Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'ショウ'

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 14
translation: refined rice, spirit (ext.)
sei, shou
精を出す: seiodasu: work hard, be industrious [diligent], exert oneself (to do, for), ply <<<
精が尽きる: seigatsukiru: be exhausted, be tired out <<<
精: shirageyone: refined rice
精しい: kuwashii: detailed, particular, minute, know well, be well-informed <<<
精: kokoro: heart (fig.), spirit, mind <<<
精: mononoke: evil spirit

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 15
translation: box, case, chest, casket
sou, shou
箱: hako: box, case, chest, casket
箱に入れる: hakoniireru: put a thing in a box [case] <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 15
translation: congratulate, present, gift, award, reward
賞: shou: prize, award, reward
賞する: shousuru: praise, applaud, admire, extol
賞するに足る: shousurunitaru: deserve [be worthy of] praise, be praiseworthy <<<
賞を与える: shouoataeru: give [award] (a person) a prize <<<
賞を授ける: shouosazukeru <<<
賞を得る: shouoeru: get [win, obtain, be awarded] a prize <<<
賞を取る: shouotoru <<<
賞める: homeru: praise, speak well of, commend, admire <<<
賞: tamamono: gift, boon, godsend, blessing <<< 賜物
synonyms: , 褒美

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 16
translation: loosen, slack, vertical (longer than horizontal thread)
juu, shou
縦: tate: length, height, longitude
縦の: tateno: longitudinal, lengthwise (a.), vertical, perpendicular
縦に: tateni: longitudinally, lengthwise (adv.), vertically, perpendicularly
縦む: yurumu: slacken (vi.), loosen <<<
縦す: hanasu: release, let loose <<<
縦いまま: hoshiimama: arbitrary, wayward, freely <<<
縦い: tatoi, tatoe: even if
縦んば: yoshinba

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: house    nb of strokes: 4
translation: well (for water)
sei, jou, shou
井: i: well
井の中の蛙大海を知らず: inonakanokawazutaikaioshirazu: The frog in the well knows nothing of the great ocean
井: ido: well

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: unit    nb of strokes: 4
translation: go up, unit of volume (ca. 1.8 liter)
升: masu: container of 1.8 liter
升る: noboru: go up (lift from the well) <<<

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: food    nb of strokes: 5
translation: invite, engage
召す: mesu: summon, call, wear (pol.), eat
召く: maneku: invite, engage <<<
召し上げる: meshiageru: confiscate <<<
召し上がる: meshiagaru: eat (pol.) <<< ,
召し上がれ: meshiagare: Bon appétit! Enjoy your meal! <<<

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: industry    nb of strokes: 6
translation: craftsman, carpenter
匠: takumi

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: house    nb of strokes: 7
translation: floor, ground, bed
shou, sou
床: yuka: floor (n.), ground
床を張る: yukaoharu: floor (v.) <<<
床しい: yukashii: tasteful (jp.), refined, graceful, sweet, charming, admirable <<< エレガント
床しさ: yukashisa: tastefulness, gracefulness, sweetness, charm <<< エレガンス
床: toko: bed, alcove (jp.), barber <<< ベッド
床に着く: tokonitsuku: go to bed, be ill in bed, be laid up (with illness), be confined to one's bed, be bedridden <<<
床を離れる: tokoohanareru: get out of bed, rise from a sickbed <<<
床を上げる: tokooageru: put away a bed, put away the bedding <<<
床を敷く: tokooshiku: prepare a bed, make a bed <<<

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: book    nb of strokes: 7
translation: steal, extract (a passage from book, conf.), excerpt, abstract
抄: shou: comment (of a book, jp.), annotation
抄る: toru: take away, steal <<<
抄る: kasumetoru: steal (v.)
抄: nukigaki: extract, excerpt, abstract

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