日英翻訳辞書・事典: 「by」の翻訳

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カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 時間    画数: 10
翻訳:hour, time, moment, age, epoch, occasion
ジ, シ
時: とき
時に: ときに: by the way [bye], incidentally
時には: ときには: at time, once in a while, occasionally
時めく: ときめく: beat fast, palpitate
時めき: ときめき: palpitation, throbbing
時が経つ: ときがたつ: Time passes [flies, elapses] <<<
時が流れる: ときがながれる <<<
時を打つ: ときをうつ: strike the hour <<<
時を稼ぐ: ときをかせぐ: play for time, earn time, save time <<<
時を違えず: ときをたがえず: punctually, on time <<<
時を移さず: ときをうつさず: without delay, at once <<<
時を構わず: ときをかまわず: at all times <<<
時を得た: ときをえた: timely, opportune, well-timed <<<
時を待つ: ときをまつ: wait for one's chance [hour, opportunity], bide one's time <<<
時は金なり: ときはかねなり: Time is money <<<
時の人: ときのひと: man of the times <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 法律    画数: 10
翻訳:obey, follow, accompany
ジュウ, ショウ, ジュ
従う: したがう: obey, follow, accompany, conform (oneself) to, abide by, act on [upon], yield to, submit [give in] to, comply with, accede to
従える: したがえる: be attended [accompanied, followed] by
従わない: したがわない: disobey
従って: したがって: therefore, consequently, accordingly, for that reason, in consequence, so that, according to, in accordance with, in conformity to [with], in proportion as [to], according as
従: より: because of, origin <<<
従: たて: vertical <<< 垂直 ,
同意語: ,

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 植物    画数: 10
翻訳:root, source, origin
根: こん: root of mathematics expression (jp.)
根: ね: root (of plant)
根が付く: ねがつく: strike [take] root <<<
根を張る: ねをはる: spread [stick] the root <<<
根を絶つ: ねをたつ: uproot, disroot, unroot <<<
根も葉も無い: ねもはもない: groundless, ungrounded, false
根に持つ: ねにもつ: bear a grudge against (a person) <<<
根こそぎ: ねこそぎ: root and all, entirely, thoroughly
根こそぎにする: ねこそぎにする: uproot, pull up (a tree) by the roots
根深い: ねぶかい: deep-rooted, deep-seated, inveterate, ingrained <<<
根強い: ねづよい <<<
根掘り葉掘り: ねほりはほり: pryingly
根掘り葉掘り尋ねる: ねほりはほりたずねる: cross-question, cross-examine, fire questions (at a person)
根掘り葉掘り問い質す: ねほりはほりといただす

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード:    画数: 10
翻訳:horse, steed
バ, メ, マ
馬: うま
馬で: うまで: by horse
馬で行く: うまでいく: go on horseback, go by horse <<<
馬に乗る: うまにのる: mount [get on] a horse, ride a horse <<< , 乗馬
馬から降りる: うまからおりる: dismount [get off] a horse <<<
馬から落ちる: うまからおちる: fall off [be thrown from] one's horse <<<
馬に跨る: うまにまたがる: sit a horse
馬を走らす: うまをはしらす: gallop a horse, spur a horse on <<<
馬を急がせる: うまをいそがせる <<<
馬を止める: うまをとめる: pull up [hold in] a horse, draw rein <<<
馬を馴らす: うまをならす: train a horse, break (in) a horse <<<
馬が合う: うまがあう: get on well (with), hit it off (with) <<<
馬の骨: うまのほね: man of doubtful origin <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 数学    画数: 10
翻訳:difference, unlike, differ
サ, シ
差う: ちがう, たがう: be different, be unlike, differ <<<
差す: つかわす: send [dispatch] (a person) <<<
差: やや: a bit, a little
差す: さす, さし: nominate (jp.), point out [to] <<<
差し上げる: さしあげる: give (pol.), present (a thing to a person), make a present of (a thing), offer, lift [hold] up (a thing above one's head) <<<
差し当り: さしあたり: for the present, for the time being, at present <<<
差し置く: さしおく: set [put, lay] aside, leave <<<
差し替える: さしかえる: put (A) in place of (B), replace (B) by (A), substitute (A) for (B) <<<
差し迫る: さしせまる: approach, be close at hand, press <<<
差し招く: さしまねく: beckon (a person to come near) <<<
差し止める: さしとめる: prohibit (a person from doing), place a ban (on), forbid (a person to do), stop (a person's doing), suspend <<<
差し伸べる: さしのべる: extend (one's arm), hold [stretch] out (one's hand) <<<
差し挟む: さしはさむ: insert, put (a thing) between, harbor (doubts), entertain, cherish <<<
差し控える: さしひかえる: withhold, reserve, refrain from (doing) <<<
差し出がましい: さしでがましい: uncalled for, intrusive, forward, impertinent, meddlesome, officious <<<
差し引く: さしひく, さしびく: subtract, take off [deduct] (from) <<<
差し掛る: さしかかる: come (near) to, approach,, hang over, be suspended above <<<
差し込む: さしこむ: insert, push [put] in, shine [stream, pour] in, have (a fit of) gripes, have a spasm (of pain) <<<
差し戻す: さしもどす: send [refer] (the case) back to the lower instance <<<
差し向ける: さしむける: send (round), dispatch <<<
差し障る: さしさわる: obstruct, hinder <<<
差し支える: さしつかえる: be hindered (from doing), be engaged, stand in need of <<<
差し支えない: さしつかえない: may, can, be allowed (to do), do not mind, be free <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 交通    画数: 10
翻訳:road without obstacle (org.), pass, get through
ツウ, ツ, トウ
通: つう: connoisseur (jp.), expert
通じる: つうじる: be deeply versed (in), be well acquainted (with), be conversant (with), be understood, be comprehended, make oneself understood, be intelligible, pass, be opened (to), be connected by, lead to, communicate secretly with, betray, be transmitted
通る: とおる: pass (along, through, by), get through, go by the name of, be known as, hold good, be accepted
通す: とおす: let (a person) pass [through], make way for (a person), pass [let] (a thing) through, pierce, penetrate, permeate, be pervious to, carry out, realize, persist in, keep [stick] to, hold firm to, keep (doing)
通り: とおり: street (jp.), road, street traffic, passage, drainage, a kind, a sort, a way, a manner
通り掛る: とおりかかる, とおりがかる: happened to pass by <<<
通り掛りの: とおりがかりの: passing <<<
通り掛りの人: とおりがかりのひと: passer-by
通り越す: とおりこす: go beyond [past], pass (a place) <<<
通り過ぎる: とおりすぎる <<<
通り抜ける: とおりぬける: pass [get, go, run] through <<<
通う: かよう: go to and from (a place), go to (a place) and back, ply (between), run (between), be opened to traffic, visit frequently, frequent( v.), resort (to)
通い: かよい: living-out (employee), chit book (jp.)
通い詰める: かよいつめる: frequent (a place), make frequent visits (to) <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 位置    画数: 10
翻訳:range, put in a row, accompany
連: れん: batch of papers (jp.)
連なる: つらなる: be connected [linked] (with, to), stand [stretch] in a row
連ねる: つらねる: put (things) in a row, range
連れる: つれる: take [bring] (a person) with one, be accompanied by, be attended by
に連れて: につれて: as, with, in proportion to [as]
連: つれ: companion, company
連れ帰る: つれかえる: bring [take] (a person) back [home] <<<
連れ込む: つれこむ: bring [take] (a person) into, entice (a person) into <<<
連れ込み宿: つれこみやど: inn catering for dubious couples
連れ出す: つれだす: take (a person) out <<<
連れ立つ: つれだつ: go along [in company] with, go together, accompany (a person) <<<
連れ戻す: つれもどす: take (a person) back <<<
連れ添う: つれそう: become married (to a person), get married to a person <<< , 結婚
連れて行く: つれていく: take (a person) with one, take (a person) off <<<
連れ無い: つれない: heartless, unfeeling, , cold, coldhearted, cruel <<<
連に: しきりに: very often, frequently, continually, incessantly <<<
連: むらじ: eight main clans who aided emperors (jp.)
連: つら, やす, まさ, つぎ: pers.

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 医学    画数: 10
翻訳:breath, breathing, respiration
息: いき: breath, breathing, respiration
息をする: いきをする: breathe
息が有る: いきがある: show signs of life <<<
息が無い: いきがない: show no signs of life <<<
息が荒い: いきがあらい: breathe hard <<<
息が切れる: いきがきれる: get out of breath, expire <<< ,
息を切らして: いきをきらして: out of breath, panting, breathlessly <<<
息を吐く: いきをつく: take [pause for] breath <<<
息も吐かずに: いきもつかずに: without taking breath, at a breath [stretch] <<< , 一気
息が詰まるい: きがつまる: be choked [suffocated] <<<
息を殺す: いきをころす: hold one's breath <<<
息が合う: いきがあう: be in (perfect) harmony (with), understand each other <<<
息が掛かる: いきがかかる: be backed up by (a person's influence) <<<
息の長い: いきのながい: long-lasting, durable, enduring <<<
息の根を止める: いきのねをとめる: choke (a person) to death, kill
息も絶え絶えに: いきもたえだえに: panting for breath, gaspingly
息もつかずに: いきもつかずに: without taking breath, at a breath
息の有る内に: いきのあるうちに: while one is still alive
息を引き取る: いきをひきとる: breathe one's last
息を吹き返す: いきをふきかえす: come to life, revive
息を切らす: いきをきらす: gasp, pant, become out of breath <<<
息が臭い: いきがくさい: have a foul breath <<<
息を入れる: いきをいれる: have [take] a rest <<<
息む: やすむ: take a rest <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    画数: 10
翻訳:laugh, smile
笑い: わらい: laugh (n.), smile, laughter, sneer
笑いが止まらない: わらいがとまらない: cannot stop laughing, cannot but gloat <<<
笑いを抑える: わらいをおさえる: suppress a laugh <<<
笑いを招く: わらいをまねく: incur laughter, be laughed at (by) <<<
笑い出す: わらいだす: begin to laugh, burst out laughing <<<
笑い倒ける: わらいこける: hold one's sides with laughing, laugh fit to kill <<<
笑い転げる: わらいころげる <<<
笑い飛ばす: わらいとばす: laugh away <<<
笑う: わらう: laugh (v.)
笑うべき: わらうべき: laughable, ludicrous, ridiculous
笑われる: わらわれる: be [get] laughed at
笑わせる: わらわせる: let (a person) laugh
笑む: えむ: smile (v.)
笑み: えみ: smile (n.)
笑みを浮かべて: えみをうかべて: by [with] smiling <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    画数: 11
翻訳:voluminous, bushy, secret (conf.), private, stealthy
ミツ, ビツ
密かな: ひそかな: secret, private, stealthy
密かに: ひそかに: secretly, in secret, by stealth
密し: しげし: voluminous, bushy <<< ,

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