Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of '詰め替える'

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category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: rebuke, accuse, decry
詰る: najiru: rebuke, accuse, decry
詰める: tsumeru: fill (jp.), pack, squeeze
詰む: tsumu: checkmate (v., jp.)
詰まる: tsumaru: be stopped up (jp.), be short of
詰る所: tsumarutokoro: in the final analysis <<<
詰め: tsume: packaging, the end game (jp.), checkmate (n.)
詰め替える: tsumekaeru: repack, refill, rebottle <<<
詰め掛ける: tsumekakeru: throng, crowd, press forward, besieg <<<
詰め込む: tsumekomu: stuff (v.), pack, jam, crown (people) into, press (in, into) <<<
詰め寄る: tsumeyoru: press (hard) upon, draw close (to), edge up (to) <<<
詰り: tsumari: in the end (jp.), finally, in conclusion <<< 結局
詰らない: tsumaranai: trifling, trivial, insignificant, petty, valueless, goo-for-nothing, commonplace, dull, flat, uninteresting, insipid
詰らない物: tsumaranaimono: a trifle <<<
詰らない事: tsumaranaikoto: matter of no importance [consequence], trifling affair, trifle, triviality <<<
詰らない事を言う: tsumaranaikotooiu: talk nonsense [rot], say silly things
詰らない奴: tsumaranaiyatsu: poor [worthless, insignificant] fellow, bore, nobody <<<
詰らなそうに: tsumaranasouni: with a bored look, disappointedly, incuriously
詰らなく: tsumaranaku: idly, uselessly, cheerlessly
Kanji words: 缶詰 , 瓶詰 , 腸詰 , 詰合せ
Expressions: 切羽詰まる , 間隔を詰める , 隙間に詰める , 弾丸を詰める , 根気を詰める , 弁当を詰める , 上り詰める , 煮詰まる , 煮詰める , 突き詰める , 思い詰める , 袋に詰める , 瓶に詰める , 問い詰める , 樽詰めの , 樽詰めにする , 藁を詰める , 列を詰める , 切り詰める , 追い詰める , 通い詰める , 息が詰まるい , 見詰める , 鼻が詰る , パイプが詰まる

1 article(s) extracted from postgresql database through java servlet technology.

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