日英翻訳辞書・事典: 「by」の翻訳

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直接アクセス: 使 , , , , , , , , ,


カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 仕事    画数: 8
翻訳:use, employ

使う: つかう: use, make use of, employ, spend
使える: つかえる: be useful, be serviceable, be fit to use
使えない: つかえない: be useless, be of no avail
使い: つかい: errand, messenger, bearer
使いをする: つかいをする: go (out) on an errand, run an errand (for a person)
使いを送る: つかいをおくる: send a messenger (to) <<<
使いを遣る: つかいをやる <<<
使いを以て: つかいをもって: by bearer <<<
使い熟す: つかいこなす: master, manage, know how to handle, have at one's command <<<
使い過ぎる: つかいすぎる: use (a thing) too much [in excess, excessively], overuse, overwork, overdrive <<<
使い果たす: つかいはたす: spend all, use up, use up, exhaust, consume, go [run] through <<<
使い切る: つかいきる <<<
使い古す: つかいふるす: wear out (a thing) by use <<<
使て: して, しむ: causative verb

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 社会 , 宗教    画数: 8
翻訳:follow, accompany, offering, dedicate
キョウ, ク
供する: きょうする: offer, present, cater
供: とも: attendant (jp.), suite, retinue
供う: ともなう: follow, accompany, attend, take, be accompanied [attended] by [with]
供をする: ともをする: accompany (a person), follow, go with
供を連れる: ともをつれる: be accompanied by an attendant, take a servant with one <<<
供: ども: plural (gr., jp.)
供える: そなえる: make an offering, dedicate

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 位置    画数: 8
翻訳:form a line [queue], stand side by side, row, line, average
ヘイ, ホウ
並ぶ: ならぶ: stand in a line [row], form a line [queue], line up in a queue, be drawn up, stand side by side, stand abreast (of), rank [range] with
並べる: ならべる: arrange, place (things) in order, put (things) side by side, display, exhibit, show, line up, draw up
並び: ならび: row, line, the same side
並び無い: ならびない: matchless, unequaled, unrivaled <<<
並び無き: ならびなき <<<
並びに: ならびに: and also, together with
並: なみ: average, commonplace
並: みな: all, everybody, everyone <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 時間    画数: 8
翻訳:night, evening

夜: よ, よる: night (n.), evening
夜の: よるの: night (a.), nocturnal
夜に: よるに: at night, in the evening, in the night, by night
夜に成る: よるになる: Night falls <<<
夜が明ける: よがあける, よるがあける: Day [It] dawns [breaks] <<<
夜遅く: よるおそく: late at night <<<
夜遅くまで: よるおそくまで: till late at night, far into the night <<<
夜の女: よるのおんな: streetwalker <<< , 娼婦
夜通し: よどおし: all night (long), the whole night, overnight <<<
次もチェック ,

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 天文    画数: 8
翻訳:universe, heaven, sky, on air
チュウ: by heart (jp.)
宙に: ちゅうに: in the air, in midair
宙: そら: heaven, sky <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   違う綴り: 狒   部首:    キーワード: 家族    画数: 9
翻訳:alone, independent, Germany (pref., suff.)
ドク, トク
独り: ひとり: alone, independent <<< 一人
独りで: ひとりで: alone, by oneself <<< 単独 , 独立
独りで来る: ひとりでくる: come alone <<<
独りで暮らす: ひとりでくらす: live alone, remain single <<<
独りでに: ひとりでに: of itself, of its own accord, spontaneously, automatically <<< 自動
同意語: ドイツ

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード:    画数: 9
翻訳:sea, ocean
海: うみ
海の: うみの: marine, maritime, oceanic
海の家: うみのいえ: seaside cottage [clubhouse] <<<
海の男: うみのおとこ: seaman, sailor <<< , 船員
海に出る: うみにでる: put [set] out to sea <<<
海に囲まれた: うみにかこまれた: seabound, surrounded by the sea <<<
海を隔てて: うみをへだてて: across the sea <<<
海を隔てた: うみをへだてた: beyond the sea <<<
海へ行く: うみへいく: go to the seaside [seashore] <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: スポーツ    画数: 9
翻訳:lose, be defeated, betray (ext.), disobey
フ, ブ
負の: ふの: negative <<< マイナス
負ける: まける: be defeated [beaten, outdone], lose (a game), get the worst of it, be inferior (to), reduce [lower] (the price), take off, yield [bow] (to), give way (to), be overcome (with)
負かす: まかす: beat, defeat, get the better of, outdo (a person), whack
負けて遣る: まけてやる: concede <<<
負けるが勝ち: まけるがかち: he that fights and runs away may live to fight another day, sometimes you have to lose to win <<<
負け: まけ: defeat, loss
負け越す: まけこす: be led by, be behind <<<
負けず劣らず: まけずおとらず: equally, neck and neck <<<
負けず嫌い: まけずぎらい: unyielding, unbending, obstinate, stubborn <<<
負く: そむく: act contrary to, go against, disobey, break, violate, revolt [rebel] (against), rise [turn] against, betray <<<
負う: おう: bear [carry] on one's back, take upon oneself, undertake [shoulder] (the responsibility), be charged with, owe, be due [indebted, under obligation] to

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 食べ物    画数: 9
翻訳:eat, taste, meal, food
ショク, ジキ
食う: くう, くらう: eat, taste, take (a food), feed [live] on, bite, get, receive, be cheated [duped]
食うに困る: くうにこまる: find it hard to make one's living <<<
食うに困らない: くうにこまらない: have enough to live on <<<
食えない: くえない: not good to eat, unable to make one's living, shrewd, sharp, crafty
食い付く: くいつく: bite (at), snap (at), take the bait, hold on to <<<
食い止める: くいとめる: hold in check, stop (v.), check <<<
食い飽きる: くいあきる: become satiated with (food), be tied of routine diet <<<
食い荒らす: くいあらす: eat by halves, eat away [untidily], do a bit of evrything <<<
食い合わせる: くいあわせる: dovetail, fit into each other <<<
食い違う: くいちがう: cross, go wrong with (a person), clash (with) <<<
食い尽くす: くいつくす: eat up <<<
食い潰す: くいつぶす: eat up one's fortune <<<
食い切る: くいきる: bite [gnaw] off, eat up <<<
食い込む: くいこむ: encroach upon, eat in, leave deficit <<<
食って掛る: くってかかる: fall [turn] upon, fly out at, defy <<<
食る: たべる: eat, taste, take (a food), live on, make one's living, chow (us slang)
食べられる: たべられる: edible, good to eat, fit to eat
食べられない: たべられない: inedible, not good to eat, unfit to eat
食べて見る: たべてみる: try (food), taste <<<
食べて下さい: たべてください: Bon appétit! Enjoy your meal! <<<
食べたい: たべたい: want [like] to eat
食べたいだけ食べる: たべたいだけたべる: take a hearty meal, eat one's fill
食: くいもの: meal, food <<< 食い物
食: めし: meal, food, (boiled) rice <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 戦争    画数: 10
翻訳:general, lead, command
将いる: ひきいる: lead, command, be at the head of <<<
将て: もって: with, by means of, through, for, on account of, by reason of <<<
将に: まさに: just (adv.) <<<
将つ: かつ: moreover, as well as <<<
将ける: うける: accept (pol.) <<<

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