with feeling [sentiment] <<<
感情の籠った: kanjounokomotta: moving, touching
感情的: kanjouteki: emotional, sentimental, passionate <<<
感情的に: kanjoutekini: emotionally, sentimentally, passionately
感情家: kanjouka: emotional person, sentimentalist <<<
感情線: kanjousen: heart line <<<
感情論: kanjouron: sentimental argument <<<
感情移入: kanjouinyuu: empathy


pronunciation: kannnin   kanji characters:   
translation: patience, forgiveness
堪忍する: kannninsuru: forgive, excuse
堪忍袋の緒が切れる: kannninbukuronoogakireru: be out of a patience (with a person), One's patience is exhausted
check also 我慢


pronunciation: kanmin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: administration   
translation: the government and the people, officials and people
官民挙げて: kanminnagete: by the united efforts of government and people <<<
官民協力して: kanminkyouryokushite


pronunciation: gaikoku   keyword: geography , travel   
translation: foreign country, overseas
外国の: gaikokuno: foreign
外国に行く: gaikokuniiku: go abroad <<<
外国から帰る: gaikokukarakaeru: return from abroad
外国で暮らす: gaikokudekurasu: live abroad, live in a foreign country <<<
外国向け: gaikokumuke: going [bound for] abroad, for foreign countries <<<
外国人: gaikokujin: foreigner <<< , 外人
外国語: gaikokugo: foreign language <<<
外国船: gaikokusen: foreign ship, foreign bottoms <<<
外国品: gaikokuhin: foreign goods <<<
外国製: gaikokusei: foreign made, of foreign make <<<
外国産: gaikokusan: foreign-produced, of foreign growth <<<
外国為替: gaikokukawase: foreign exchange
外国市場: gaikokushijou: foreign market
外国航路: gaikokukouro: foreign route
外国貿易: gaikokuboueki: foreign trade
check also ,


pronunciation: gaisan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: accounting   
translation: rough estimate
概算で: gaisande: at a rough estimate, roughly, approximately
概算する: gaisansuru: estimate roughly, make a rough estimate (of)
概算払い: gaisanbarai: payment by rough estimate
概算要求: gaisannyoukyuu: submission of budget estimates (for the next fiscal year)


pronunciation: gaishi   keyword: finance , economy   
translation: foreign capital
外資導入: gaishidounyuu: introduction of foreign capital <<< 導入
外資流入: gaishiryuunyuu: influx of foreign capital


pronunciation: gaimu   kanji characters:    keyword: politics   
translation: foreign affairs
外務省: gaimushou: Ministry of foreign affairs, Foreign office <<<
外務大臣: gaimudaijin: Minister for foreign affairs, Foreign Minister <<< 外相
外務次官: gaimujikan: Vice-Minister for foreign affairs
外務委員会: gaimuiinkai: committee for foreign affairs
check also 外交


pronunciation: gakushi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: school   
translation: bachelor, university graduate
学士号: gakushigou: bachelor's degree <<<
学士会: gakushikai: university alumni association <<<
学士会館: gakushikaikan: university graduates' club <<< 会館
文学士: bungakushi: bachelor of arts <<<
理学士: rigakushi: bachelor of science <<<
法学士: hougakushi: bachelor of laws, LLB <<<
check also 博士


pronunciation: gakushuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: education   
translation: study (n.), learning
学習する: gakushuusuru: study (v.), learn
学習者: gakushuusha: learner, student <<<
学習塾: gakushuujuku: cram school <<<
学習書: gakushuusho: handbook for students <<<
学習参考書: gakushuusankousho
学習過程: gakushuukatei: curriculum
学習指導: gakushuushidou: study guidance <<< 指導
学習指導要領: gakushuushidouyouryou: course of study <<< 要領


pronunciation: gakubu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: school   
translation: faculty, college
学部長: gakubuchou: dean (of a faculty) <<<
法学部: hougakubu: faculty of law <<<
文学部: bungakubu: faculty of literature <<<
理学部: rigakubu: faculty of science <<<
医学部: igakubu: faculty of medicine <<<
工学部: kougakubu: faculty of engineering <<<
農学部: nougakubu: faculty of agriculture <<<
薬学部: yakugakubu: faculty of pharmacy <<<
経済学部: keizaikagubu: faculty of economics
教育学部: kyouikugakubu: faculty of education
check also

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