日英翻訳辞書・事典: 「Do」の翻訳

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カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 建築    画数: 14
構える: かまえる: construct, take a posture (jp.), place oneself on one's guard, stand read (for)
構え: かまえ: style (of construction), posture (jp.), attitude
構う: かまう: care about (jp.), mind, trouble [concern] oneself (about), take notice of, give heed, interfere (in, with), meddle (in, with), have to do (with)

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    画数: 16
翻訳:burn, blaze
燃える: もえる: burn (vi.), blaze
燃やす: もやす: burn (vt.), kindle, light
燃す: もす
燃え上がる: もえあがる: blaze [flare] up, burst into flames <<<
燃え付く: もえつく: catch [take] fire, kindle, ignite <<<
燃え広がる: もえひろがる: spread (to) <<<
燃え難い: もえにくい: do not burn easily, be uninflammable <<<

カテゴリー:常用漢字   部首:    キーワード: 位置    画数: 3
翻訳:reach, get
及ぶ: およぶ: reach, come up to, amount to, cover, range (over)
及ぶ限り: およぶかぎり: every possible, to the best of one's ability <<<
及ばない: およばない: do not reach [extend to], fall short of
及ぼす: およぼす: exercise influence over, cause
及び: および: and, as well as
及びも付かない: およびもつかない: be far beyond one [one's power], be no equal to (a person) <<<
及び腰に成る: およびごしになる: lean over
及: と: together
及: たか, ちか: pers.

カテゴリー:常用漢字   部首:    画数: 6
翻訳:reach, seem (bor.), look like, if
ジョ, ニュ
如し: ごとし: seem, look like, as if
如く: ゆく: go, reach <<< ,
如く: しく: comparable <<< ,
如かず: にしかず: had better, It is better to do
如し: もし: if, in case (of), provided [supposing] (that) <<<
如: ゆき, すけ, なお: pers.

カテゴリー:常用漢字   部首:    画数: 7
翻訳:uproot, extract, remove
抜く: ぬく: pull [draw] out, extract, uncork, unscrew, draw, remove, omit, leave out, select, quote, outstrip, outrun, get ahead of (a person), excel [surpass] (a person in), pierce, shoot through
抜かす: ぬかす: omit, leave [miss] out, skip, have the imprudence [the cheek] to say, talk crap
抜ける: ぬける: come [fall] out [off], be left out, be omitted [missing, wanting], be gone, get rid of, get over, go [pass] through, leave, withdraw (from)
抜かり: ぬかり: slip, blunder, oversight
抜かりが無い: ぬかりがない: have all one's wits about one, be wide awake <<<
抜かり無く: ぬかりなく: cautiously, shrewdly, without fail <<<
抜きにする: ぬきにする: leave out, omit, do [go] without (a thing)
抜き出す: ぬきだす: pull [draw] out, extract, pick [single] out, select <<<
抜き取る: ぬきとる: pull [draw] out, extract, remove, pilfer <<< ,
抜きん出る: ぬきんでる: excel [surpass] (a person in), stand out above (others), cut a prominent figure (among, in) <<<
抜きん出た: ぬきんでた: eminent, distinguished <<<
抜け出す: ぬけだす: steal [slip] out of, get [break] loose, come out <<<
抜け抜けと: ぬけぬけと: shamelessly, impudently
抜け目無い: ぬけめない: shrewd, sharp, smart, careful, cautious, tactful, canny <<< 注意
抜け目無く: ぬけめなく: shrewdly, smartly, cautiously
抜かる: ぬかる: commit a blunder, make a slip
抜かるな: ぬかるな: Look sharp

カテゴリー:常用漢字   部首:    キーワード: 歴史    画数: 7
翻訳:noisy, Wu (an ancient Chinese kingdom of south-east, bor.)

呉しい: かまびすしい: noisy (anc.)
呉: くれ: China (jp.)
呉る: くれる: give (jp.), grant, present (a person) with (a thing), take the trouble to do

カテゴリー:常用漢字   部首:    キーワード: 旅行    画数: 8
翻訳:arrive, reach, attain
到る: いたる: go [come] (to), get (to), arrive (at, in), reach, extend (to), cover, come to do, end [result] (in)

カテゴリー:常用漢字   部首:    画数: 8
翻訳:catch, have to do with, be concerned
コウ, ク
拘える: とらえる: catch <<<
拘る: かかわる: have to do with, be concerned in <<< ,
拘む: なずむ: stickle, stick to <<<
拘る: こだわる: stickle, stick to, dwell on [upon]
拘り: こだわり: stickling, stick
拘りを感じる: こだわりをかんじる: feel reluctant [restrained] <<<
拘り無く: こだわりなく: without a hitch, smoothly <<<
拘りが無い: こだわりがない: easy, accommodating, conciliatory <<<

カテゴリー:常用漢字   部首:    キーワード: 挨拶    画数: 8
翻訳:all right, ok, yes, of course

宜しい: よろしい: very well, all right, ok
宜しく: よろしく: well, properly, suitably, rightly, How do you do?
宜しく頼みます: よろしくたのみます: I leave it entirely to you [your discretion] <<<
宜: むべ: of course (anc.)

カテゴリー:常用漢字   部首:    画数: 8
翻訳:press, force, urge, compel
ハク, ヒャク
迫る: せまる: press (a person) to do, urge (a person) to do [into doing], force [compel] (a person) to do, be imminent, be on the brink [verge] of, approach, draw near, be very near
迫り出す: せりだす: protrude, rise out of the cellar, become paunchy <<<

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