日英翻訳辞書・事典: 「by」の翻訳

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カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 交通    画数: 16
翻訳:pile up, heap up, collect
セキ, シャク
積む: つむ: pile up, heap up
積もる: つもる: be piled, accumulate
積もり: つもり: intention, motive, thought, purpose, expectation, anticipation
積える: たくわえる: store up, collect
積み上げる: つみあげる: pile [heap] up, accumulate, stack up <<<
積み入れる: つみいれる: ship (v.), take in, take on board <<<
積み替える: つみかえる: transfer, transship, reship <<<
積み重なる: つみかさなる: be piled up, lie in piles, accumulate <<<
積み重ねる: つみかさねる: place (one thing) upon (another), pile up, accumulate, heap (v.), make a heap of <<<
積み込む: つみこむ: load (a truck), ship (a cargo), take in <<<
積み出す: つみだす: send off (by ship, by train), ship off <<<
積み立てる: つみたてる: save up (money), put [lay] (money) by, deposit <<<
積み直す: つみなおす: reload, pile over again <<<
積み残す: つみのこす: leave (a thing) unloaded, shut out from shipping <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード:    画数: 18
翻訳:forehead, brow, frame
ガク, ギャク
額: がく: frame, amount, sum, a kind of hydrangea (jp.)
額: ひたい: forehead, brow
額に皺を寄せる: ひたいにしわをよせる: knit one's brows
額に汗して働く: ひたいにあせしてはたらく: work by the sweat of one's brow
額: たか: amount, sum

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: スポーツ , 商業    画数: 20
翻訳:compete, contest
キョウ, ケイ
競う: きそう: vie (with), rival (a person in), compete [contend] with (a person for a thing)
競って: きそって: over and over again, at every possible opportunity
競る: せる: compete [contend] with (a person for a thing), bid for (a thing)
競り: せり: auction <<< 競売 , オークション
競りに出す: せりにだす: put up (a thing) at [to] auction <<<
競りで売る: せりでうる: sell (a thing) at [by] auction <<<
競り上げる: せりあげる: bid up (the price) <<<
競り落とす: せりおとす: knock (a thing) down, make a successful bid (for a thing) <<<
競り合う: せりあう: compete (with a person for a thing), bid against each other <<<
競り合い: せりあい: competition, bid <<<

カテゴリー:常用漢字   部首:    キーワード: 社会    画数: 7
翻訳:companion, friend, follow, accompany, attend
バン, ハン
伴う: ともなう: follow, accompany, attend, be accompanied [attended] by [with]
を伴って: をともなって: with, accompanied by
伴: とも: companion, friend <<<
伴: すけ, とも: pers.

カテゴリー:常用漢字   部首:    キーワード: 戦争 , スポーツ    画数: 7
翻訳:attack, assault, study (ext.), master
攻める: せめる: attack (v.), open an attack upon, assault
攻める: おさめる: study, complete (the course of), master <<<
攻め合う: せめあう: attack each other <<<
攻め入る: せめいる: invade, make inroads into [on, upon], raid <<<
攻め落とす: せめおとす: take by storm, capture, cause to surrender <<<
攻め立てる: せめたてる: attack violently, harass (a person with questions) <<<
攻め倦む: せめあぐむ: be weary of making an attack (on)

カテゴリー:常用漢字   部首:    キーワード:    画数: 8
翻訳:shoulder, back
肩: かた: shoulder (n.), back
肩にする: かたにする: shoulder (v.), bear [carry] (a thing) on the shoulder
肩に担ぐ: かたにかつぐ <<<
肩に掛ける: かたにかける: hang a thing over one's shoulder <<<
肩が凝る: かたがこる: have stiff shoulders, feel stiff in one's shoulders <<<
肩を落す: かたをおとす: lose heart, be disheartened [discouraged] (by) <<< , 落胆
肩を脱ぐ: かたをぬぐ: bare [expose] one's shoulders <<<
肩を聳やかす: かたをそびやかす: raise one's shoulders
肩を竦める: かたをすくめる: shrug one's shoulders <<<
肩を持つ: かたをもつ: back (v.), favor, support, take sides (with), stand by (a person) <<<
肩を怒らして: かたをいからして: with one's shoulders squared <<<
肩を叩く: かたをたたく: pat sb. on the back, clap sb. on the shoulder <<<
肩を並べる: かたをならべる: stand shoulder to shoulder with, rank with, rival <<<
肩で息をする: かたでいきをする: gasp for breath <<<

カテゴリー:常用漢字   部首:    画数: 8
翻訳:curious, strange, rare

奇を好む: きをこのむ: be fond of singularity [the unusual] <<<
奇を衒う: きをてらう: make a display of one's originality <<<
奇し: くし: curious, strange
奇しくも: くしくも: miraculously, by a curious coincidence
奇しい: めずらしい: curious, rare <<<
奇しい: あやしい: strange <<<

カテゴリー:常用漢字   部首:    画数: 8
翻訳:annex, merge, fusion
併ぶ: ならぶ: stand in a line [row], form a line [queue], line up in a queue, be drawn up, stand side by side <<<
併せる: あわせる: put [join] together, unite, combine, connect, amalgamate, annex, merge <<<
併し: しかし: but (jp.), though <<<

カテゴリー:常用漢字   部首:    画数: 8
翻訳:lean, depend, rely, be based [founded]
キョ, コ
拠る: よる: be based [founded] on [upon], depend [rely] on, be due [owing] to, be caused by, use
拠: よりどころ: ground, source, authority

カテゴリー:常用漢字   部首:    キーワード: 商業    画数: 9
翻訳:unload, unburden, uncharge
卸す: おろす: unload, unburden, uncharge, sell wholesale (jp.) <<<
卸: おろし: wholesale (jp.)
卸で買う: おろしでかう: buy wholesale, buy by [at] wholesale <<<
卸で売る: おろしでうる: sell wholesale, sell by [at] wholesale <<<

210 article(s) extracted from postgresql database through java servlet technology.

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