Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'it'

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Direct access: 皆目 , 覚悟 , 過言 , 格好 , 看板 , 起源 , 気味 , 議論 , 蜘蛛 , 経費


pronunciation: kaimoku   kanji characters: ,   
translation: entirely, utterly
皆目分からない: kaimokuwakaranai: I understand nothing, I don't understand at all <<<
皆目見当が付かない: kaimokukentougatsukanai: can't make it out at all
check also 全然


pronunciation: kakugo   kanji characters: ,   
translation: preparedness, resolution, resignation
覚悟する: kakugosuru: be prepared [ready] (for), be resolved (to do), be resigned
覚悟を決める: kakugookimeru <<<
死を覚悟する: shiokakugosuru: resign oneself to dying <<<
覚悟の上だ: kakugonoueda: I have expected as much, I am prepared for it <<<
覚悟の自殺: kakugonojisatsu: premeditated suicide <<< 自殺
check also 決心


pronunciation: kagon   kanji characters: ,   
translation: exaggeration, hyperbole, overstatement
過言ではない: kagondehanai: It may fairly be said that, It is no exaggeration to say that


pronunciation: kakkou, kakko   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 恰好  
translation: figure, look, shape, appearance, style
格好の: kakkouno: suitable, reasonable, moderate
格好な: kakkouna
格好な値段: kakkounanedan: reasonable price <<< 値段
格好な場所: kakkounabasho: appropriate place <<< 場所
格好良い: kakkoii: have a good figure [style, look], It's cool, bitching <<<
格好が良い: kakkougaii
格好悪い: kakkowarui: ill-formed, ill-shaped, have no shape, clunky <<<
格好が悪い: kakkougawarui
不格好な: bukakkouna <<<
格好が付く: kakkougatsuku: look better, take shape <<<
格好を付ける: kakkouotsukeru: put on airs, try to look good
check also


pronunciation: kanban   kanji characters: ,    other spells: カンバン   keyword: advertisement   
translation: sign, signboard, billboard, shingle, brass plate, closing time
看板を出す: kanbannodasu: put up a sign <<<
看板を掛ける: kanbannokakeru <<<
看板を降ろす: kanbannoorosu: withdraw a sign <<<
看板です: kanbandesu: It is time to close
看板屋: kanbannya: sign painter <<<
看板娘: kanbanmusume: star shop-girl <<<
看板に偽り無し: kanbannniitsuwarinashi: quite as good as they say
check also 広告


pronunciation: kigen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: history   
translation: origin, derivation, birth, beginning
起源する: kigensuru: originate, derive, be born from
起源を尋ねる: kigennotazuneru: trace to its origin***** <<<
起源に遡る: kigennnisakanoboru <<<
種の起源: shunokigen: The Origin of Species (by Charles Darwin, 1859) <<<
synonyms: 由来 , ルーツ


pronunciation: kimi   kanji characters: ,   
translation: feeling, sensation, smack, shade, tinge
気味が悪い: kimigawarui: have a vague fear [dread, apprehension], feel nervous [uneasy] <<<
気味の悪い: kiminowarui: weird, lurid, uncanny, spooky, creepy
気味悪そうに: kimiwarusouni: with some fear
不気味な: bukimina: uncanny, weird, eerie, eery <<<
良い気味: iikimi: you deserve it! <<<
良い気味だ: iikimida


pronunciation: giron   kanji characters: ,   
translation: argument, discussion, debate (n.), dispute, controversy
議論する: gironsuru: argue (with a person about a matter), discuss (a matter), debate (on), dispute (about, on), contend (about)
議論好きな: gironzukina: argumentative, disputatious <<<
議論に勝つ: gironnnikatsu: have [get] the best of an argument, outargue (a person) <<<
議論に負ける: gironnnimakeru: be defeated in argument, have [get] the worst of an argument <<<
議論の余地が無い: gironnnoyochiganai: It admits of no discussion, It is beyond dispute [question]
check also 審議


pronunciation: kumo   kanji characters:    other spells: クモ   keyword: insect   
translation: spider
蜘蛛の糸: kumonoito: spider's thread <<<
蜘蛛の巣: kumonosu: spider's web [net], cobweb <<<
蜘蛛が巣を張る: kumogasuoharu: A spider spins its web*****
蜘蛛が巣を掛ける: kumogasuokakeru
蜘蛛の巣だらけの: kumonosudarakeno: cobwebby
蜘蛛の子を散らす様に逃げる: kumonokoochirasuyouninigeru: disperse [flee] in all directions
土蜘蛛: tsuchigumo: mygale [trapdoor] spider, tarantula, local people who opposed to the imperial house in the antic Japan <<<
毒蜘蛛: dokugumo: poisonous spider <<<


pronunciation: keihi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: accounting   
translation: expense, cost, expenditure
経費の都合で: keihinotsugoude: for financial reasons <<< 都合
経費の都合上: keihinotsugoujou <<<
経費を節約する: keihiosetsuyakusuru: cut down expenses <<< 節約
経費が掛かる: keihigakakaru: cost an arm and a leg <<<
経費が嵩む: keihigakasamu: The expenses run up, It costs a great deal <<<
経費削減: keihisakugen: cost reduction <<< 削減
check also 費用

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